The Completely New Stephanie Vitality

Brand New Life Without Memories of Previous Lives

"Your Majesty, You may open your eyes," Nurse Valerie Vitality tiredly tried to tell the king.

She was assessing his new baby. When the midwife looked over at His majesty; she screamed.

Jimmy lay motionless over the bed. He nearly died, as his wife broke his hand; during labor. She clenched her hand around his; so she could loosen up, her body; for the child to exit. Mom, didn't intend to cripple or kill Dad; as she gave birth; to a tiny little girl.

As the baby needed emergency measures; she and her dad; were placed together; in a bathtub. The large basin, was carefully filled; with the ... Vitality ... water ... .

Both of them; were instantly cured of everything physical, that was previously wrong with them. They still had whatever mental challenges, that came with their respective births.

Here is the Sunrise Senator ... Vitality ... Newspaper Report:

On an unseasonably warm extra early Wednesday Morning, a tiny baby girl, with medical issues, was born, to King James Vitality, and his wife, (who refuses to give her name, to the press).

The child called, "Stephanie", was instantly bathed in fresh water, from the Sun Infused Vitality ... River ... .

Due to the Amazing ... properties of this specific ... water: Stephanie, didn't have anything physically wrong, with her, anymore. In fact, she wouldn't ever need surgery; or get physicality sick; ever again.

Unfortunately, her mental health, was still a problem. It couldn't get worse; yet she still needed medicine; therapy; and behavior management; along with the other "bear necessities of life", to use a phrase from: Rudyard Kipling's book.

Normally, this medicine, was either unavailable; or highly dangerous; for anyone under 21.

Fortunately, the special bath, enabled Stephanie, to receive, the proper dosages; to be a completely healthy, happy, smart, and lovable human being; forevermore. Well, as long as she took the medicine, that is.

Speaking of the wonders of the River: Stephanie, could be extremely vegan, and not need any supplements; to help her with digestion of overeating spinach, and other edible plants.


This is not, the Princess's first life, by any means. It is a special redo, of a completely convoluted complicated craziness, that got out of control:

Well, in 2004, Brooklyn Robards, and a lady he loved (the narrator); suddenly found themselves; in a fantasy land; as a special treat. This was unlike Adam and Eve; who had to leave a fantasy; for the perils of Earth.

All seemed well, for the twenty-first century duo; until the lady went to the prismatic effervescent ... river; for the first time. She was replaced; with a reincarnation of herself, as a full grown woman.

The original person, with all of her memories; was teleported; to her own dimension (reality). The new version of me, had a new name, (Stephanie) and everything. As Stephanie, I am a real person, no matter what.

At the same time, a new baby was born. (This was the narrator, as well). I had a great life, until, the summer, when I was 4 and 3 months exactly.

Overnight; a group of people; with the biggest concentration of all kinds of industrial, nuclear, and ? waste; dumped all of it; into the once sunny; all kinds of wonderful river.

The vicious voraciousness of visceral; corrosive and overpowering poison; assaulted and annihilated everything in its wake. It ate away the actual earth, for many miles.

Only the dimension designated as: ... Southern ... Vitality ... , was completely destroyed. Nothing else was touched, at all. This happened, at a specific time. Somehow, this isolated period; could not be prevented, or interrupted; despite supernatural efforts; to break into the past.

The River remained grossly and heinously polluted.

After that, people kept jumping in and out of time. That created an extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited exploration and explosion, of the normal physics; and flow of events.

As for "the original lady"; she never knew what happened to her in Vitality. This is because, she went back to her old life; to a week before; she would have heard about a trip, to Connecticut, or anywhere.

She's great.

As Stephanie Vitality, I did get to redo "the lady's" whole life.

Even after all of the centuries of actual traumas and everything; of my Vitality version of events; I went to the distant past; to be born again, this time, in Rochester, NY.

Oddly enough, there was a big tub of Vitality water, for my bath; and my medicine was always available. I never missed a dose.

Fortunately; I managed to avoid all of the problems; that plagued me; in the original lifetime.

Also, somehow, I never heard my real name. I just heard "Gal", anytime anyone, including me, referred to me, in any way. Talk about censorship.

The changes that I made, remain as if they were the actual events; of that lifetime. Nobody in that dimension, knows the truth, except for one person, who was brought to me; while the Heavenly Sun Infused the Vitality Islands; for a second time.

How do I know anything?

Someone from my first dimension (reality) told me, that he was just taken from that world. He turned out to be a version my brother, from, that time.

Another reincarnation of him, has a way of networking with "the powers that be" and the old fractured histories; so he can always keep me informed, about the events of this Vitality cosmos.

Well, none of us reincarnated people; knew of the others, until many lives; and strange phenomena; happened; in the new fantasy land; of Vitality. Even the historian, didn't know everything. He related and relayed information, as, it was necessary, to explain, what was happening, at a given time. We were constantly finding ourselves in new, and disoriented situations, throughout the space-time dimensional continuum. Well; it wasn't a continuum after the first time; someone went back to a previous event.


We often say, that, I was duplicated, or copied. This new person, was NOT a clone, like Dolly the Lamb. There were no Star Wars type Clones either. No one was even a mindless look-alike. I was reincarnated, by the water; or the atmosphere.

Every time someone else "sent me hurtling through time"; a new Stephanie, stayed in that interrupted and broken interval; while the old Stephanie; went back to her own time. That's how, there were so many of me. Everytime, I had to redo the same journey; of getting to school that one elongated day; I was reincarnated again. Wow !!

Over time, for other reasons, many other people, were also copied many times; in many ways.

These were very real people; with souls and everything.

My duplicates, ( as well as my past ; present ; and future versions) were interchangeable with me. We had the same brain, only different memories, that often got temporarily erased; and always scrambled.

That's why, I was changing ages constantly one "day"; and plunging into different lifetimes on the next "day". Each harrowing set of events; seemed like they took place; in regular time; to me.

Also, there was a committee, of people, who couldn't decide; on anything about me; so they took turns snatching me, from various times in my life; and placing that girl, or woman, in the spot, where a different confused and disoriented Stephanie was still sitting, or trying to sleep. Again, we were all reincarnated, as we appeared somewhere through out history.

None of us females; knew of the others, until many lives; and strange phenomena; happened; in the new fantasy land; of Vitality.

I didn't know, why there were so many different people, who all looked alike. I was told, that most of the many girls; were my sisters. I had a few other family members, each with a series of mini-me's of their own.

I still don't know, how "the powers that be" did anything.

Okay. That explanation covers the previous testimony of one Stephanie Vitality.

On with the new testament.

Well, thanks, to my lady's harrowing previous lives; her commandments; were carried over; into the otherwise otherworldly "Brand New Life Without Memories of Previous Lives" Vitality Universe.

As I was saying, a while ago, I was reborn, as Stephanie, one more time. This time, was like my very 1st appearance with this name, as the water was fresh, clean, and sun-infused.

One notable difference of, when I was bathed in the magical medical marvel: I was NOT duplicated.

In the Second Sun Infused World : NO ONE would ever be reincarnated again; from the water. No space-time travel either. No more multiple dimensional crossing; jumping; or manipulating ever again.

In my previous set of overlapping quirky and confusing Vitality realities, I had certain lovable mini-me's, "who really were me", by this craziness.

I repeat this insanity infused information, as, some of the various variations of vitality life, were also reborn, into the Second Connecticut Coastal Region Revitalization in the Atlantic Ocean AKA ... Vitality ... .

The ones, like the Megan, who barged into the castle, in chapter 12, were younger than I was, at the time, somehow.

In time, when they are born in this new era of starting freshly:

Those people, will be their own non-interchangeable unique independent individuals, despite having the same original lifetime.

That's like saying, that the Dalai Lama, is his own one-of-a-kind person. He has had many lives, one at a time. His first known life, was as Siddhartha Gautama, the Historical Buddha, who was NOT EVER a god.

As such, The Dalai Lama, is recognized, as the leader of Tibetan Buddhism. His teachings, are similar to, the historical Buddha's teachings, although, there are many differences.

I suppose, a man can change his mind, after thousands of years; especially; if he has a completely different brain, to use, this time.