restarting the newest version of Vitality one more time due to my tantrum, after a perilous beginning

restarting the newest version of Vitality one more time due to my tantrum, after a perilous beginning

A Summary of events


I suddenly appeared as another new infant, in my crib; in front of my parents. This Time, their names were, "King Henry and Queen Shirley of Vitality.

I was Stephanie Rose; as I looked like family members; who had strawberry blond hair.


The atmosphere which enveloped all of the dimensions; was completely filled with the super lively beings; who were ever invented or reincarnated; in the whole series of planets; which somehow shared the same space-time continuum.


My parents were grateful; that mother; didn't have to be pregnant; or give birth; in this lifetime.


This new life, was also unusual, in that nobody had anything physically or mentally wrong with us; throughout our lives; if we were reincarnated.


I grew up; as an only child; with happiness. I did have sadness, too. I was a quiet child, who did my best, to be good.

Sometimes, I made mistakes, and I got lectured. I didn't understand what my parents said; as adults and little kids; speak different versions of English.

I learned to wait, patiently; until they ran out of complicated things to say. Then, I said, "I am 3 years old. I don't use big words. I don't know any. I give short answers. You don't make sense. I did not do any wrong. Please learn to talk. Good Bye".

I walked over to my chair, at the table. Mom put a healthy little meal, on the table. Then she sat down next to me. She put her head down, so she could cry.

I rubbed her back.

In time, she calmed herself. "I'm sorry I talk to much. I keep forgetting. I keep thinking, that you're a much older person. I think, someone made a mistake. Aren't you Empress Stephanie"? Mom asked me.

"I'm the princess. You are the Queen. You and Dad Rule. Not me. I'm too young. I don't know anything," I said.

"Right. In a previous life, you, did everything," She said, with wonder.

"Really? I don't know. I hope I don't," I replied.

Suddenly, the celestial voices of the atmosphere; said, "Oh! I get it now! You need an army, to help you govern. You cannot do everything,". Their harmonious melodic voices; carried the weight of regret; from the realization; that they got everything wrong; in the past.

"Don't be hard on yourselves. You weren't the ones sending Stephanie and her crew; throughout history; were you"? my mom addressed the multitude.

"We work together to do some things. We also work independently; to achieve goals; that often crash against other people's work.

We don't have a school, to teach us, how to do anything. In the first era, when the river was contaminated; we made everything worse; when we tried to go back in time.

Then; Stephanie and your sisters fought to get everything solved. We all were shouting; as we were frustrated; overwhelmed; overworked overlooked and in utter chaos".

"I don't know what you did. I didn't know, it was that bad," an other version of myself materialized from thin air; as she spoke. "Wow".

She pulled up a chair, for herself. Then, she coddled me, in her arms. "Bizarre," I said.

The old spirit, laughed. "I know. Just enjoy today. It is better for you, now, than you ever had life; in the past. Thanks mostly to you. You are incredible, even without the supernatural world around you".

I don't know, how I keep getting credit; for what previous versions of me did. It is like getting an award, for something, that someone else did. I'm three. I don't know what they are saying.

Once again, I relaxed myself, and let it go.

"Time for my nap. I'm very young," I said. I fell asleep, in the other Stephanie's arms.


Brooklyn Robarts appeared as a new baby; in my arms; the following year. He was dressed, like a Navy sailor. Such a tiny, and perfect little boy.

His parents; were another version; of Henry and Shirley Robarts of Brooklyn, NY.


As I wasn't really related to anybody, in this group of people, except for the age old Empress Stephanie; I felt out of place.


When Brooklyn and I went to school; we learned about the caótica Vitality Space-time continuum; and the contaminated river.

One reason, that, we were able to get an idea of the history, was that my book was still available. Someone continued to write in the book. It was a deceptively small item; for so much information.

Another reason for our teachers to know what happened was ... : Items from all over everywhere, and from any time; fell safety to the ground, before, the last solar fusions of the river.

As the history, was no longer an infinite array of space-time realities; the "out of place" items didn't appear throughout history at odd intervals of time. No. There was only one flow of time and events.

Due to specific circumstances; and my intervention; the items; were with us; just like all of the souls were still alive.

Well, there wasn't a future yet. We did know, that some events could happen. We also knew, that the wars couldn't come ever again; even though; time was reset to the beginning of time.

These are laws of "nature" that I made, or Someone did. I didn't actually set up everything; for a perfect future. Even so; I did a lot of the work; in my golden office; or elsewhere.

Question: What items?



I was filmed everywhere I went; except for the bathroom; and my bedroom. I made countless perfected videos, films, and more.

All of those tapes; discs; and their players; came to distant lands; and distant times; when the system fractured; tried to heal itself; and exploded; due to people pirouetting (dancing) ; or launching others through that space-time system.

Of course, other people, were, recording history; fiction; and more.

Prehistoric people, learned how to use the internet; and to keep up with any reality; that used such devices. They knew; all about the pandemic of 2020-2022.

The spatial and temperal flux; happened before aids showed itself, for what many think is the first time; in the 1980's, when I was in the first and only dimension of history.

That's probably why, Vitality never had a health crisis; except for the river.


Next news flash:

The river wasn't contaminated, in the Second Solar Infused Vitality Realm.


We still have a museum; of wars; peace treaties; and souvenirs.

In time travel, people go back to see, the past; and to change it.

This is different. We can reset the clock; without repeating history, as it already happened.

With the original laws of space-time restored, we can't go back in time, or take someone out of one's reality; ever again. At least; I don't think we can.

No one has done it yet.

It really is nice; to know; that

we aren't in the Twilight Zone, unless, you count the atmosphere of beings; and the benefits; of past lifetimes.

The long Version:

A beautiful strawberry blond baby girl, with a brand-new life, appeared out of nowhere, in her crib; in the Southern Vitality Palace.

At the same time, an infinite number of multicolored multigenerational multitalented multidimensional multinational multiculturalism multilingualism multi-generated multi-creature multipurpose members of various variations of Vitality Versions of Reincarnation and life infused items; suddenly extremely extraordinarily energetically encompasses earth in extremely extraordinarily dynamic effervescent bubbles of dancing frolicking and celebrating; in a cloud of coordinating contributions of perfect physical and mental health; for themselves; as well as; the entire earth, and all of the space-time multiple dimensional continuums.

The entire network of coexisting planets that shared "dimensions" of the same space-time continuum; (dimensions are: width; length; and height; for the 3D or 3 dimensional realities. Add the dimensions of time and space; and you have a 5D world. Now; if you have a world; that shares the same space-time continuum; as another world; then; you have the kind of overlapping Dimensions that somehow exist independently of one another; at the same place; and in the same time flow. Each of these planets; are called a whole "dimension" as well. The point is; that this is a non-proven condition; that should not exist.

Even so; we have it here; in this cosmos; affectionately called, .

Yes. Very wordy. That's why; this whole thing; is after the summarized chapter.