Let the adventures begin

Let the adventures begin

I lived in the big house, at the foot of a low hill, with the royal family. Well, everyone kept reminding me; that I used to be this Wonder Woman, called, Empress Stephanie. I didn't fit into this lifetime; as I was just an awkward little kid, who was treated like an adult.

It didn't help, to politely remind them; that I was this age. They would listen; and apologize.

Next minute, they're whining again, like there's a catastrophic crime; and I have to solve anything.

I went up the hill; to the castle. Somehow, I found my way, to my old office. I couldn't read yet. How many 3 year olds can read, anyway.

I just started to talk, in my simple way. This time, the little beings around me; started to record what I said. The golden papers were filled, with simple flowing sentences and ideas.

The whole thing, was polished, as I gave the same speech countless times already.

I was captured on as many different ways, as possible: DVD ; CD ; VHS ; long playing records ; you name it. Everything was always translated; in as many languages as possible, too.

My initial speech; was short. I also decided, to tackle the other issues; that I could understand.

All told; I had only 4, five minute long quick summaries; of how to treat people; and how this weird world worked.

"Thank you," The cloud of "people," were grateful, as always, whenever I politely clarified things; for them.

I found out a long time ago, "The best way to get people to remember anything; was to write it on the golden papers. I also put the important information; on the computer; that was hooked-up; to everyone's talisman. Some of us, still marched or danced; in our special all purpose body armor, and helmets. The helmets; had computers in them. I could get information, whether I wanted it, or not.

Why not, let everyone else, get little friendly reminders?

It worked ! Yay!

Finally finished.

People, started to look at me, as a bright kid. I am not a doctor.

My mom and my dad went to real doctors, for their mental needs.

I knew, that I would not be a little kid forever. I didn't want to waste this opportunity.

I wasn't any smarter, or better at anything; than other kids my age. It's just, I had the benefit, of some hard earned positive coping skills; and I actually did have my medicine. It was always in my pocket; when I needed it. The pharmacy, was conveniently in the basement, of the castle next door, to my home.

We were finally a family.

Instead of turning to news of my previous exploits, from multiple lifetimes; every one let me become someone new.

As my family took turns ruling over one island or the other; for 5 to ten years at a time; anyone could step up; to manage the realm; for a week or two. My family and I went on day trips; once a month; to other parts of the realm; or even to another dimension. Sometimes; we got to go to distant states; or foreign countries. Then, we could spend up to two weeks. All the same; they were business trips for my parents. While I was still young enough; I would nap; in the next room; while they worked. Someone always checked on me; every 10 minutes. I didn't mind.

In those days; we could get to know more people; and to learn about their culture, first hand. I remember running around; laughing; and playing; with other kids; adults; and other life forms.

People seemed a lot happier; healthier; and more prosperous; once they realized; that we were in a sort of fantasy land.

It wasn't like we all stayed young and vibrant. We had more and more responsibilities; as we got older. The difference was; people were reaching out to more people for: companionship; heath needs; and work needs too.

All the time I was home; I got to explore the castle. I was never alone: A group of cross trained people; and other sentient and astoundingly capable life forms crowded around me; or sometimes kept a 3 foot distance from me; when they could. I can run pretty well; so; sometimes they couldn't keep up with me. A wide human and other beings fence; was always in place; before; I could go anywhere. This insanity included the large outside areas; as well as the large indoors areas.

They all took turns as all sorts of "personnel" from : hospitals ; police stations ; the news outlets ; reporting crews ; camera companies ; chefs ; companions; and more. They were too interested in my every move; thought; and need.

Those who could; made up the atmosphere; of any sized supernatural critters; or people; who could fit; or accomplish being non-solid. I mean; I could move through the life forms; as they were made of a specific special kind of air; that moved aside; for me; no matter my speed. That was freaking me out a lot.

Well; I often went to sit with my family; while they were working. I had to interrupt them; with gentle soft hugs; every 15 to 20 minutes; as each one; got unbelievably unbearably tense. I mean; rock solid and intensely miserable.

One of the vast entourage of infinite cross trained organisms ; realized ; that these people needed important immediate hospitalizations. "Yah think"? As my family from Rochester, NY, used to say. Rest In Peace; Mary. I love you.

Well; it is the river; and its lingering effervesces effects; that allow us to be superheroes; with

higher than human level sentience and capabilities to anyone; or anything. Yes;

It even brought inanimate objects to life. Everything and everyone; became a perfectly healthy; and complete growing tree; rock; tiger; human; you name us. It also reincarnated all of these perfected life forms. The water, and its elements, didn't make them master minds. It just gave them all sorts of abilities. We can not all get epiphanies; at the same time.

Well; any of us; could have recognized; that the statue people; needed help. That is; if we were ever the age of two; and had some sense.

Well, I was not a supernatural anything; in this lifetime. I didn't even change colors; except for red; for embarrassing situations; or anger. I was most likely my original self; transported here; by the mysterious powers; that somehow still do whatever they want to do. I was not moved through time; at least; not in the way that breaks the spatial temporal or space-time dimensional continuum.

As for everyone else; who were touched by even the tiniest part of the water; or its sun infused particles; they also have horrible side effects ... :


They turn to living stone statues; who have unpleasant sensational problems; as well as the ability to break. Well; not all of them break. It depends on the kind of stone; or material; and how hard they fall; or get hit.

None of us were ever gods or goddesses; in any way; in any space-time continuum or space-time confusion.

We may do unbelievable things; yet there's nothing godly about us. Especially me, right now.

Now, the only remedy, for the folks who get "bad side effects", is to bathe them; in the river; or in specially saved water; in the tub. Don't drink it. You might swallow someone. On which case; he or she; may violently attempt to push one's way; out of you.

When that happens to Auntie Shirley Vitality; she starts to get violently sick. She changes to various colors; usually one at a time. After a long time; she gets odd patterns of colors; as they seem to compete for prominence on her skin; as well as her clothes.

At some point in all of this; she starts to swell.

As the being tries to push out of Auntie Shirley; she grows a long hollow; and sealed pathway. The results: She suddenly has a huge bump; growing out of her face; or other part of her. For some reason; her female areas; covered by modest underwear; are closed to the swallowed and trapped victims.

(everyone becomes Vitality in the expanded realm)


Stop the presses‼️

Stop the presses‼️

Actual News Flash From: Washington, DC:

I was coming back to the elevators; in The Woodner Apartments; when; I saw two people; trying to get a large sofa; onto the freight elevator.

At first; I thought that they were okay. I went to do something else. When I came back; a minute later; the people; were still having difficulty. I hesitated in the other elevator door. I finally got all the way out again. The duo took the couch out of the freight. I talked, or tried to talk to them. The lady doesn't speak English. The gentleman speaks enough English. Both are Latin; or Hispanic. I just know a little Spanish.

Well, they needed help. First, I got permission; to ask security, if she could send a maintenance man; with a screwdriver.

In the meantime; the gentleman; José, went to get a screwdriver, as the legs of the couch; needed to be removed.

The little screwdriver didn't work.

Maintenance doesn't help; with this sort of thing.

The building's grocery store; doesn't have a tool.

Well; a very nice gentleman, asked about the situation.

He couldn't help.

Then; a nice young couple; came. They could help! They had a drill, with sorted bits.

The lady, I can't pronounce her name; used the drill; to remove 3 of the metal couch legs; While Mat, held the couch. Mat and José, turned the couch on its back; so it would be easier to get the last screw or two.

The last screw; was broken already. The drill couldn't get it all the way out.

José used his might; and another leg assembly piece; to Jimmy up; the last screw.


José, and his lady friend; were able to get the couch on the freight elevator‼️

I thanked Matt, and his lady friend. I don't know their relationship. They were so good-looking; and kind.

I went up the elevator, with The young couple. They gave me permission; to write this.

The whole thing happened between 9:46 pm and 10:46, pm Wednesday, January 12, 2022.

It is now 11:13 pm on this day.


Back to the Webnovel.

Where was I?

Oh. Right.

There's only one way; to get a swallowed individual; out of the human body.

I have to yell loudly enough; for that one; to hear me. "Hey Dougie Boy! Relax yourself; in your amniotic bubble! Just Relax"!

He floated easily; through the tunnel of Vitality river-made material; and out of the lady.

"How did you know, it was me"? the freed person, would ask.

"After spending a few lifetimes with you; I think I know; how you effect and affect people. Besides; who else leaves an imprint of an open-mouth like yours? I'd know those teeth anywhere. Even the water, can't change those pearly whites,".


Even that last bit; was to finish a tangent.

By the way; Auntie Shirley did swallow the same dog again; when she went to hospital; to bathe in the miracle water.

She had to drink extra extra purified water; to make her insides human and normal; again.

My family; which is most of the Southern Vitality Island's population; were all resting comfortably; in their own homes; which were converted into mobile hospitals; as is our custom. We don't put anyone; in the hospital building's patients' bedrooms; or patients' physical health care areas; unless their own homes are too far away; from the services needed.

I mean; I always liked in a room above the hospital; so; I just used my own room; as a hospital room; whenever; I was a patient.

Other folks; need more services; so; they get the hospital beds.

I like Vitality. I never have to hear some health care provider; tell me; that I took someone's bed. Maybe; I do need help too.

Fortunately; with the other reincarnated people; none of them; needs hospitalization; except when they have bad side effects; from the water.