Stephanie's new wild life; and more anachronisms

Stephanie's new wild life; and more anachronisms

Anachronism - Wikipedia

When I was 12, Items started to fall gently from the clouds; just like the ancient Vitality times (Any history; before; this particular lifetime).

It turns out; that the old "time-tunnels and slides" still exist; in the Realm.

Apparently; it takes eight regular years; for things to disappear; from their proper times; and then reaper; in some other place; and time.

For example: A statue; commemorating the opening of a store; with its own mascot; suddenly appeared; in a meadow. The statue; was dated for exactly 8 years ago; today. That's the very day; people started to jump into the space-time whatever; in the original lifetime; when the water was freshly polluted.


As I studied the statue, someone tapped my shoulder. An orange-pink, or coral colorful creature, spoke to me, :

"Hello, your Majesty, Empress Stephanie. I am originally a coral, from the sea, who was animated, into a lifeform, when the original sunbeam infused itself, into the river. I have been ... : fulfilling wishes; helping to animate other items, and non-moble, life forms; restoring everyone and everything, to the healthiest, and perfect physical forms possible; and giving limbs and other body parts; to people; and animals; plants; and other things. All of these things are easy, with blue prints; or DNA; that can be used. I mean; those jobs are easy; in vast contrast; to having to completely comprehend, complete, collaberate and convey your complicated crazily completely complex contradicting continuum conditions corrections; for what can exist any time; in any place; throughout the broken or unbroken space-time continuum. Your laws ... : yelled; written on specific special golden

paper; typed; etc. has been an extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited exploration of picayune dizzying details; that bogged boggled and bootstrapped all of us; who are working together; to get everything extremely extraordinarily correct in exactly everything. It took eight years of incarnation and scrutiny; to ensure; that the original statue; and its animated copy; were precisely what you want. We still have to get your validation; of both of them".

The poor coral, collapsed, after this speech.

"I am sorry, it was so hard. I may be able to streamline my edict; on what can come into the Vitality Realm, so that we are "clean"; and safe".

I replied, as I carried the coral, to the river, for revitalizing. I can't stop the river, from copying the coral.

Once I placed the creature into the water, one was fully restored to health; and full form, of an animated being. Whatever broke off, was restored. Also, a new coral, who looked a lot more human; popped one's head out of the water. Both of them, seemed happy. the original coral, was sentient, now, but was more like the way it was, before the sunrise infused miracles.

I guess, that's why, my copies are different, from me: they not only have their own souls and brains; yet they also are a little more perfected; in the human form and wellness; than I am.

Another astounding occasion occurred; as soon as the different corals appeared, in the river:

my office, from the castle grew around me, in the sand. I was in an extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited enormous glowing golden globe; with a shimmering shining surface. Infinite Information, from infinite golden tickets rained on me; for a long time. It was amazing.

After several hours; I could tell, that "time stood still"; while the golden flowing flurries fell suddenly safely sagely and silently.

Even though someone stopped the clock; my normal clock didn't stop. I had to leave, for ... : the bathroom; the kitchen; the bedroom; my school; and of course; my family. Actually; I never saw, the need, to interrupt the space-time continuum contradicting confusing conditions; when; nothing actually stopped.

Well, finally, my desk, computer, and various sorts of paper; appeared; in a large space; which was free of gold papers. There was a handy slot, on the computer, where, I could submit each golden ticket; slowly; one at a time.

After "several years worth" of this mundane job; with all of "the bare necessities of life" interruptions, the storm of gold, slowly, ever so slightly, started to dwindle. Another several years worth later, it stopped altogether. Still, the clock stayed still.

I still had what seemed like infinite interesting information to feed into the computer.

How I managed to do all of this; for "what was actually 102030 years, as a regular human being; I'll never know.

I also became a "full fledged" full time empress; at the moment, the golden edict paper tickets started to storm on me. I was buried in the incessant avalanche.

On top of that, I put out a perfect "Statue of Liberty" video appeal for TV, the movie theaters, plays, radio, and any other means; of getting the word out; to ensure everyone heard me; and obeyed me. A seriously manic; (Occupational or) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder marathon (of starts, stops, restarts, corrections, and more restarts,) preceded the "one take" perfect vitality video.

This brought trillions of people; to vitality; for countless reasons. With 50 all purpose space-time continuum dimensional aircraft; 50 all purpose space-time continuum dimensional hospitals; we were able to meet all needs. Course, all aircraft, were 3 times the size of Saturn, complete with rings of orbiting Earth sized moons; which were where peacefully coexisting people flourished in abounding luxury.

Everyone ate or drank, the completely vegan food and drink; provided by their dimension's own supernatural super strengthening; sun infused rivers, oceans and more. Even the rain was enriched. Plus, copies of everything and everyone abounded, as a multigenerational multidimensional multicolored multiculturalism multi-musical-and still in delightful harmonious rhythm, melody and wonderful tribute to play, collaboration, work, and pure joy.

People still had challenges, mental illness, allergies, and some accidents.

Nobody died, or got worse mental illness. Nobody had wrinkles, age spots, cancer, viruses, or anything. The magical water, in them, as well as the ever-present slight humidity, and the atmosphere of lifeforms, conquered all of these problems.

Also, my ever powerful commands prevented many organisms; from entering into the Vitality Universe. Also, many actions, that "I abhor", such as rape, and all of the other aggressive egregiously heinous evil atrocities, are forbidden. That means, that, no body can do those things. A lot of history, never had a chance to happen; in Vitality, or anywhere, once I started to make decisions about the anomalously appearing objects, that came to my empire, whether I was reincarnated and reining at the time, when items, like DVDs and DVD recorders appeared with the first ever life form, on Earth.

If I don't approve of the content of the disc, then, the recorded events never happened. Some of the events that led up to the "entertainment", or newscast, or whatever, never happened either. In other words, when the space-time clock is reset, to the beginning of all time, history flows, just like it did, before any tampering. People jump in and out of time, to make changes to the flow of history, so that, they can prevent catastrophic events; or cheat the gambling system, by using future information, to get rich. These ideas are explored in "Back to the Future Trilogy"; "Star Trek" and other fantasy or Sci fi, shows and more.

Well, I have been sent to the strangest parts of the space-time continuum, for the purpose of saving the day, like a Wonder-Woman, without any golden gadgets, like bullet deflecting bracelets; or ropes, that make people tell the truth.

I also have verbally expressed myself in every way possible; so that maybe; there were problems; with being understood.

Now, everything I ever said, did, or wrote, was recorded on multiple cameras; and other devices. Also, there were countess witnesses.

All of that, was painstakingly electronically input; on the golden papers, which fell from the ceiling, of my new beach office.

Once the computer organized, the legible data, it eliminated exact word for word duplications, of the same speech. Once that was done, it printed out its much less redundant report.

Meanwhile, I poured over the tantrums; gasps for breath; scribbles; and other things; that couldn't go onto a computer.

When I finally finished all of that, I typed up, my polished report. After all; the different pieces of information; were mostly me repeating the same exact thing; or questioning it.

I read the computer's report, which was an itemized outline; of my ideal life; in my ideal world.

By using brief anecdotes; without the alliterations, and using simple sentences; I was able to give a short "easy to follow" advisement.

Now, there are no futures written, for anything or anyone else in the Vitality Universe. Well, my laws are followed, regardless of that. Therefore; I know, what won't happen.

If only none of those atrocious crimes, or bad things, had never happened; in the original history. No wars! No sexual crimes! No crimes!

No need for news shows about crime, scandal, missing persons, theft, etc.

No pandemic! No starving people or animals!

Well, people would still have different opinions likes, and dislikes. We still have chores, jobs, and education.

There's so many different things, that people can do, without any malice; attacks; or mayhem.

Like what?