Preamble Bramble Ramble

A perfect adventure

Guess what happened, as soon as I signed my updated and brief set of laws. That's right. Someone reset time, back to the formation of the planet Earth.

All of the different dynamic dimensional domestic domains; from all sorts of space-time continuums; were somehow merged into one glowing golden glorious globalization. It took up more space; than anyone ever dreamed possible.

All APPROVED paraphernalia, sacred relics, prized possessions, and crowns; were arriving daily to the newest Earth; through all sorts of tunnels; in the space-time mess; of the past.

Never mind, that a whole series of events, including the birth of a certain child; never happened in this newest life. The crown, that that particular person made, was found, buried in the center of the earth. It got there, when the planet was forming. The thing is, it was dated for countless years well into a future, that wasn't written yet.

Well, I didn't make the original law, regarding the trophy crowns; which were presented to my family; when royalty gave up their wars; and their countries; to The USA, under President Barack Hussein Obama first, and Vitality, second.

Other items, that came from unapproved actions, including war and crimes, were not made at all. Neither were the unapproved actions. Yes, I censored the whole history of the earth, without, meaning to do that. I just wanted to prevent certain things, from getting into Vitality, from other points in the space-time continuum.

Oh, sorry.