A Perfect Adventure, or so I hoped

A Perfect Adventure, or so I hoped.

My mother and father, broke the Vitality Space-time laws, by choosing to have an underwater childbirth, in the Fountain of Youth !!

I don't know how, they were able to do that. I guess it's just as well. I might have needed the bath, in the magical waters, to prevent physical birth defects.

Well, all three of us were duplicated. Two seemingly perfect pairs of each person resulted ... : Infant Stephanie ; Mom ; Dad ; Doctor ; and Midwife.

No matter what I do, the Vitality River always duplicates all life, and all items, that come in contact with even the smallest piece, of a droplet.

That's why, I don't want anyone to go near it, unless, it's an emergency.

I am inundated with mini-mis, and look-alikes, who really are versions of me!

I end up governing all of these extra people. None of them, will take over for me; or help me.

Well, the extra people, who were even more perfected, than the original ones, went off, to live in their own country, with many of the other perfected and or duplicated life forms. They didn't have identical lives, as their counterparts, did. Even so, some things were similar. For example, my twin and I lived in the same town, with the same schools, and some of the same people.

After that, we conducted our lives differently. We were given different teachers; or different versions, of the same teacher. Therefore, when we were finally reunited, for our twentieth birthday celebration; we had loads of conflicting memories to share.

Since she was made, not just of the best of my DNA, yet also the best DNA, templates, for a happy, healthy humorous ... human girl; my twin, Stephanie, was a nicer, smarter, happier person, who, got an A+ in everything. She also made friends with the very people, who weren't friendly; or happy with me; in any other lifetime, ever.

One time, in highschool, a girl verbally abused her. Where as I laughed at someone else, in that situation; the other Stephanie didn't.

My twin, relaxed herself. She walked over to the offensive person. Then, she hugged her.

The girl, was very surprised.

My twin asked her, " Schatzi or my sweetheart in German, are you okay?

The girl broke down in tears. My twin, hugged her, until she calmed down, a little. Someone, who was an older version of us, with (light red hair); handed her a cup of water, from the fountain of Youth.

(I sighed in frustrated acceptances; when; I heard that. It was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do, as long as no creatures, humans, or items, are in the water !!)

Instantly, the girl was perfected. No trace of anything wrong with her, could be found, at even the sub-molecular level. Plus, every time she took a sip of water; another "Even better than the last" "Shotzi" materialized; out of nowhere. They were all the same age; yet unaware; of the original girl's history. They were highly educated, like the first one. They crowded around an extremely extraordinarily energetic everything hallway; that accommodated them; until their

dop·pel·gäng·er, revealed her entire lifetime story, even from before she was born! It was actually Doug, our historian, who started with the girl's grandparents; (Their names, birthdays, and a quick summary of them; and whether or not; they did anything bad to their children. The idea, was to show a cycle of abuse; or problems; that might be assumed to lead to this girl's troubles. By the time Doug, told her about her birthday, the girl's throat; was raw. She got another glass of water, from a water cooler, that just happened to animate itself, into reality. More girls, cups, and more water coolers appeared. Each inanimate object, became more ... : animated ; alive ; human ; human looking ; and physically and mentally perfected, than the last one. Plus, any wood, was restored; as the original tree! Every time it got wet ; ... .

The hall, which by now, was the size of the original earth itself; was chock full; of every evolution imaginable, or unimaginable; of all sorts of things, and humans too.

Also, somehow, the narrator, Doug, took over, from several generations before the girl's grandparents. He was in a superb supernatural paranormal fountain of youth; wishing well; form of bright red light. This allowed him to talk forevermore, and comfortably. Also, everything and everyone "in the universe of this hall" could hear him and understand him extremely well.

Someone always stops time; for these things. I don't know why. We still have the "bear Necessities of Life", after all; whether I'm in the time freeze situation; or not.

Again; regardless; of the noise; and whatever else was happening; everything and everyone; could hear and understand everything Doug said; clearly, and comfortably.

Even the dancing trees; know what happened; second by second; in this girl's life; up to this point.

Actually, I don't know why, it was anyone's business; to know what happened; unless the girl wanted to know what caused her family; to suddenly mistreat her; that morning.

When I heard about this elongated interview; I suddenly found myself plummeted back in time.

According to my watch, the whole event; had not started yet.

"Doougie Boyee" I hollered.

"Don't call me that (author's full name)! He yelled angrily; with a surly voice, and surly face to match.

"I'm sorry I offended you", I said sincerely. By the way, I'm Stephanie. The other one, can't travel through time", I reminded him.

"Okay. I forgive you, your ... "

"Watch it", I cut him off angrily. "I'm not a big deal", I said dully.

He laughed for a while. "Good One! Miss opinionated ruler of the universe; and time itself", He said loudly.

"Right. I'm difficult. No one will help me" I replied in annoyance.

"Listen, in a few minutes, someone, is going to verbally abuse my twin. Let it happen ..."


"Well, they will have a unique bonding moment, if you let them handle it. I think this story was changed from an original incident. Someone gives the girl magical water. Don't let that happen. Please. Also, don't bring up any history. Just let them work out their situation, by themselves.

Let's just see what happened originally, and leave it that way. Please" I softened my voice, with the "please". I noticed, that I was bossy and offensive, again.

"I'm sorry I am so mean. I'm giving you a hard time, for a set of events; that haven't happened yet. Bad future Stephanie!" I had to break off my self-abuse.

The main office, was playing Aretha Franklin's RESPECT !

(My school actually did that, instead of ringing the bell, in a town outside of Rochester, NY).

Well, Doug and I were suddenly invisible. It was Erie.

As my teenager twin, walked down the hall; she walked right through me! Yikes!

She walked like nothing happened. Another girl stopped a few feet away, from her. For no apparent reason, this kid spewed all sorts of abuse; except for swear words; at my sister.

I was suffering all sorts of agonizing emotions, and pains, from witnessing all of this. I mean, I was also "guilty", of these specific things. I don't think, this is similar, to the time, that I laughed, at a verbally abusive classmate. It also seemed worse, than, when I did cry.

All the same, I held myself together. Doug was freaking out, in his own dimension. A transparent wall, separated us. I could see, him. I could not hear him. Poor guy. He loves his sister.

Apparently, he didn't witness, or hear about, the crime, in the previous rendition, of the event. Suddenly; I was taken back in time again. This time, I had twenty minutes; before the attack.

"Dave", I whispered.

"Yeah" he said, like a question.

"How are you" I asked?

"Okay. How're you"?

"I'm going to be okay. I'm time traveling again. Things are dicey.

Listen, would you please isolate this hallway, from the space-time continuum; so that the original activities play out, without any intervention"? I asked, as politely, and nicely as I could.

"Okay. Do I need to stick around, for anything"? He asked, with a little concern.

"Nnnow. I mean, Please, no. I would like all of the versions of you, to stay away, from this hallway; until after; I go back to my own time. See you, at my 20th birthday party. Please" I was still trying to deal with the horrible experience, that was about to happen again, in this time "machine" saga.

Without another word, that I could hear; the dimensional bubble formed, in front of me. My brother, Doug or Dave, went away.

"Thanks, I love you," I squeaked.

"Your Welcome"! came a harmonious chorus, in my father's wonderful voice.

"You're welcome!" Dave said, as he quickly poked his head, into the strange room, where I was.

This time, I didn't hear anything, when the classroom doors opened. People went about their business.

For some reason, my twin, was walking alone in the hall. She held her books, in her arms.

She had her back to me, as always. After a couple of minutes, the other girl, started her awful mess, as always.

Then, My twin hugged her. The girl cried.

The sound was restored.

Young Stephanie, asked, if the girl was okay.

The sound was gone, again.

The girl cried some more.

Next, she told my twin something. The girl cried again. When she felt better, she talked.

After a while, the sound of the humming inanimate lights, was all anyone could hear, when the sound returned.

After twenty minutes, of silence; the part of the bubble, that separated me, from, the rest of the scene; disappeared. The girls, were surprised, to see me. I wasn't very impressive; as I was still reconverting and recovering; from the whole adventure, since, I first reunited with the twin, during our party, some years into the future.

"I'm sorry I had to time travel, and all of the rest of it. I was collaborating, and celebrating my 20th birthday, with my River Twin, Stephanie the improvement; when; you; told me, about this time, in your life. The version I got, had a superfluous, supernatural, and supersilious supersized series of events that, were unnecessary.

I suddenly found myself back in time. That didn't go well, so, I found myself, even further back in time.

Now, that everything is back to the original history, we can proceed.

Wait. Please. All of this is extremely hard on me. Fast Forward. No. You should know. I witnessed your attack; as though; it were directed at me. I don't know how I survived that egregiously painfully horrible assault.

You're very lucky, the better Stephanie, is the one, whom, you tried to annihilate.

I'm barely able to breathe.

Also, You don't want to know what it did to my brother, either.

That was the first time, I went back in time.

I was wrong, to think, that, we needed to watch anything. I didn't think, to make your attack private.

I'm glad, I was sent back, again, to prevent myself, from making lots of mistakes. Unfortunately, I have to remember everything. Where as, nobody else knows anything about any of it.

I don't know, what you said, after you were asked, if you were okay.

I am finally finished," I said.

Both girls were going through various changes of emotional reactions: Surprise, Confusion, anger, shock, and even empathy; all the while, their mouths, and their eyes were wide open. They were both looking at me.

My twin sister, said, "Thank you for everything, Schatzi. I'm sorry, you were dragged into this.

All the same, ... " She really started to shout at me, in pure rage, and hostility, "Why! Why! Why did I have to suffer through this? Why did WE all, have to suffer through all of this?" She went on, to explode, for hours!

I suddenly materialized back at the dawn of time. I found the first sign, of the girl's history. I followed it, to the first ancient ancestor. I had to prevent any problems, from happening, to each and every person, animal, and object, in their lives. I moved smoothly, from, one infinitesimal point in time, to another, as I rewrote history.

By the time, the verbally abusive attack, would have happened, it did not have a chance. Somehow, nobody was born, during 4 generations of this family's history.

No living ancestors.

Well, since I had to go to the beginning of all space-time etc; I didn't know anything about anyone or anything. I was born again, on time. Only my diaries and a bunch of old crowns; told tales.

By the time, I naturally arrived, at my big party, my life was very different; what with all of the changes, that I made, in my previous exploits.

This time, my twin, didn't have any stories about anyone ever bullying her.

She still had lots of wonderful adventures, that were filled with highs, lows, and even the supernatural. As she was born of the Fountain of Youth, she was Vitality's Version, of immortal, in many ways.