My Latest Experiences

Extremely ... detailed ... Explanation of my Latest Experiences

When I found out, that I spent millions of years of my own life,

CHANGING history, it was really "freaking me out" of any pretense of reality.

At the time, I didn't know, that my "loving, forgiving, immortal and brightly lit pure energy husband, Brian", was holding me, and carrying me, throughout the temporal cosmos.

All I knew was, the warmth, peace, and tranquility, that comes with medication, meditation, and mental and physical hygiene, comforted me, before and after each part of a "weird dream".

Also (Brian's) heavenly golden aura, engulfed me, instead of just filling me, with happiness.

It felt like I was floating.


The most bizarre part was: I had images, of situations, manifest in front of me. Some real person, would explain each situation, before asking, "Is this a good event"?

[She didn't expect me to react to the visions, as they "spoke for themselves".]

If I said, "No," then the images would disappear.

[Well, usually, in a "bad", "Heinous", or "Odious" situation, I was scared, angry, mortified, hysterical, etc. The vision vanished as soon as possible.

Then, I would ride, to another point in history. The atmosphere, and the scenery, would have been beautiful, if I weren't traumatized.

[Oops! I just deleted an event from history. I Didn't know, that THAT, was a REAL situation, in REAL life.

I would have been MORE SCARED, of a HEINOUS (evil), EGREGIOUSLY EVIL, or just horrible situation, if I knew it ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

If these events never happened, what happened to these people, animals, places, or things? Did other similar events get automatically erased from eternity, as well as, the one I rejected? I still don't know.]

[It is good to prevent the Evil, Egregious, Heinous, and Odious, right? Whether it was an event, a film, a drawing, or a painting? Even, if it means censoring a movie? Depending on the movie, YES‼️]

If I liked the scene, then, it would continue. I would spend time, following the events of everything and everyone involved. That is, if someone left the scene, I would stay behind, until I reached my "20th birthday", from that lifetime's global events. Then, I would forget, whatever happened, after the initial incident. Next, I would go back to where I left off, so that I could shadow whomsoever left the original moment. I don't know how many times, this sort of thing happened.

The whole adventure, seemed like an examination, in Heaven. Well, my idea of the place, anyway.

I need to remind everyone, including myself, ... :

I didn't know, that, I was erasing some history. I didn't know, that I was playing "Choose Your Own Adventure", with random people's lives.

I started with one person, at the beginning of time, and then, worked my way, through that one's descendents, if any were born.

I would go zigzagging through the space-time continuum, in a new method, than ever before, in my myriad of complicated lives.

Nobody told me, what I was supposed to be doing. Nobody told me, I was going through the extra dimensions of time and space.

I thought, that, these were skits, of possible events. I was wrong. These were actual situations, that were happening, as time marched forward to the future.

If the enactment, was from any of "my lifetimes", then, the people, environment, and the pets, were all changed, to keep me, from being able to unfairly vote. I wasn't supposed to react to my own life. I also can't know about my future.

I just thought, that, I was "filling out" an ethical survey. An extremely extraordinarily energetic enormous test, of morals.

This craziness lasted for millions of years.

I also found out later, that,

"This time was extended, to accommodate my basic personal needs, as well as, running a nearly global empire - country".

Well, I took care of my pets, my husband, (when he was human - an unrelated form of him, from the heavenly one? I don't know)

Sorry. I don't know, if he changed his form, to live a normal life.

I just remember a bunch of skits. It is all a blur. Someone somehow managed to manipulate me in many ways.

As for how this was possible,

a bunch of people, were doing different things. It is too complicated, for those supernatural life forms, to explain, whatever they did. I cannot understand them. There's a multigenerational multidimensional multicolored multinational multi-tasking multiculturalism of supernatural life forms, in various states of reincarnation, and improved forms; which all came to life; when original life forms, or objects somehow got into the fountain of youth. No matter how many times, The Space-time thing is renewed, all life remains, in the atmosphere.

Some of them are responsible, for the supernatural events.

As they are in different "planet type dimensions", I can't hear them, as they explain things. Also, not all of them speak my language.

What I do know is ... :

They were forever getting frustrated, with my demands, on LIFE IN VITALITY ‼️

That's why I had to "carry out" a lot of the commandments, by myself, as I infiltrated my own life, in the process.

This time, I didn't see myself, as I did things in different times. I worked systematically, with just one lone long hopscotch game through the space-time continuum.

That was too long.

Finally, I was reborn, again. This time, my fresh soul was, in a completely different universe.

Let me start this chapter again.


I changed history.


Usually, the space-time continuum, goes to the future. It is like a movie. No matter what, that "DVD", will show the exact same series of events when, it is working properly.

People seem to think, that, history really does repeat itself, in this way.

If someone goes to the past, one may witness everything, like Ebenezer Scrooge. No one knew he was there, at all. They couldn't see, hear or notice him.

Other people, who hopped through history, like, Harry Potter and his friends, could change the past, with lasting affects. They also had more than one Harry in the scene: The original one from that moment in time; and the new one(s) who traveled to the moment.

I mean, Harry Potter and company changed one series of events, in and around the school, so that other events could happen. They went back again, to redo the past, so they could make more changes, and to keep the changes that they already made. In the film, Hermione, could even feel a rock hitting her head, as she watched a previous Hermione, getting hit, in that way. The movie doesn't show every time, Harry Potter and Company went to that specific set of events. That would be too much.


In my latest adventures, I changed the whole world, at once, directly. I could not go back, to redo the history.

If I didn't approve of a general activity, none of that sort of thing, could ever happen.

That's quite different.

I don't like to have that much power. There are so many arguments, for and against, each decision.

I am not a goddess. I cannot put myself, into a different dimension, or manipulate actual seconds, minutes etc. I AM SENT wherever, and whenever. I can do things, when I'm displaced in history. I also give a lot of commands. I don't know how I am sent. I don't know who or what erased reality.

In all of that survey confusion, the continuum changed forever.


I started my 1st unique, and unscripted life, since the author's original lifetime.

As usual, for "Vitality", I was named Stephanie. Even so, nothing else, was the same. The rest of my name, was entirely different. My ancestors were all a new group of people.


No relics from past worlds.

We don't know about ... : wars ; strife ; poverty ; cruelty ; or other horrors; that needed some sort of supernatural intervention.

Unlike the other "reseting history to the very beginning of time", No DVDS, DVD Players, or any kind of records, appeared from invisible tunnels through the sky, which landed gently on the ground, for anyone to find.

When things were delivered to to various times, and places; in the past, present or future; somehow, even prehistoric folks, could learn how to use these things automatically, as well as understand, what they saw.

One such mysterious video, was when:

I found myself, in my special armor, in a warzone. I somehow managed to walk for miles, to the castle. I wasn't harmed, or anything.

It was like a dream, where, "Everything Really Is Horrible and Happening, only, I Don't know How Or Why I Got to This Place".