Katherine's world explanation-rough draft


A little baby, was born, in Vitality Hospital, to apparently non-dupliate type people.

The mother, wasn't given anything, that would duplicate her, or the child; even though; she was given sun infused water.

The hospital, finally found a way, to filter the water, so that only the necessary medicines were given, to a person.

Anyway, the baby, was named Katherine Zoë Vitality. Katie for nickname.

Katie, was human, like me, actually.

As such, she was not able to time travel, on her own, or go between realms on her own, either.

Fortunately for her, nobody, forced supernatural acts on her. She never found herself changing history; or any other bizarre phenomenon.

Katie lived in a transparent bubble, with a special solar roof.

Well, that is not ordinary. It was her protection, against all of the weird things, that happened, to me.

Okay. That's the Preamble Ramble.

The community, was filled with the other people, who, either never had contact with the mystical properties of the water, or the life forms, who were created or changed by it.

tiny people, or other life forms, who either drank too much of the originally infused water, or they swam in the river - the

In Southern Vitality Island, a special transparent bubble, with a solar panel roof, covered a vast area. It was a unique realm.

Within this extremely extraordinarily protective globe, people could lead regular lives.

1. These people, animals, fish, and things were originals. They were never exposed to the

1. No one, or, nothing could force anyone to timetravel.

2. nobody could do anything else that was supernatural

When the specifically formulated sunbeam cleaned, and changed the River, it had some great properties. First of all, it only contained purely beneficial ingredients, for anyone, or anything. It was the fountain of youth. any life forms, or objects, would became perfectly healthy, and happy. The more times someone drank from the water, or bathed in it, the more unusual the affects. The very first thing to have to a stone, was it was enlarged, to its biggest form, before, this piece fell into the water.

Strange things stated to happen. A naturally formed boulder, which was the largest it had ever been, was near the water. A stone, which wasn't secured in the large rock, came loose, during a strong wind storm.

When the stone fell into the water, it immediately grew to the size and shape, of the original boulder. This time, everything was permanently secured on the renewed item. It also continued to get bigger, as it would have, ordinarily.

The original stone, was put back into the original Rock.

Now, this wasn't just magic.

There's a secret.

As the river looked like any other clean flowing waterway, people started to use it.

Initially, as Stephanie, I was told this weird story, about, how two never-maried people, a man and a woman, suddenly came to the 2 uninitiated vitality islands.

I had to learn this gigantic history, that was detailed, with every birth on the Southern Island. I also had to learn the language, that developed.

After a lot of chaos, supernatural events, and personal pain; I found out, that, most of my Vitality education, was a lie.

I am a real person, who has been manipulated, or tricked, or forced, into inumerable, and supernatural events.

As it turns out, I had a former lifetime, as someone else.

I don't know, how I got to Vitality, during that experience.

Apparently, some of my family came with me, or, came at some other point. I must have gotten in the river. Most likely, my brother splashed me. Either way, I was transported, back to wherever, I originated. I have no idea, about that lifetime, after that.

I was somehow reborn, as an infant, named Stephanie.

There's no record of that first appearance. Someone, or something, has made so many strange variations, to my life, that, I'm totally confused.

The way it seems to work, is ... : a diary is kept, of everything. It is updated, and changed, as someone, or something, messes with my mind. For example:

As I was reading this (hand written) book, a paragraph, was deleted.

Then, the story shifted, to a different adventure.

Okay. Oh, right. One more thing.

The water itself, is a flowing mixture, from the sun, as well as purified water.


Apparently, there were 2 sunbeams. I say this, because, the river was polluted when I was 4. Then, many people went back in time, to get the special water, to fix the damage.

After an extremely long time, with unbelievable chaos, the river was suninffused ones more. After that, life was remarkably simple and nice. This was in contrast to the original history, of struggles, frustration, and terrorists.

(Not to mention the broken laws of physics and science, that created a real life ROD STERLING'S THE TWILIGHT ZONE. )

Every now and then, despite my most recent age, or activities, I was the Empress. I could not pass the crown to anyone.

So many strange stories.

Well, anyway, I keep avoiding something.

The water didn't duplicate life, or anything. It provided nourishment, and somehow life, was added, to go along with the healing, strengthening, and purifying.

At first, we thought, that the spirit, was copied or split. No. These are new identities. It maybe something like natural reproduction, except, it is done in the river, and not in a female.

Personally, that sounds insane.

I would not volunteer, to have a baby. I did adopt children.

Initially, I thought, that there were just a lot of children, mostly girls. I noticed, that they all looked like me. I called each of them "Mini Me"; after the side kick, in the "Austin Power's THE SPY WHO SNAGGED ME" movie. (staring ____ as they spy, ___ ; and ____ as the identical looking much shorter man, ____ .

Then, I thought, that they were my siblings. (Well, in a weird way, doctors were able to operate on my mother, to "plant" copies of me, in my mother. I don't know what they did. I also, don't know, why, they DC did that.

Okay. redirecting again.

I don't know how it happened, yet, as the some group of people, (not just my family), enjoyed the river, and drank from it, weird things started to happen. They got really tiny.

As always, the original person, from the regular world; would return, to, wherever one was, just before, getting to the Vitality. No matter how much my Empire expanded, there was still a whole reality, that, was not able to break the laws of nature, and physics: No time traveling; and no sign of the fountain of youth, or a wishing well.

Even so, I was able to go to my original lifetime, before, I was Stephanie. I was an infant again.

As my medicine, is for adults, I was somehow able to keep my adult body. I was able to get my medicines. That solved a lot of problems.

When I was about to repeat a mistake, I did something else, instead. I would have a good experience. Sometimes, I remembered what originally happened, in my life. I was so glad, that I made the changes. Of Course, these changes also led to different Adventureous situations. For example, if I prevented myself, from getting into an accident, then, I went to school, instead of the hospital.

Then, new things would happen. As my life changed, I felt healthier, and happier.

By the time, I got to the time of my first arrival, in Vitality, I was a totally different person.

I don't remember, the next part. All I know, is, certain things, from the original lifetime, never happened, so, those events are not part of me.

Supposedly, time and it's events keep restarting and repeating themselves. It is like a movie.

I don't know where, or how, anyone got that idea. It just happened to work for me.

Well, with new life forms staying in the water, and getting duplicated as well, an extremely extraordinarily energetic energized excited mass of multigenerational multidimensional multicolored multinational miniature minuscule mammoth and every other size and shape of many life forms, became our atmosphere. They turned the sun infused river, into the wishing well.

Even though, the life forms were intelligent, and retained or revived memories, from the host, or someone nearby, they all made mistakes. Some of them, did whatever they wanted to do.

When the river was polluted, these "people", found that they could go back in time, to fetch the water.

The result, was that permanent tunnels were cut through the space-time continuum dimensional system, that is supposed to go one way.

Now items and people, fell through these tunnels, and holes. I mean, a video, from 1989, came through the sky, and came to a rest, on earth, 40,000 years, before it was made. It was joined by a player, that some how worked, without batteries, or cords .... (A voice in the air, says, that the atmosphere of life, sent the player, after the video. The device, does run on batteries. Some of the teammates, need to replace the batteries.

The people who found the future items, were ... :

Taught the language of the video.

Taught to understand the show, as though, it was made for them, instead of an audience in 1989.

Obviously, this anachronism, really changed history again.




a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.

"everything was as it would have appeared in centuries past apart from one anachronism, a bright yellow construction crane"

an act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.

"it is anachronism to suppose that the official morality of the age was mere window dressing"