A new beginning

Jenny Mast ran around her house, with her long blond curls blowing in the breeze. Her father and mother were watching her, as were the many cameras on the property. Plus, a strange creature, with many arms and legs -- oh -- many teenagers -- kept track of Jenny, from a high tree, which, overlooked everything.

With all of the surveillance, Jenny felt relief rushing throughout her.


Well, in another life, before Stephanie came to rule over the... South Vitality Isle, Jenny was kidnapped!

As Jenny played a game she invented, Creepy crept behind her, threw a sturdy bag over her, and hauled her to his car. (note:1)

Innumerable space-time multi-dimensional actions later, Jenny didn't know what actually happened, and what didn't. It was all a blur to her. Well, some of it came back in visions, but she didn't know what happened to her after she was in the car. Jenny has no idea how she got back to the house, either.

Wait What?

There is a way to go through time backward, to attempt to change history.

People did alter history many times.

The ones who manipulated time, to erase Jenny's ordeal, were mortified! Jenny remembered being kidnapped! The quantum leapers yelled, "How?! We went to the past! We altered history! If you 'go back in time, to before the tragedy takes place', you prevent the tragedy from ever happening! There is no record of deleted events"!

Stephanie and Jenny can testify:

They are wrong! Their solution is flawed! Their idea is not how it works in Southern Vitality. Oh! We do remember everything, in horrifying repetitive nightmares, as they happen, and much later, as well.

Besides, "How do the "jumpers" know, that they used a time machine, to save Jenny from an abduction?


Also, a book is written as things happen. It gets jumbled up, as people keep changing things. You are reading it. Yikes! ( Thanks for reading. Do you have any corrections, comments, or anything?)

After that, nobody interfered with Jenny's history, for that day. As it was, there were numerous time tunnels at the spot where she was abducted. (see note 2)

Note 1:

Jenny's kidnapper's name is unpronounceable:

His mother, like some mothers at the time, had marbles in her mouth! Nobody ever told me why. Or did they?

Note 2:

See-through walls or tubes that defy the laws of time and space: The invisible "Worm Holes" or ____ the scientific term. ( A concept used in Star Trek: Voyager, for digging tunnels in the space-time quantum dimensional continuum in the wrong direction -- the past --, or simply to make a short-cut through the Delta Quadrant, so they can get back to the Alfa Quadrant, where Earth is, much sooner.)

The time tunnels used in quantum leaps are transparent, incredibly durable, and usually annoying. For example, a strange phenomenon happens when "I can see you, but you can't see or hear me"!

A lot of times, these time-tunnels divide a house in half. The barrier is transparent, so the person doesn't know it is in place. The husband thinks his wife is ignoring him! He keeps trying to talk to her! The man is ready for a divorce, as the situation keeps repeating itself for weeks!

Meanwhile, the wife starts to wonder, "Where is my husband? Why do I suddenly run into the house over and over again"?

Next, the couple is sitting at a table in a law office.

The barrier is removed. Someone explains that several quantum leaps were made, for various reasons. That's why the couple suffered the real-life-as-it-happened-repetitive-nightmare.

We have to constantly educate people about these barriers, which cause misunderstandings!

(Oh, that also happens to be Jenny's future.)

Fortunately, Jenny did not know about the future, while she ran around the house. Nor did The Creep come to her.

Note 3: The life-saving golden amulet

Somehow, I carve the person's face on a golden multi-use necklace pendant, every year. They pile up in someone's keepsake box, which is also ornately carved in gold.

There are new videos from all the grandparents, (for countless generations), parents, family, friends, and other folk.

There is a very sensitive device that detects all kinds of illnesses, emotions, and physical needs. It can also tell if someone is in any state of consciousness or alertness. We can't read your mind.

The talisman also works as a telephone. You tap it, to call for an emergency. Of course, if something is wrong, my officers will come immediately, just because your health is threatened, or you seem to be planning something threatening.

In Vitality, my officers arrest people for crimes, as soon as the suspect's golden monitor detects "That certain feeling of 'Let's commit a crime'.

In this case, The Creep woke up and decided to kidnap the pretty Goldilocks in the state. As soon as he got the idea, he felt a certain sensation, that came to criminals. The authorities came through a trap door, that they made in the ceiling, and then arrested the guy. He had on pajamas! He also had the sack in his hands - somehow - it had Jenny's hair, doll, and shoe in it. The authorities were confused, as "according to our reality, Jenny wasn't kidnapped. The current time was well before anything would have happened to Jenny Mast"!

Well, it never worked for me! My jive turkey family, friends, and others don't do anything to help me. How many different times did someone climb up my tower, carry me down to the ground, and then lock me in a car's Massey trunk? Where were the people who were supposed to jump into action to save me, before anyone got to my window? Where was my husband? Where was the mini-mi? Where were the others who were supposed to be surveying the tower? I could have died in that car.

The guy spent so much time, with each part of the kidnapping, that it took him hours. Yet, nobody responded.

They call me, to do everything, ...

Note 4:

Amazingly, we have a computer, which someone can use, to trace all of the time travels, and what happened in each adventure. This is quite a feat, as many quantum leaps overlap each other -- many different people, try to change the same moment in time. A lot of times, the same person, is mysteriously pulled in and out of an adventure, for many unexpected, and unexplained reasons.

Someone (Usually Margaret, a mini-mi, with her own separate lives), will check the computer, as it will crackle with lots of quantum energy. That's generally when the nightmares end. I don't know how she does it. She can read anything at any time on the computer.

Note:? The Golden Sun-infused Southern Vitality River Water, with its "new" inhabitants of people who got wet, or drank the water. Plus the items that gained life once they got wet. :

The perfectly formulated Sunday, of only healthy and good things, does a lot of interesting things: it cures all physical human or animal physical ailments. Plus it duplicates the "now perfected", life form. I t