Hectic multidimensional Spacetime Continuum Sabatage

Hectic multidimensional Spacetime Continuum Sabotage - profile #1

(Etended roughest draft possible)

Margery Anne Benz Mast and her husband, Robert Roy Mast share the exciting news!

We proudly welcome our new baby lassie, Jennifer Natalie Mast, on October 15, 2000. Our little angel sports pretty blonde hair, and a vivacious toothless grin! She laughs when she's awake. We can't wait to get to know our daughter.

Side note #1:

Margery continued a healthy and active lifestyle, while pregnant. She did have some "mother's problems", yet, Margery never complained. Not did she have to postpone any social or business activities, for more than a couple of hours, at any point.

Margery didn't complain during the excruciatingly horrendous delivery.

Both baby and mother finished the phenomenon, as perfectly healthy and fit females.

Side note # 2:

For the first time in Vitality's recorded or known history: nobody mysteriously put marbles in (a mother's) Margery's Mouth, before the contractions started.

Side note #3:

Actually, in the beginning, someone shoved a handful of sand, water, and tiny rocks, into a mother's mouth. No one knows who or why. Also, she suffered a gag, plus a good that covered her whole head.

One theory is that someone came from another time. For example, after people were able to time travel, with the Sun-Water's help, they went to a time before the Special Sunbeam struck the Connecticut Shoreline. One forgot that the water didn't contain healing properties for the big bright light high overhead, in the sky!

I would think that it would be obvious, that the water in the past, is different than the Special Sun Water. Hint: The Sun Water is a liquid gold, not to be confused with the precious metal.

The answer is that whenever I am sent through time and space, I don't know what's happening, nor do I know how it happens. My guess is, that the other person can not see what one is doing. The thought is, "Put fresh river water in the lady's mouth". There aren't any further instructions. How about, "Get a glassful of the Sun-Water now. Take it with you to the lady". Then, as the person jumps through the space-time thing, one will be able to give the lady the water, which will cure almost any problem, that she or the baby might have.

Side note #4:

Supposedly, someone heard the king tell the school principal, "I don't want anyone to know who my children are. I want them to live a normal life, without stigmas or special treatment.

That's why some people think that our mothers were coverd-up and gagged during the whole time.

Earlier in this convoluted conversation, I told you, that King James was my father. My sisters and I were kidnapped when we were quite young. My father wanted his children to be returned safely and soundly.

Apparently, something was lost in translation! An eavesdropper assumed something much different than what the King wanted! When the new events unfolded, both the king and the queen were horrified by the results.

Side note #5:

In the newest reality, The King never knew when the queen was pregnant, or delivering. He also didn't know that at times the Queen

suffered hundreds of implanted embryos of her duplicated girls. Once in ten years, she got a boy. (Duplicates aren't clones. Microscopic shiny people, who drink too much Sun-Water, are little surgeons, who work wonders, with the atoms, molecules, DNA, and more, that they find in the people and the water.)

End side notes for now.

Ah yes, here is the third time, that I am talking about Jenny Mast:

Fortunately, Jenny's mom didn't have any weird things happen to her, during childbirth. We're pretty sure, that she was born after I (or was it my sister) put a hysterical stop, to the practice of concealing the mother's identity. Or was it? This is so confusing.

That's another note. Talk about the number of identical women- I was the midwife at 12 or something years old.


Jenny is another version of me. Just like all the other mini-me girls who look and sound like me. I used to wonder about them.

When I started to see things through their eyes - Yes. Megan was in another country. I suddenly felt like I was there, I saw everything she saw - including the blurry face, which wasn't the "old goat" that I'm used to seeing. Plus, I felt shorter, than usual. This spooked me. I didn't know what was happening. Suddenly, the memories hit me, like when my brother tacked me. (The athlete did that. I have another bother, who's a musician.)

Well, yeah. I'm 52, with "this, that, and the third" old age. Instantly, I was a kid. I don't know where I went, - oh. It just hit me again.

I had a different name. Yes I went back to my original childhood - before I got to Vitality.

It wasn't a foreign country. It wasn't even a f]6oreign landscape. Did you know, there's a gorgeous meadow in Denver, Colorado?





I don't know why, anything happens in Vitality.I just know that somehow, I'm traveling through time and space.

Okay. We have some answers. I'll put them in bullet points.

● I wanted to improve the heath - call - buttons. I knew my Grandmother had a good one. I figured in this magical world, people would get the help they needed.

● I had a team of people who helped me to produce these miracles.

● Somehow, I carved everyone's talisman.

● Each one had videos, that were projected eerily life-like. I guess it was like a hologram, from Star Trek Voyager or Star Wars. If you ever saw those shows, you know what I mean.

● The gadget monitors a number of things, like heart rate, temperature, and even mood?

● It's a phone, too.

● The thing is, as soon as it picks up any distress, it's supposed to alert the Stephanie 911 system.

● Someone says, "911 Stephanie, this is (name).

● Someone, usually me, materializes out of nowhere.

● For medical emergencies, I start to Check what's wrong.

Side note # ?: As you may know, I have all sorts of medical doctorates. In one of my life-times, my family disappeared. My father, the former Vitality King; my younger brother, who

was 10 (I didn't know anything about the weird broken space-time continuum. That was when I didn't know this particular history. I always get stuck going down a mountain. I'm in a hotel room with my husband, as we see his family on TV. (They look like toad people. This is a common side-affect from drinking the tap water. Remember, the River was completely contaminated with corrosive chemicals. Anyway, with this hodgepodge life, my memories are scrambled.) The story was, "We need a new king. The current monarchs are too old. Their son, didn't want to become king,". My husband called his , grandfather, who was also on the desperate broadcast. Oh. Yeah. My husband's name was Brooklyn. He talked to the family for a while. Then, he gave the phone to me. I never agreed to come, to be a queen.