Stephanie Back to Basics

Hello. My name is Stephanie. I'm starting this separate journal, in the hopes that it will be easier to read. I want to relate a strange repeating nightmare, that took me from a freshly married lady, to who knows when in the past. Sometimes I was probably 4 years from being born. Other times I was about 4. Most of these memories skip everything to the point of just getting married.


1. I remember I was a little kid, running in a field. It was just me.

2. I landed on the grass running, out of nowhere. I saw myself as a twenty-year-old, laying on the beach blanket, on the other side of the river. Weird.

3. I was an adult, freshly married, and hysterical. I saw the time-tunnel forming around me. There were these white blurry things swirling on the transparent walls of the tunnel. I didn't know what they were. I got more hysterical.

4. I went back in time.Everything was a blur, as my life was in rewind. I was getting sick. I closed my eyes.

5. I was just a life, a consciousness for an extremely long time.

6. I finally started to notice a very slow transformation. I was starting to sense myself.

7. Oh no. My mom is pregnant with me!

8. Suddenly, I heard something!

"Hay! You, in the womb! Just say, "I don't want to be here at all"!

9. I don't want to be here at all. I thought.

10. I'm freeeeeeee!

11. I'm standing alone on a mountain top, like Julie Andrews as Maria in The Sound of Music. The difference is that I'm glowing in my white wedding dress.

(Wait, was that the first time I wore the sparkling mother-of-pearl

translucent transparent sef-sufficient, self-sustaining, nourishing, hydrating armor that protects from all wars?

Oh no. I'm suddenly in a different set of similiar recurring real situations —

I'm walking through a war zone, without knowing where I am going. Oddly enough, none of the explosions effect or affect me. I'm traveling for a long time.

The Castle is Straight ahead of me! As I get closer, the bombs stop dropping around me. There's no more fighting. Everything and everyone looks alive, fresh new, and surprised. P

I have a straw with fresh water from a purifier on one hip. On the other hip, was the lunch box - with fresh vegetables. I had a special blanket hidden somewhere, which could grow to an unbelievable size. It seemed to