
----Yet again, not sure about this chapter. Part of the 3 chapter release, hope you like.----

It had taken a while, but we reached our destination. The whole island was a little astonishing. I was informed by Hio that it was the 3rd largest city in the fire nation. Me and Hio were required to hold the palanquin that Azula would be carried in. It was a little annoying and I being stronger than both Hio and the other two guards that carried it made it slope one-lopsidedly. I also had to admit I was also somewhat humiliated by carrying the Palanquin thing.

We had reached the Island of Acopala which was home of the city of Acopala. The city was a giant dormant volcano that was hallowed out for the city. In the very center was a coliseum like fighting arena aka the Volcanic Palace. I was a little shocked to see such an arena it was a little crazy. They had varying forms of entertainment that would go on there. Like one half of the arena held a stone structure that acted as a stage for plays. It also had a large track and several lines that seemed to indicate some sort of fire ball based game? However the current use would be for one on one fights between the different prodigies.

Me and Hio stood side beside the princess. he stood withing the arena of the Volcanic palace which sucked because I really wanted to explore some of the city. Arriving on the massive shore lined dock was incredible and the city honestly smelled great. However in the arena all I could smell was ash. The other lot of people were left on a slightly lowered level while an announcer explained the rules.

"Since there is an even number of you. We can have a double set competitive bracket tournament. We will have everyone draw lots to pick random pairs. If you lose a fight you can still win as long as you win the losers bracket. After that the remaining lot will battle to determine both the last 5 as well as the ability and position of the winners. On top of that all of you will have your abilities processed and assessed to determine skill."

Alexia actually spoke up, "What do you do if we can't bend? are we going to be placed in the same fight as those who can bend?"

"You may have two passes to skip a fight. However that fight will count as a held match. Meaning if you cannot be paired into another fight you will automatically forfeit your match. Also the person you skip may be easier to fight then the one you get paired with. This is not only a test of your fighting capabilities, but also your willingness to brave forward. As well as your ability to assess your opponents and resources."

The skip would be useful, I could fight just about anyone. However if I got paired against Hio or Alexia I could skip. I didn't want to fight the two I had grown to like Hio and Alexia was decent.

The announcer guy continued. However it was less about the fights and more about the setting. "The princess will be watching from the royal view. As well as our great fire lord. The nobles will then fill the stands where they wish and finally the gates will be opened for those who have purchased tickets. This is a public audience and anyone who wishes to join the audience can. I will be announcing the fights up on the stage hand." He pointed to a out cropping up on the stone stage.

"The competition will start at noon and will continue through the night. If you are eliminated or disqualified for whatever reason you shall be escorted away." That seemed like a mild threat with the tone of his voice. "You will be allowed to wonder the gladiatorial waiting area. Since today will be considered as a hosted festival you may order food or drinks while waiting. Finally a start event will be hosted before the competition so you may watch from the side."

Azula whispered to me "*If you wish to watch you may join me as my attendant. This offer will include you and Hio. Make sure you tell him.*"

I whispered back, watching the announcer's brief glare, look at Azula and instant soften as if if nothing was being said. "*Thank you, but will I be forced to serve you? And will I be forced to stand or will I have a seat. Cause I'll just sit at the sidelines otherwise.*"

She did Hmph and started messing slightly with her hair as if I hadn't just ignored her. Some real tsundere shit right there. I started to tune out the rules for fighting as I thought about bigger things. Not like it mattered, I wouldn't have joined her anyway I'd rather not be in the area of fire lord. He was a loser in my eyes and I wasn't sure if I could keep a straight face around him. He was not only unable to undermine his brother to usurp the throne naturally, but he also failed to kill his father himself to usurp the throne. Manipulating his wife who was a decent woman to kill his father for him. Due to a decree Ozai himself had caused and had to fulfill. Ozai's father was disappointed that Ozai coveted the throne while Iroh was in mourning and thus instructed him to kill one of his kids to maintain honor. Which was just like wtf even reason is that. Not only that just killing his father himself would both gain the throne since Iroh hadn't cared for it. Protected his children who both were completely obedient towards him for different reason and a wife who was entirely fearful of him and devoted to her children. Her presences likely would've changed Azula's development as well. The whole thing was a mess...

"*What are you thinking about? You aren't paying attention.*"

Azula had looked at me seriously. Most of everyone disbanded and even Hio and the guards had left to get things ready. I looked around and asked. "Why are you still whispering everyone is gone?"

She frowned, "I do not want to seem like I am favoring you. Despite the obvious truth."

"So you favor me. I feel blessed." I faked wiping a tear from my eye and she looked unamused despite the increase to her affection. A decent +4 from that remark. "So what were you distracted by Orin."

I was actually a little surprised she used my name. Since she had mostly referred to me as you or just pointed and expected. "Ah, well to be honest. I was thinking about your family."

"My family? Why in the world would you be thinking about that?"

"Eh, well your brother is banished until he finds the avatar which is an impossible task. Your uncle sees Zuko as his own and wishes to guide him to the right path. Which might I add you should also listen to a bit of what your uncle says he has good advice. That leaves you and your father and your mother who is living in bumfuck nowhere as a nobody. I mean with you and your father who still remain as the only standing royals it is some messy shit."

Azula had stared at me like I had killed some one with such angry, but completely sense of lost that I honestly had no idea how to describe. Three notifications popped up.

I was a little shocked with them. "Are you okay? Azula?" I had to grab her to snap her from whatever she had froze into.

"Huh? I'm okay. I don't believe I told you that you are allowed to touch me."

I let go of her and she just sort of stood there. "Well you just sort of froze on me and I'm not really sure...."

She busted out laughing, "HAHHAAHAHA! I'm fine. I'm Fine Perfectly fine... Yes...How do you know what happened to my mother?" Azula had started to take a turn in her personality quickly.

Had she not known? I mean she did, but...Right! She didn't know where she was held. I kind of forgot about that. I was busy reading the comics when I had died in my past life after all. That was a bad lapse of memory. "That's just a rumor Azula, have you never heard about that? I mean she just suddenly disappears? I mean she is either dead or missing. I don't really think she is dead so I just kind of assume she is in you know...No where."

She smiled, curling up slightly in her chair. The mention of her mother was a bad thing to mention apparently. It was a guarantee drop in her psyche and I wasn't sure that the loss of that was good.

"You are sooooo Right! Rumors, Of course I heard about them. It's not like I purposefully ignored any and all rumors about my mother! HAHA!"

I would likely get punished for this, but my best guess at restoring her psyche was just completely shifting her focus and inflating her ego. With her...current situation maybe I could... I grabbed Azula's Shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. Her eyebrows shifted, and she shoved me away.

"What...What are you doing?"

"I gave you a hug, I doubt you needed it, because you are pretty sensible. Except I just felt you might've wanted it. You are very strong willed after all so I doubted you would ask for one."

I looked down as noticed she had recovered some psyche, only 25, but her psyche had returned above 50. Which seemed like the tipping point of her character. She...She seemed more unstable, but emotional past 50, but much more cool headed and controlling above 50. I had to keep that in mind...

"Ha! Of course I would ask if I want one. I could get it from anyone I want too. I'm the princess after all."

She was... okay? Which was a relief, but the quick shift was a little disconcerting. Honestly it scared me more than the possibility of her just being a psychopath. I wanted to get away from this problem quickly. "Princess, why don't we have some food. You know, before the competition."