Wanting to view

-----Third part of the three chapters, my head his killing me, so I apologize for the funkiness. I am fine though so no worries, here's the chapter.-----

The stuff with Azula had made me feel exhausted. it took only an hour for a bunch of people to start to crowd around the arena. I was able to get food with Azula joining me. She was a little like a child. With a distraction she had taken a complete 180 from her previous...small break down. I would need to avoid future topics of Azula's mother. While Azula was putting in the order, I just took a second to organize my thoughts.

"What kind of seafood would you eat. Not everyone is so keen on some of the more rare delicacies of the fire nation." She passed me the menu she was ordering from and I noticed she was referring to sushi. I actually hated sushi. However I saw a good looking crab dish and I was fine with crustaceans.

"I like the Ant Crab Living Boil Bowl."

"Hmmm, I'll get us two..."

I had to put my brain to thinking about the Avatar comics because I wasn't familiar with hem due to me reading them so close to my death. I know one comic was the search in which Azula and Zuko gained closure between the two. However honestly, the comic was...Rough. Thinking about it honestly, it was better to either steer the two away from their mother completely, or kill her. I wasn't sure that her existence was optimal for my save Azula plan and I didn't want any future relapses if that was even possible. I would need to take some time on this however, not like I needed to do anything about it yet. The two don't even know for certain that she is still alive. i likely would not kill the mother, but...I had to keep in mind the possibility or any other I think of.

"So, do you have any friends Orin?"

"Eh? I guess, that's not a really defined area. I can call people my friends, but...Azula." I looked into her eyes, "What do you considered as friends?"

She crinkled her brows slightly and pouted. "Are you saying I don't have friends."

"No I just don't think you are sure on what the real definition of friends are."

She scoffed, "I have friends. I have two who are from my time in the Royal Fire Academy for Girls."

"That's a terrible name." I knew who they are, but I nodded. "What's the names of these non-imaginary friends."

She frowned more but still answer, "You...Their names are Ty Lee and Mai. Those two however are ridiculous. Ty lee went off and joined the circus like some kind of wild child and Mai just sits around and mopes all day. I think Mai expects some knight in shining armor to show up and save her from her boredom, which just breaks down to my idiot older brother. Also I do agree the name for the Academy could use some work. Unfortunately it was founded by a noble family who still keeps the title to the deed."

I saw a notification of her increased obedience towards me. Which was a good means, she stopped talking as a server arrived with the food. With two plates of crab, a bunch of onion rings and a mix of heavy veggies. I was actually completely prepared to eat. However Azula's glare at me was...

"What you want to eat the first bite?"

She just glared at me some more. "Why...Why do you...Care?"

"Care? I honesty don't know what you mean."

"Tch! You constantly turn our conversations back on me. I am supposed to be the princess and everyone is under my rule. Except you never seem to stop getting me to talk myself. The things I learned about you aren't even...personal. It's annoying."

I understood what she meant, but I figured I would just do what I do. "Well, Azula...My favorite color is actually dark purple as it signifies rarity and purpose. Some say it is the royal color, more representative then even gold. My favorite flower is the Orchid, while my favorite rock is the Sapphire. I generally hate centipedes and most pigs. Oh and personally I am not a fan of fish due to the high trace amounts of mercury, salt and metal taste they seem to have."

She gripped her hands tightly and slammed her fist on the table. "That isn't what I meant and you know it!"

"I know, but honestly that stuff doesn't matter for me. So I don't share it."

She frowned putting her hand on her cheek and started to stab at vegetables. "Do you wanna watch a the show with me...I can convince my father to...allow me to use the fire pump team holding area as a viewing area for us." I guess the fire pump thing was the sport fire ball game I noticed was built into the arena.

She was looking down and she was looking a little sad. Except suddenly she shifted, placing a hand near me. Like she was waiting for me to place my hand on hers. It was like a really shitty romance book flirting tactic, but...Azula didn't know how to flirt so I wasn't sure wtf she was doing.

I took a bite out of my crab and swallowed. "I would be fine with that, but why would you go out of the way for that?"

She sighed, "I can't bring a extra chair into the royal viewing area. Plus as much as I hate it I want you to entertain me. The fire pump holding area is also highly obstructed. So no one would really notice us. How about it."

The last part seemed more like a demand, but I had gained even more obedience with her for a total of 12 over this entire conversation so far. It was...She was more likely to gain obedience after having a mental break. So that was nice I guess.

"Alright, but I assume when you say entertain you, you mean talk and have a conversation. Likely about the shows presented before the competition?"

"I do. I'll expect you to join me later. I will need to prepare some...things before hand."

She was being strange and I think she was planning something. However what it was I had no idea. What was I suppose to even do, I guess after I finish my crab I head to where those holding areas are.

----Next chapter is an important one. Y'all gotta wait for it though. Unless you aren't reading on release...----