CHAPTER 4: Friends

CHAPTER 4: Friends

[ Name - Harlequin

Age - 19

Class - None

Race - Player ( Half Nouma - Half High Elf)

Level - 2 ( Exp-0/20)

Health Points - 100/100

Mana - 50/50

Attributes Points - 2

Reputation - 10

Charms - 10

Spirit - 12

Strength - 11

Agility - 12

Luck - 5

Intelligence - 11

Stamina - 10

Defense - 10

Friends List - 5

Racial Skills - Nouma's language, High Elf's language

Skills - Inventory, Boxing Mastery Level III, Human's language ]

' What attributes should I allocate ?' I thought. I already got ideas after reading the player's Guide but still, I needed to think carefully. Attributes Points were very important. I was going to need it when upgrading Class so I needed to use them very carefully.

' Let's try to use the Friend function, first ' I thought. I pressed down the Friends List that I had Five Friends. They were -

[ MinMin- Available, Friendship Points -0

Sakura-the FLAT - Available, Friendship Points-0

Mimato Ahira- Available, Friendship Points-0

The Senseless Cow- Unavailable, Friendship Points -0

The God of Uchiha - Unavailable, Friendship Points -0 ]

It looked like you needed a pretty good relationship to enter into the Friend list . I knew every one of them very well. I was relieved a lot after I saw my Friends List. Truth be told, I was scared to look at the Friends List. What if my brother was also summoned into this world, those thoughts filled my head. If my brother was also summoned, my parent's hearts would break. They loved us very dearly and I also loved them. My brother was married but he lived with my parents. He really was a good son. He looked up parents very well.

My brother was not into anime or games so he might not able to enjoy this world fully and the anxious mind would kill him a lot unlike me he was not a scum. I knew that I was going to enjoy this world a lot. I fucking loved Catgirls, Demon girls, Dog Girls, and elves.

I immediately called to Mimato Ahira because she never played this type of games before so her real name appeared here. She was my Childhood friend and we grew up together. Our relationship was pretty good and our partners were teased us a lot like ' Couple or got married ' but I believed our relationship was normal. We both saw as ourselves as friends. Let's me confessed some truth, it was extremely difficult to become a couple for two childhood friends that grew up together. I saw her as my little sister or reliable big sister.

[ Successfully Connected to Mimato Ahira ]

I heard a robotic voice and I immediately felt some kind of connection. I felt like I was drinking the juice with a straw and in somehow I knew how to use this function. I needed to put my hand near my ear to use that function. It was like a gesture motion to activate the ' Call Function ' .

( Can you hear me? ) I asked her immediately because I really worried her a lot.

( Yes, Shushu. I hear your voice clearly. I am really relieved after hearing your voice ) I heard a voice inside my head. I definitely knew the owner of the voice and I was also relieved.

( Are you ok? What are you doing? I thought you are going to die from the stress so I called you to say goodbye) I joked a little bit to ease her tension.

( Mooo. Idiot. Sorry to disappoint. My boyfriend called me before you calle...) Before she finished her talk my happy voice resonated.

( Fucking Yeah. I don't need to babysit you. Fuck yeah...Yeah.Yeah ) My happiness filled and my day was not ruined anymore.

( Can you shut up for a few minutes? ) Ahira's angry voice brought me back.

( Ok. I will shut up. Tell me if you need my help, I will help you the best I can ) I talked with a serious tone, especially to the later part.

( Ok. Don't worry. Yeah, let me continue. My boyfriend called me and we decided to go to the 'Beginner Town: Dawan '. ) Before she finished the talk, I cut off again.

( Wait. How can we go there? And where are you now? we might be in the same place ) I asked her because I really did not know. My gamer's sense was telling me to go to the fountain but there were a lot of people and I could not even see the shape of the Fountain clearly because I was very far from the fountain.

( Oh! You don't know. I am in ' the Garden of Southern Babylon, the Tet '. You can teleport to the towns by going in front of the Fountain and the status screen will open. By the way, I am standing in front of the Fountain, there are a lot of cities or towns that you can choose from. ) She explained to me carefully. I felt like she was recalling the words that she heard from her boyfriend.

( I see. So you are going to go with your boyfriend and your group) I told her in a questioning tone.

( Yes...Thank you. I will go now. They are calling me. See you later. ) She replied to me and cut off the line. She went to different school so she also had her own friends and her own group. It looked like I didn't need to worry about anything.

After that, I decided to call Sakura because she was scum like me so she might end up enjoy than me. I could proudly say that she was my best friend and solely a friend that I would bet my life on for her. I was blessed with friends but it also needed the effort to get that kind of friendship.

( Hello. Who are you? ) Immediately a question was asked.

( Your father ) I answered her back.

( Oh! Shuide. You called me at a good time. I am also going to call you. Let's farm together. Then call me back after you formed some great plans. This great one will wait. Bye my dear servant ) she talked in a high tone like I was her servant and immediately cut off the connection before I was going to shit her.

' This bitch ' I muttered with an angry tone. This was not the first time so I was pretty good at tolerating her. She was the best buddy for me to talk about life and problems.

' Sigh! Let's call to MinMin. ' I thought. He was my best friend and we had been played a lot of games together and he was the best choice to form a party besides he was awaiting my call.

Whenever we had Dungeon-Raid, we played together. We played 'a lot og MMORPG ' and Sakura was the same guild as me ,and MinMin also was. But our Guild was a really big guild so we had different party time to time.

( Successfully connected to MinMin )

( Sigh! Why the fuck you take so much time. I am fucking waiting for you ) immediately a scold welcomed to me.

( You motherfucker! Why did not you call me? ) I told him with an angry tone.

( Are you an idiot? No, Definitely you are an idiot. It is fucking your job to call a great player like me. You stupid SMIP ) He also told me in an aggressive tone.

( I'm not an idiot. You're definitely an idiot. Tifa's Fangay ) I barked him back. We barked like that for a few minutes.

( Stop. I am worried about you a lot. It looks like you are fine. You can not even handle horror games so I thought you might die from this sudden situation) I talked to him in a calm tone.

He didn't answer me back but he talked to me after a few seconds later.

( ..Yes. I am totally fine but I am relieved a lot you are also summoned. Now, we can build the Harem ) He answered me but I detected some kind of depressions in his tone but I ignored that.

( Of course, My Harem is going to be bigger than you ) I answered him back.