( Then, I will call you back after I formed a plan. Read the book or masturbate. Do something. ) I told him and cut off the connection.

I touched the Friends List and I checked it again.

[ MinMin- Available, Friendship Points -0

Sakura-the FLAT - Available, Friendship Points-0

Mimato Ahira- Available, Friendship Points-0

The Senseless Cow- Unavailable, Friendship Points -0

The God of Uchiha - Unavailable, Friendship Points -0 ]

' Unavailable! ' I muttered but I touched the Cow and tried to connect him. To make sure why couldn't I connect him.

[ The player ' The Senseless Cow ' is not in your range ]

' Probably both of them are in the different Continents unlike me' I told inside my head because this was the only answer.

MinMin was in ' The Garden of Southern Babylon, the Nick ' , I was in ' The Garden of Southern Babylon, the Nene' , Ahira was in ' The Garden of Southern Babylon, the Tet. So we all were in the Southern Continent.

I took out the book and to check about South Continent again. There were Five Empires in South Continent and 30 Kingdoms under the Empires. Empires governed the Kingdoms and took the taxes from them. In Exchange, they gave protection and faces to back up. Of course, if the Kingdom did not enter a certain empire that Kingdom would be crushed or Empire would take the Kingdom's land completely. That would depend on Geography and geopolitical issue.

The best part or worst part of the South Continent was having all of the major Race Empires. Two Human Empires, One Elf Empire, One Beast Man Empire and existed the only Devil Empire which was the biggest Empire in this world as the book said. The current Demon Lord united the Kingdoms and Empires under his Kingship. Some small wars and massacres were unavoidable.

' I need to think a lot of things. For example, I should not go to the cities or towns that wars are taking. We are only novices so we are just cannon fodder. Human Cities are going to be a pain in the ass because discrimination exists. That best place is going to be Beast-Men Kingdoms where multiple races exit in one place ' I thought.

And Four Millom players really scared me a lot. That was going to be a tiny amount compared to the native population but Four Million players with a lot of potentials should not be taken very lightly. I was the type of person who loved to form plans and kept everything under my control. This world was big and a lot of races existed, unlike my previous world. Even though there was only a Human race in my world there were discrimination, racism, and many more existed.

' Damm. Those thoughts are scaring me ' I thought and my hand shook a little from unknown uneasiness. I needed to choose Beginner Town very carefully. Our future was going to depend on that.

I still didn't know how teleportation work and many more unknown factors.

I searched about ' Dawan Town ' that Ahiri was going to stay in and it was in the Human's Empire. I went to the Fountain while thinking. There were a few people compared to before and it took me half an hour to pass the crowds. I reached in front of the Fountain and I saw the very beautiful Rhombus-shaped and Cyan-colored stone that floating at the top of the fountain.

My image reflected in the water and I started to check my face. I still had Black Curly hair and black eyes, my face resembled a lot of my previous world's face, and my bodybuilding was also the same.

' Fuck ' I was depressed a lot because excepted my pointy ears and my smooth skin. Everything was the same. My skin went pale due to my Elf-bloodline, I had a little brown and a little bit of white skin in my previous life. I would check my Tattoo after I got mirror.

I looked at other people and a lot of people did touch-motion to the floating stone so I also copied it. A status screen appeared in front of me and a long-scroll appeared.

I saw ' Beginner ' and ' recommendations ' beside the Towns and cities names. There would be a lot of cities and towns that didn't have ' Beginner ' and ' Recommendations '.

I scrolled the long screen patiently and there were 1200 cities and towns to choose from. I suddenly got an idea and I opened a book to search about a certain town that stayed inside my memory. I read about the town and a name carefully.

A keyboard appeared and I typed the Town's name in the search bar. The language was completely different different which looked like combination of Hebrew, Chinese, Burmese and Russian but I could read it. That town existed in here but it was not both beginners and Recommendations towns so I thought back.

But I decided to put a bet on the town.

I called Sakura and it looked like she was waiting for my call so she immediately picked the call.

( You took the time a lot. Sigh! If you only left on the bed this much, it will be great. ) she told me in a defeated tone.

( Bitch. I am going to fucking kill you. Just wait ) I told her in an angry tone because she just broke my man's pride into pieces.

( Opp! I only talked the truth. It looks like you already formed a plan. Don't worry, I will not blame you if something goes wrong. I trust you a lot ) She told me in a normal tone but some seriousness was included in her tone.

( If you blame me, I will put you into Goblin Dungeon. Come to the ' Towa Town ' . Just search with Search bar ) I joked with her.

(Bruh! I will drag you, too. Ok. See you later. ) She told me and cut off the call. I called to MinMin and also told him to come to ' Towa Town '. I chatted with him a little bit.

I also touched to Towa Town and a robotic voice resonated inside me.

[ Do you wish to teleport to ' Towa Town '?

Y/N ]

I pressed the Yes Button and a light covered below me. I closed my eyes due to the light and when I opened my eyes, I was in the middle of town.


Check my Patreon for the advanced chapters. You can get four advanced chapters.

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[AN : I will upload Daily because I already wrote 35 Chapters. UwU. , This is just a rewrite version so there are already raw chapters. ]