Chapter 13

“Pregnant?” Faith asked and scrunched up her nose. It was difficult to see whether she was surprised, disgusted, or perhaps even happy but also her reaction was better than expected.

“You secured the bag just like that?” Faith asked and ran towards me to hug me while Luna still had a confused look on her face and was trying to process everything that was going on. “I had no idea you guys were close like that.”

Close? Even though I had started to get used to the idea of co-parenting we had a long way to go until we would be near close. “They obviously aren’t, the baby is a mistake.” Luna suddenly said and created an awkward vibe in the living room.

Yes, it was unplanned, but going as far as calling it a mistake? Unlike Faith, she had shown signs of her being pissed and I was extremely confused because it wasn’t even her child, to begin with. “Don’t listen to her, I think you’ll make a great mommy and I know I’ll make a great aunt.”