Chapter 14

Christian paced back and forth around his dad’s office, wondering if he should even get in or not. After he had, had a day to process the news he decided to tell his dad before word traveled fast and he had to figure it out from someone else.

Lucio knew his son could be a handful and had always warned him, ‘don’t knock up some random girl, and especially not one of the girls we work with.’

He knew his father wouldn’t be having it because he had already broken two rules. Lucio had been very vocal about how he wanted Christian to take his distance from Serena the day she saw him walk out of his office. Anyone but her.

“Christian is that you running a marathon out there. Are you on drugs?” Lucio asked his son. Just like Christian he had a great sense of hearing and had heard him out there for a while. For a second Christian felt guilt for calling out Serena yesterday while he had ended up doing the same, and all because of nerves.