Chapter 70

《Nathan Harrison》

"Why are your cheeks so reddened? Do you have a fever?" She leaned closer to me so she could put her palm on my forehead, to check my temperature.

Wait a minute, that's my words!!!

I feel like my heart wants to explode when she touches me. "U-ummm.....H-Bella."

Her eyes are now on my blue eyes. "Yeah..."

"Ummm.....I...I." I barely can't speak now because of her.

"Why is your temperature is so hot, Nathan?" She is now looks so worried of me.

"I...I.." She made me tongue-tied now!

"Hey...what's wrong." She sat down on the bed, facing my face that I bet is so redden now. "Tell me..."

" made me flustered." I said while closing my eyes. "My pounds so hard like it was going to explode. You are the one who made me feel like this."

She giggled. "I-I'm sorry, Nathan. I really didn't mean to do that to you. Now, please, open your eyes."

I shook my head as a no.

"Well, then...." she stopped.

Then what?