Chapter 71

《Isabella Dawson》

I woke up in Nathan’s arm with my naked body was covering with the blanket and curved a smile as soon as I saw him was staring at me with his beautiful blue ocean eyes.

"Good morning, my sunshine..." he caressed gently on my cheek.

"Hmmmm...." I stretched a bit for while then pulled him into a hug so I could rest my head on his chest, feeling her warmth that comfort me so much.

“Wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty,” he whispered to me then planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm still sleepy," my voice sounded a bit raspy as I replied to him.

He burst out of laughter, "Come on....since when you become like this, baby??"

“Since last night,” I teased.

“But none of us did not get hurt right?”

I then looked up to face him properly, “Yes…but you could if you lose control of it, silly.”

“Awww….” He gave me a kiss on my forehead. “Don’t be like that….”

I poked his chin a bit that caused him to closed his eyes, “I love you Nathan.”