You are just like your Boss

Lisa's sleep was disturbed by the sudden ring of her phone. Picking the phone up, she saw Anna Green's name on the screen. She was expecting her call.


"Oh Lisa, how are you? Here in the entire school, everyone is gossiping about you. They are saying that you pushed Mr. Mayor's daughter in front of the car and the police took you away. Is this the reason you didn't come to school? Where are you now?"

Lisa bit her lips and didn't answer her. She knew that despite her innocence people won't stop gossiping about her. No one would dare to say anything about Jasmine Brown because of her background and everyone was ready to blame her. As she didn't answer for a long time, Anna Green started saying "I don't trust this gossip. Surely there are some misunderstandings. Anyways, I am coming to meet you."
