Teasing her

When they entered the villa, they saw Helen Black standing beside the door. Carl Black frowned and asked, "Mom, what are you doing here?"

Helen Black got angry. She was worried about them and asked several times Mack Black, but she didn't get a satisfactory answer. She knew that something was wrong and he was hiding it from her.

Frowning, she asked "What do you think I am doing here? You didn't come back last night. I couldn't sleep properly."

Lisa looked up at Carl Black with wide eyes. He didn't go back home last night? He was there at the police station the entire night. She felt even more guilty. It was all because of her.

Carl Black looked down at Lisa and said "Go to the room first. I will be there soon."

Lisa nodded and about to go to her room, but Helen Black extended her hand to block the way. Lisa panicked slightly and looked at her timidly.