Sports Festival: Cape Baldy Vs Cold Soba

After the matchup against Shiozaki and Midoriya ended embarrassingly for the girl with her blind belief in whichever God she prays to, the matchups were now more serious than ever.




When people heard the puns used in the introductory for the students, they didn't know how to react but just cheered instead.

The two students went to the middle of the stage and shook each other's hand, with Shoto's signature stoic face and Inasa's everyday smile.

When both parties did their greetings like civilized people, all forms of games immediately vanished, and only seriousness was left.



Shoto immediately went into his Human Ice mode with the entirety of his body covered in ice and was constantly releasing bales of frigid temperatures.

'Let's see how long you last when the temperatures drop'

The temperature of the stage was reaching an all-time low as Shoto was releasing it at such a rapid extent, Inasa on the other hand was sending pressurized blades of wind.


[It is just the start but things are already at full tilt! Eraser, what is up with these kids trying to end it so early!?]

[They are aware of their opponent's strength and they don't dare to get clumsy or hold back whatsoever, this is a mentality when dealing with villains, never wait for a camera to act]

When the wind blades neared Shoto, he immediately erected walls of ice in front of him but were quick to topple and be sliced apart after getting blasted with numerous blades of wind.

Inasa who saw that it wasn't so effective immediately flew to the air, 'Best make an advantage of my own then!', Inasa thought to himself since the air in the stadium was trapped and he couldn't get much of it.

Kaga was watching everything from her room with Himiko was now having a headache for the thing that was about to come, "Himiko, I need to step out, or those two might just blow the entire audience"

"Although I would like to see something explode...innocent human bodies won't be it~", Himiko said and just waved farewell at her friend.

As she said that, she stepped out and was currently within the audience behind a protective glass that seemed quite strong, 'If there are any signs of cracking...I'll have to step in...sigh'

Shoto seeing that his opponent went to the skies decided that his plan to explode his surroundings wasn't possible anymore, so he too took the fight to the skies.



Switching from Ice mode to his Human Torche mode and tailed after Inasa, however, when a doting father saw this he immediately began cheering.

"SHOTOOOO! SHOW THE FRUITS OF YOUR TRAINING!", the doting father is none other than Endeavor!

[What a doting parent! But other than that, WE WILL HAVE A DOG FIGHT IN OUR HANDS!]

With the two students midair, everyone now had to tilt their heads high up. Lucky for those that are beneath the stadium's roof, there is a massive screen to showcase the fight.

"Pretty sure you're HOT-blooded right now", Inasa said all the while forming a dense sphere of air on his palms.

Shoto who heard this just deadpanned at the terrible joke that was said towards him, 'Let's just get this over with' he thought to himself.

He couldn't use [Prominence Burn], a move taught by his father, afraid to disintegrate his opponent.

But he can throw punches of ice and still keep himself afloat, and that is exactly what he did!

Wrapping his fists in ice, Shoto began punching towards Inasa's direction, with each punch sending a fist made out of ice.

Inasa won't be outdone in a match of long-distance firing; that was a specialty of his!

The two went at it for half a minute, each round of back and forth getting bigger and stronger.

[Would you look at that! I can feel the waves of air from here!]

From time to time there would be a few stray shots that would head towards the stands, but the protective glass was there to protect, this increased the thrill of the audience for some apparent reason.

Seeing that none were budging, the two back away from each other, seemingly to prepare a move of their own.

However, this is exactly what Shoto wanted, from each bout of his ice attacks that gets shattered by Inasa's winds...they simply accumulate.

With the extra breathing room, Shoto manipulated all the broken shards of ice and sent it flying towards Inasa.

Shoto couldn't create a massive ice structure without his flames dying off due to the cold, and neither could he manipulate a stable ice platform while dodging midair attacks.

Instead, he played the waiting game, letting his shards of ice accumulate. Ice doesn't melt right away, especially if they are the size of fists and slowly became the size of boulders.

[A flurry of ice is now making its way towards Yoarashi, what will he do!?]

Inasa who was charging up a big ball of compressed air that was a size of a bus now had to change his plans; he instead chose to throw it towards the incoming attack.

Shoto seeing that the charged-up attack of Inasa was directed elsewhere, immediately took the chance and jetted towards his opponent, quickly trying to encase his body in ice.

When their respective attacks collided, it was quite an earth-shattering scene!


Shoto's ice was completely obliterated and scattered everywhere; Inasa's attack created devastating winds that slammed against the protective glass.

As this happened, Shoto was able to encase Inasa in the ensuing chaos that happened resulted in their attacks.


[They are indeed strong, however, it was mainly due to their training that they reached this level]

[H-HOLD ON! It seems Student Yoarashi has been caught, will he be able to get himself out!?]

When the wind settled enough so that they could see; they were now looking at an encased Inasa!

"Y-Yoarashi, are you able to get out?", Midnight asked while shivering due to the cold, ice, and wind created quite the elemental effect.

Inasa who heard this tried to struggle free with the help of winds, but alas, he couldn't escape without running the risk of injuring himself by blasting compressed wind at himself.

Knowing his plight, Inasa simply shook his head which promptly ended the fight. Shoto casually brought Inasa down and only then did he release him.

The two bowed before each other and received thunderous applause; it seems death experiences are what they favor most.

[A five-minute break will be held before the start of the next match~!]


[Kaga's Room]

"What do you think of Shoto's fight? It seemed like he was actually about to blow the whole stadium~!", Himiko said in a sing-song voice.

Kaga who just returned from the spectator's seats pondered for a while, "He doesn't understand his ice quirk much, he should compress them and even try to alter their structure. That way his ice won't be obliterated so easily"

"Hmmm~ Is that why your ice is so durable? Your ice is stronger than reinforced concrete already!", Himiko said...remembering the times when she strikes Kaga's ice.

"Anyway, have you prepared against Momo?"

"Truthfully speaking, even if I didn't prepare I would still beat her~ But like what our dear Sensei taught us 'never be arrogant' in short I did~!"

"I suppose, are you going to share it?", Kaga asked with a lace of curiosity.

"It's a secret~! By the way, why does it smell like pussy THAT WHY SHOTO HURRIED HIS FIGHT WITH THAT METAL GUY!?", Himiko asked as if what she's asking is the secret to immortality.

At this point, Kaga turned beet red and just wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

To make matters worse, her ears were flapping in embarrassment and her tails swayed nervously too!

"I-Its just sweat!" Kaga retorted.

"You lie every time when your ears flap and that beet red face of yours isn't helping~!", Himiko teased with a smug look as if she just solved a legendary case.

"A virgin wouldn't know the holy pleasures of a meaty dong!" Kaga harumphed as if she had one-upped her best friend.

"T-That's underhanded! I just haven't found my s-special person!" Himiko said as she clutched her heart as if in pain.

This sent Kaga thinking, "What happened with Touya-nii? Aren't you two talking?", she questioned.

"Well it was just talking, in short, nothing much has progressed..." Himiko said almost sounding depressed.

"Then, would you like some help?", at this point Kaga was holding Himiko's hand to comfort the poor soul.

"I guess~?" she said while looking down to avoid Kaga's eyes.

"You're dumb at times, you know that? You should have brought this up much earlier, the Todoroki's are known to be dense when it comes to love!", Kaga said as she rubbed the back of her friend.

"True...I still remember when you and Shoto were still just friends", Himiko smiled after remembering a memory.

"But I can only help you at the next chapter, sorry about that"





