chapter i the dispatch of mobile fleet

The mutant attack

There is an outbreak in a lab and the plague virus, this is no common cold virus, this change you by making you to an mindless zombies, killing off peoples, so the Pentagon, they are and state of panicked, " our mobile teams is getting smashed, said. Mr. Defense, " we need and stragic and massive air force, to back up the mobile squad I not dispatch the dirt kids until I do, there is two major

Squads one is us and the other is the mobile land sqaud, called * Dirt Muds* like I said world chaos. It just going to get worst, back to my story. " there is one mines sky dogs you want air support, I have my sergeant and squad dispatch, with the carrier jet and jets take you to city to city, " we start here at Washington State, Commanders dispatch your armies, said. Mr. President, " ( sergeant Roger mobile up get your squad to the hanger, ) said. Mr. General,

"( Kasey get the dogs gear and the jets warm up the * Dirt Muds is riding head to Washington State,) said, Ms. General, its flight time we ran out and in the jets, the mobile squad rode up. " who is in charge? Asked. Rogers, " I'm you commander of ground, i said. " yes. " commander Carson of Sky dogs my general authorize use of our new carrier yet and top top pilots follow and cover by us, you may board in when you are ready, we got in the battle jets and left the platform, "( battle tactical Alphna,) I said, they got on board and left the ground. " our mission is to go in clean house if not talking killed it, keep your mask on and your tanks on 80% the air is not safe, undetstood? Said. Rogers, " yes sir we get you!

They all said. Location 138# Washington State. We flying high, welcome to mobile fleet, back to the story. Washington State is o over run, with the dead. "( wipe them out for the ground,) we came in heavy shooting them down, " ( Kayla one more time, we want that clear for ground.) Said. Mrs. General, "( ten four, sky one more turn on your side widers,) I said. " side what? Said. Mr. General, " we are sky dogs we come with a zombie killing missles, watch, we cut the side wife's on and came around hard,"( echo one and two away,) they left the jets, and hit the ground eploding turn them in to liver worst, "(

Leads is good, bring in the jet ground is clear.) I said. The jet touch down and the door open up," muds move out. Said, Rogers, they ran out the jet, as it take off in the air, " that was amazing you are a genuis, they are impressive, said. Mr. President,

* they the best in mobile train by me. ( good job fleet the wider s work perfect,) " sir we got trouble in the air! Said. Mr. Radar,"( Kids take cover,) swing them around. "( Kayla !)-(* I see them we swing around time to go on battle fleet attacks,) we spilt and swing around shooting at them, what the hack are they! Back to the story. " ( mobile move in now!) Rogers wave them in,they fire at them aiming for the head, "( sky get them off the ground now,) " ( fire heat seekers,) we fire the heat seekers blasting the mutant birds from the sky , they fall to the sky hitting the ground,"( that an six sky is clear general, Ground you are clrar, we fly down to double check, Dog's head out,) I said. * you train the well Mrs. General,( the ground is yours commander bring the fight to them,)" all in a days of work Mr. General, if need she fly back in cover, she told them, " I like to meet our commanders generals, said.

Mr. President, as we fly up the sky, I spot something coming in hard,"( commander what is that!?) Asked. Dawnella, "( we got boggies coming in hard,) I reported, " zombies flyers on the way, said. Radar, " Mrs. General, " (Kayla!) At the same times. Ground clear the path, (" sir ground is clear,)sir something is moving our way! Said. Jon, "( we lives here sir they coming in fast,)-(" tactical battle plane code red. Do not let them reach ground Kayla,)-(* you breaking code general?) I asked, code red is only use in tight fix I am not in a fix, "( we got ground cover, I sending in the jet you all ms'am, battle 13# spread and come in hard,) I order, " she is your daughter isn't she?" Yes and raised in the military, I knew this day was going to happen,he pick the top best air force polite drill and training them how to fly in attack patterns,

I send the jet, "( Don take them out and get to the jet,) is it!?" (Yes it just landed,) we come in hard firing at them, this is the story of my life. Welcome to Mobile fleet, back to the story. They pack up and ran out to the jet,"( Kayla is the sky clear we need you back here!?)-( mom give us second they dodging us, go aid the jet now leave them to me, I cut on target modes, side riders and heat seekets, I put my gloves on,

This is how I take my sky back, they fire at them hitting them in the head, " move out get to the jet now leave these fπcks to me!( what your name sky dog?) Asked. Don,"(Kayla what is yours, they left to cover the carrier jet, he lock in his bazooka with heat seekers bullets, he turn is hat backwards, got on his knees, " ( Don I going to a lift pretty soon Kayla,)-( " say when I fly low to get you.) They got on the jet take off town the sky,*( this breaking code done you not,)-(" dad relax no code is breaking, this what an Mud do,)-(" I didn't authorize this Kayla break attack join your team, ) said. Mrs. General, I came in heavy firing everything I had them, finally took out dozen, he fire at them taken them down hitting them in the heads, "( Kayla!) I fly in low for the pick up, he got in my jet. I take to the sky again join my team, " ( surrender the carrier, we have a six clock coming hard, cut on side widers, mr. And ma' am I have the commander with me,we have in coming, carrier pi!it's go to stealth mode now, break off go left we go right, they went into steakth, and we break off bank left and right, wait for it I got surprised for them, back to the story.