chapter ii the marines

Base attack

We land at the base plateforms, they open up the doors, they walked out of they walked off the carrier, my father mr. Emeraldhead of air mobile fleet, walked up. They kissed each other. ," how our commander and squad did for first time out, hey pumpkin. I walked up to my parents, " amazing the president wants to met her,S


 Mrs. General, " what your orders? I asked. " he the jets fuel up, rest your team, come to meet the president, said. Mrs. General, " have the base center and dinning room ready. Said, Mr. Emerald, " ten four, ( lets refuel guys,) they walked inside of the office, madam Secretary walked up, " welcome Mr. President, how our commander do? Asked. Madam secretary, " they get great and he did ready great, sir walked to the mobile base, said. Mr. General, they walked inside of the mobile command center, they are deck out no way mobile is rocking! Back to my story, I hook the holes to the jets and cut the fuel pumps on, inside the base, Mr. Emerald cut the radar and screens on. " okay mission time tomorrow, what where is my commanders? And what defense we have, " gargling towers, if we got subs fleet diverted into mobile subs from sky dogs to sea dogs, ( Kayla where you at?) Asked. Mrs. General," with long range Bazooka, is train and skill to take them off to, ( Don come to the center son,)

Said, mr. General, "( fueling the jets Mrs. General.) I said. " ( I need you to hold up in come to the base,) said. Mrs. General. "( please commander Carson of the mobile flight sky dogs, Mr. President want to meet you,) -(" give me a minute, they almost fill,)-( * thank you Kayla,) " she is on her way sir, said. Mrs. General, Don walked inside of the base, " this is our son Don and mobile fleet commander of the Dirty mud, he shake the President hands," you rock sons, very impressive your father taught and train you very well, said. Mr. President,

I finally walk in after fueling up the jets, walked inside. " we are set to flight, I said, " this is our daughter Kayla commander of mobile flight sky dogs. Said, Mrs.General. I shake his hand, " you to is very impressive. Said, mr. President, " thank you sir, I said. " we go over tomorrow after breakfast is guns set in motion our generals?" Yes sir they loaded in ready this way to the dinning room, said. Mrs. General, never and dude day here, just a zombie day, back to my story. We walk in the dinning room they bring out dinner, you would think this will be a good night to rest, wrong the plagued and mutants reach the base, the alarm went off, " ( commander on deck we have incoming!)-(flyers or subs?) I said.

"( plague and mutants sky ,) " lock your selves in the compound ! ( sky dogs take to the air I on my way,) we being hit , I jump up and ran out, " put your mask on now plague is here, ( Mud move out get the Buzooka, ) Don ran out to joining is team. They got and ran into the compound and sealed the doors closed, Mr. Emerald cut the screens on, " no kidding the plague reach us!" Radar what is on the Doppler? Asked. Mr. General,

" both zombies and mutants, subs said. Radar, they looked at each other, " ( Kayla take out both time to convert to sky and sea dogs,) said. Mrs. General, "( that a alpha ma" am sky and sea dogs we got double, switch water subs mode on turn on your target modes,) we switch into sea jets ,take to the air ,she crossed her arms, "( Don do not let those thing breach the walls, time to convert to Canines,)-(* convert to canines mud, switch guns rock and load the military snipper rifle cut your trigger mode on hold ground,) said. Don, they switch gun and reload them, he crossed his arms, " we have target in two minutes, " ( biggies in sight we take the out,) we open fire at them blasting them out of the sky, they crashed into the water, they open fire and killing the mutated animals, " how are commanders holding up? Asked. Mr. President, " sky clear the sky and ground took out the animals, the alarm went off, zombies subs and zombies appearching," that no enemy sub sir its one of our, General Cooper sea dogs! Said. Radar, "( Take out that zombies commander!)-(" ten four Canines aim high hit your targets) they shot at them, hitting them in the heads,

"( Kayla break attack, break attack that is one of ours,)-(" breaking attack cut off the water subs and stay dry, lets help out the mud, cut on side widers,) I said. We break attack bank left, (" who is in charge of this base?)-(" we are General WILSON and General Carson, ), "( of special defense units!?) Asked. Cooper, ' ( non other mr. General, we are with the president,) said. Mr. General, " ( call off your teams please, we wish to join the fight and deck,) said. Cooper,"( she not on your tail, you may join the fight. ) said, Mrs. General, they surfaces they got off the subs, they unlocked the door to let them in, And closed, we fire side widers turning to dirt, we bank right,"( one more time, sent dogs, fly low use target mode,) I said. " Mr. President glade you all safe nation Marines, to report but first it a few here, " the mobile flight fleet is three million msn and women, " same here we don't train a small mount, this is the mobile fleet branch, Cooper, what you have to report? Said. Mr. General, " they do not stay on ground there are mutant birds and zombies flyers they took out have my fleet, said. Cooper, " you day late we know about them I was authorized to pick 30000 man and women to drill and train to fight them, and a equity one to hand team commander mobile flight a.k.a Sky and sea dogs, their jets can fly and seal under water, another second you would been gone, said. Mrs. General, " same to drill 30000 man and women how to aim and fight the mutants and Zombies, under leadership as commander, welcome to mobile fleet a.k.a Dirty mud and Canines, that all you have for us? Said. Mr. General, " huh they have subs now which shatter my division of 120000 man and women, said. Cooper, " sorry to hear that you what you have left, what you have left, we fly low, taken them out, they move up aiming shooting them in the heads, we clear the wall, "( sky look good long with the sea ma-am, we going to fly patrol before landing and refueling,) I said. " ( good job Kayla be careful do not stay up to long please,)-(" ten four Sky dogs head out, ) we bank left and fly back down the sky, " (sir ground is clear so is the air you can come our, thank sky dogs, we going to go out and patrol the grounds,) said. Don, "( okay do not stay out their to long,) -( " that's a order Mud head out.) Said. Don, they left the base, " I have only ten hundred sir you letting them stay out?' They are patrolling sky and ground, won't you send your commander to patrol the sea, said. Madam Secretary, " I don't have one he gotten blow up in the attack, I took over command, I do not have the subs," lucky for you tha we do how would you like to be the mobile sub General, retrain your hundreds to fight them in the water, aid by sky, to follow command of one you pick, said. Mr. President, "

It be an honor sir thank you, said. Cooper, go pick uniform and retrain your team in the water with your new subs, they walked out of the base into the mobile sub rooms, " welcome to mobile sub fleet marines, your general drill you to take the fight to them, by the mobile drill books, he teach you how to operate the mobile subs,these are faster and smaller then the marinres, this is your room hanger , now mobile is ready train yours to I want flight and ground refresh, said. Mr. President, "( Kayla come back and bring your wings to the flight room time to get refresh up,) said. Mrs. General," ( Roger and out. Sky dogs head back home,) we turn around and fly back to the base,"(Don cone home son time to regroup bring the mud to the training ground, ) said. Mr. General, "( heading back now sir,)

Said. Don, what a day like I said, a zombie day, back to my story.