chapter iii the swim

Relax after training

All day up I to night fall we train,as I leaded my team crossed the sky. ( cut on guns flight lets get ready for some shooting,) said. Mr. General cut on guns flight lets get ready for some shooting,) said. Mr. General," ( cut on trigger mode getting to bank right,) we cut our modes on. Down on the ground the Muds rock and lock their bazooka guns,"( move on get really for live rolls,) said. Mr. General, "( Move up take them down, next group in half of hour.) Said, Don. They open fire shooting them in the heads, at the mobile subs dock, " go we are mobile fleet we got the subs we need to win this, and you have your new Comment Dana, lets begin training, take them out lets get feel of the sea, said. Mr. General, they got in the subs and went under the ocean and seal up the ocean. Mobile fleet we are the real American heroes, back to my story. "( take them them out next line in 30 minute,)-(" roger next group in 30, first line with me,) they move up shooting them in the heads, "( subs how we are looking?) Asked. Mr. General, " ( we are looking good sir} said. Dana, the president walked into the training centet," how we looking? Asked. Mr. President, " we are looking smooth sir , said. Mrs. General, " yeah mobile is looking good, said mr. General, that is the understatement we looking good,, back to my story. We bank hard left and coming up the sjy,"( good job Kayla, we send targets now,)said. Mr. Emerald, "( cut your guns on get ready to bank left again, we coming in hot ma'am.)+(" easy as it goes Kayla,) said. Mrs. General, Mobile fleet wipe up the set of targets,"( good Jon Don move the next set up.) Said. Madam secretary, "( second roll move up, third roll get your Whalma ready in 30 minutes, they move up aiming for the heads, " ( setting targets sung you are looking good.) Said, Mr. General, they seal up the ocean getting their torpedoes ready, welcome to what I call he'll of city, why those are not live going on what impulses like driving eating,sailing and flying , best you stay inside and locked the doors and windows, back to my story, " mobile never look so sweet, we fire at the targets taken them Out of the sky, we fly over them, "( mobile flight as clear the air, bank left again we diving down.) We bank left and dive down, I live for the sky. Back to my story, "_( pay attention to the sky , lurching enemy jets ,)said, Mrs. General, " ( ten four coming around ,dive ) we dive down and come up behind them, "( heat seekers,use target mode,) we cut target mode and cut our heat seekers missiles on, Mr. . President walked up and crossed his arms, " ( good Don send up the next group, keep going.) Said, mr. General, " ( their group move up fourth group in 30 keep going mobile, take them down now!) They move up shooting them in the heads, as they keep moving toward, shooting them, live fire training get you ready for the real thing, back to my story, " ( okay subs I sending up targets, getting to take the ocean back. Said, Mr. General, "( roger roger.) Said. Dana, they set the torpedoes up and lock and load, we came around again, " ( tale them down Kayla,) said. Mr. Emerald, "( coming in heavy cut on target mode,) I said. We came around beating them out of the sky, " ( leads is good, the sky is clear.)I said," impressive, bright them down, what our kids doing, said. Mr. President, they shot down all . " ( Mud dogs we are good,,) said. Don,"( the ground is clear, mr. President. Said. Mr. General, " good sub you are up. How are we doing? Asked. Mr. President, they blast subs out of the water. "( water is clear sir its good day to be a fish.) Said, Dana. " (water is clear sir, training is complete,) said. Mr. General, " great call your teams to land and your commanders and officers in, tomorrow we got an busy day, said, mr. President.'( okay Kayla head to land and fuel up,) said. Mrs. General, " ( good job Don bring them home,) said.Mr. General, it always a good day to fly, this is what I am about mobile flight, back to my story. " ( we coming in sir.) Said. Don. " move out! They pick up their guns and head back to the base, "( good job Dana return to the base,) said. Mr. General, " ( we head home sir, subs move ot,) said, Dana, we land on the plate firm, open the hatches and got out the jets," time for a dip in the pool, I said." What about Mr.president, " what about it go get something to eat I am everyone after I cool down, I said. They head to the dinning room,as I walked into the pool room for a swim, after flying I like to unwise, back to my story. ' dismiss go get something to eat, said. Don, they break free head to the dinning room,He heading to the pool room to shoot and relax, we all have our own space to chill, welcome back to the mobile fleet, back to my story, I dive in the pool , nothing with a swim. They all walked on the command base, " commands summers, where our other two commanders at? Asked. Mr. President, "(Kayla where are you in your officers at,) asked. Mrs. General, I opened out the eater,and push the intercom. " ( relax and wiring down ma'am.) I Said. "( you are need in the base,) said. Mrs. General, " ( they are tired, my team is tired, and I am tired, tell him he can safe everyone, the world is dead,) I said. "( he is my commander in chef as I am yours Kayla, make it five,) said. Mrs. General, "( sixteen , mom then we talk over and out, I dive under the water and swim, come oni hate an back seat driver , if he want to rush to certain death be my guess, back to the story,