chapter x

After they got done eating their rooms watching tv and rest, in Maduson and  Lance, they on the screen of their labtop face timing each other, they got wrestling on tv ."( i  can't stand bedtime, I hardly get any sleep,) said. Kari, " (why M?) Asked, Jetta and Hanna. " ( that  makes two of us, pregnancy pain. When that hits her we both is up, i try everything to help. Nothing works,) said. Lance,  and  Tony  and  Jetta room, they are on their labtop on face time. Tony has boxing on the tv,"(we got Pregnancy hiccups same here i can't think of anything else to do,) said. Tony, Christopher, and Hanna room they are on the laptop face time, Christopher got kickboxing on the tv."( we rather have the hiccups instead of pregnancy hot flashes, least we get to sleep in the morning.) Said, Christopher. Sara and George knocked on the door, Lance got off the bed and open the door and let them in. " why you two still up, asked. George, " teaching  the boys about wrestling,  plus we don't sleep at night pregnancy pain, hit like a body slam,  i try  herbal tea, and rocking music,  nothing  works, sides during the morning we be able to sleep in, said.  Lance, " Madison, Lance we all going to  the valley of  Raptors i would  like everyone to come, she look at her mother, "  walking distance, still i can not and won't do a van, said. Madison, "  have you try  calming tea and rubs together son, four hour drive up,  they said  there is all types of raptor here, said. George,  " rubs and calming babe let's give it a try it, mm that so not happen, she with a laod and told to take it easy, so  lite walks, less stress place as possible, i trying to keep her away from her,  said. Lance, "  what you got plan for latter?"  i up for anything  long as i can sleep in the morning, said, Madison, . " i get the tea. Lance get behind her and rub her stomach slow circles,  Lance got on the behind behind her and start to rub her stomach,  George came back with the calming tea, she take and start to drink it, " no tour, no valley, i like to spend time here with my daughters and sons-in-laws, said. Sara, " i think of something  for us to do, cars not good she do not need to be shook or shake i love to see my boys born Mrs.Christmas, can you please give us that without cars being involved, asked. Lance, after she finished the tea shestart to yawn,  they both pass out on the bed,  George took the cup and walked up to  Tony and Jetta, he got off the bed and open the door,  they walked into the room, he closed the door. " pain? Asked. George, " nope hiccups sir  water or holding your breath doesn't work, said. Tony, " did you tried warm milk? Asked. George, " we cant do the valley either,  doc told no strains, we did the bus down and we have to  do the bus back, wont you let them do the valley and come with us on a afternoon walk before lunch, warm milk what you think cupcake? Asked. Tony, " let's do it. Said,  Jetta.  "  this is a tour vacation Jetta could you three least try to join us?" mother i knew we shouldn't come,  Tony i want go home, i am pregnant do you see  what size i am, i not going  to squeeze in a car, i knew that was fake, leave it to you  to think only about you, this whole thing was a mistake from the start, never call me agian and i changing my number,  Andrew now please i do not car if we take a cab back to  Miami, said. Jetta, " on it,  stop thinking about your  needs yourself you stressing my wife out,  " ( guys we leaving you coming, ) he start to pack their packs and calling a cab, "  wait, don't go, will you stop Sara, they are pregnant  they do not  have to do the tour if they don't want to. snapped George,  shutting  her up. Lance,and Christopher walked out of the room, "  they are upset i can not have Hanna upset, seems this family trip is more for her then for the family, said. Christopher. " same here don't you think we want to, they want to. They are with our infants, maybe if you would pick a trip that we all can do not for you, then it wouldnt be a problem, they want to go. Said,  Viktor. " thank you, you not thinking about them that they are pregnant! You are thinking about you, Jetta is stressed, and upset right now thank you for doing that like i need my pregnant wife to be stress at all! Tony snapped at her, " Babe is tick and stress, everything was fine why didn't you just leave it alone!? Said, Lance, " oys could you talk with them  tell them that she  sorry,  we want to be their for our  grandchildren birth and for you six, asked. Henry.  they walked back in their rooms, Madison, looks at him, he sat on the bed. "  i love you  i do anything  for you, and i am on your side, and on our sons side,  they sorry and want us to stay, this is your call babe you say stay we stay you say let's go i will call us a cab to take us back to Denver, Colorado,  said. Lance, she took at him with her blue eyes  that will melt you from the  inside, "  huh,   what you think, maybe we should try the tour for her,  said. Madison,  " you such a trooper babe that is the most the great things i always love bout you.  so we are  staying, asked.  Lance,  " i guess so,  now i can't sleep now, said. Madison, "  daddy  now what to now, he kissed her on the head and walked out, " we staying  and we are going  to try  to do the tours, that all we can promise you. Said, Lance,"  thank you Lance,  said, George.  Sara smiled at him,  and Tony and Jetta room,   Jetta  looked at him,   Tony sat down on the bed, "