chapter xi

a new morning everyone is in the dining room having breakfast, Viktor, Kari, Tony, Jetta, and Christopher and Hanna walked in the room, they looked at them,  " they decide to come down? said. Jean, " shut Jean,  know i know where Beth gets her big mouth from,  Sara said they are going to try to join us on the tours, Sally walked up, " how you three feeling? asked,  Sally.  " it's  little early to say Mrs. Christmas, said.  Viktor, "  none of us got back to see, the queens where up,  said.  Christopher,  "  like rubbing me and tea  would actually  stop the pain i going through, i not to hungry  this morning, you three need to go eat, said. Kari, "  not before my  wife babies, try for me babe, begged, Viktor. "  why they looking at us have they seen anyone pregnant before! i told you i has fat as a cow,  cried Jetta, " Cupcake you are not fat, what you all freaking looking at, you freaking them out, how about  oatmeal or pancakes? she looked at them, " how about we forget this trip catch a cab back to Miami, where i not around stress, and judging jealous eyes, said. Jetta,  " how long we are going to stay here?  eat your freaking food  stop stirring  at my wife,  snapped.  Christopher,  they  stopped and went back to eat,  " i agree with Jetta i want to go back  to  Seattle Christopher, it  honestly  that pregnant women does not belong  here,  " i agree to ever since we enter the room  they been judging us because we are married and pragnant,  is that offer still stands Reno? asked,  Kari.  " girls they just glad you came out of the room, you are carrying  so you three need to  tried  to eat.  said, Sally,  they walked over to the table and help them into the chairs, they  kneel down to their wives, " hey  beautiful, you know you and my sons are my world, and on my arm  the world will know,   all of  WNW will know  the tenth time champ Viktor Reno  has not only finds his queen but married her, and got her pregnant with  his  sons his partners, we are Team N, you, me, Vincent,  Vanny, and Vego,  my queen Mrs. Nevada is not fat, or big, she is carrying  pure muscle,  " that what they are, the reason for my pain,  wait you want me to walked you down the ramp? he kissed her on her head, " you are my number one diva, i am your number one wrestler, and you are carrying the future of  Team N, what you want for breakfast? asked, Viktor.  " only  if you  be my partner in the studio,  if we going to do this  i need my king  as my partner, he smile at her, " your king will be honor to be a owner,  my queen saying  that she my diva, "  yes  i love to walked you down the ramp Mr. Nevada, they kick her, Viktor felt them,  they smiled, " hi sons  you boys are being good? they saying mommy i hungry feed us, my queen what would she like for our breakfast? he help her up. they kissed each other, " i love you dad,  what we  had the other day, he sat her back down, " coming up, he kissed her on the  head and walked up to the table,  " like wise, Mrs. Blazes is not fat, she carrying our daughters Isabella and Javelin,   time for the world and  the boxing   world knows  their future championships and  the women who is my queen at my side at ringside,  this  Team B  we are Americas number tenth number ne boxing family.  " you want me at  ringside? asked.  Jetta, " i want you and my girls on my arms   i am your number one boxer, and you number one gal, said, Tony.  " then i want you not as a customer but my co owner, he smiled at her, " i am you  guy for the job then,  what can i get us for breakfast, he helps her up, they kissed each other, Beth looked was jealous with envy,  they kicked and  Tony felt it, "  they say feed me, i am hungry mommy, " the same dad. he sat here  back down and kissed her on the head,  he walked up to the table,  "   my queen Mrs.  Hawkins is not chubby, fat, or big she is  carrying  muscle like their  cousin, "  is that the reason for my hiccups? he smile at her, "  the champ needs the queen of his heart on his arm walking him  down the ramp, this is Team H  we are number one champs of kickboxing, our  boys  Nike, James,  John and Spike  is the future,  i love you Mrs. Hawkins, your king will do anything for you,  i want  you  on my arm and our sons arms, "  you want we to waled you  down the ramp? asked,   Hanna, "  then i want you as my co owner to the ice polar, not as a customer, he smiled. " your wish is our command  right boys, said.  Christopher,  he kissed her on the forehead,  they kick her and Christopher felt it,  " they saying mom i need food to grow, he helps her up. " what can i get us,  " the usaul i love you to  Mr. Hawkins,  he help her up and they kissed each other,  he sat her back down and went over to the table, "