chapter xii

they pull up to the Raptor hunting grounds and  they stop and the  cameras  came on, " (these is the hunting grounds of the Raptors,) the cars said.  Everyone looking out  of the windows, "  babe you asleep? Asked. Lance, " when do i ever get a chance to sleep Lance? I resting my eyes. Answered, Madison, . "  you look so beautiful when you resting your eyes, said. Lance, she smiled and laugh. " aw you trying to smooth talk me, said. Maduson, " is it working? She opened her eyes and looked at him. " yes baby  i love when you  smooth talk me, said. Madison, they kissed each other, and  the second van, " we can drive off into The sunset like this, said. Tony, " mm, to bad it is automatic, said. Jetta, " that can be arranged, cupcake, said. Tony, she strokes his face,  and the third van Hanna and Christopher, " this is a borning trip Sweet thing,,  we have more fun at home in Seattle, said. Christopher, "  this must where Beth  want to go, she and her mother act more like kids then anything, said.  Hanna,  " so that where that comes from, say the words i have  us back  home soon,  said. Christopher,  she grabs him by his shirt and they kids each other, after they went on the tour they are back at the  hotel, " that was a great tour Aunt Sara, said. Beth, " only you would think so Beth. said, Heather. " this lame trip must be here Idea, said. Jane" only she would want to go to a child tour. Said, Jonah, "   a course they both act like a child themselves, said. Heather, " more on the parents because they won't let  her grow up, you Aunt act more like a child herself Georgia, said.  Charles,   they walked   inside of the hotel  dinner is not ready yeah,  "  we not going  on anymore tour rides i do not care how many times she cries and  bags Lance,  said. Madison,  " your wish is my  command my queen, let's get you up stairs,  he help her up the  steps, "  after this i need  streak dinner with  everything, and  apple juice, they walked inside of the room,  he gentle sat her on the bed and cut the TV on, "   i be back with dinner my family.  You okay Madison? asked. Lance, "  so far i think i ready to leave, he walked up and kissed her on the head and waked out the room,   " let's agree Tony   the van  is off limits, said, Jetta. " don't worry  Cupcake  Tony's queen and princesses is not going on anymore tours,  let's head up, he help her up the steps, "  really  we could gone anywhere  the beach, another city, children tour this got be Beth freaking idea, when will she going to grow up and act her age for once,  after this lame little tour i need a lobster with  everything and grape juice. said, Jetta,   he open the room door and sat her gently down on the  bed,   and cut on the TV, " i will be back in a flash,  you okay Jetta? asked, Tony. "  yeah i ready to leave, he walked up  and in kissed her on the head.  and walked out of the room, closing the door.  "  i agree with  Madison, and Jetta Christopher that whole thing was boring ,  we should never came, we had more fun at home, said. Hanna, " agree, i was born myself, let's head up,  Sweet thing not to late to pack in go,  he help her up the steps, "  she never going to grow up can't believe mom and dad agree to come here,  after today i need a  shrimp  dinner with everything and  orange. said,  Hanna.   he open up the door and walked in and sat her down on the bed, " i  will return with dinner, you okay my queen? asked, Christopher.  " in the long run, maybe so ready to go back to  Seattle.  said, Hanna.  he walked up and kissed her on the head, and walked out of the room, they walked down  the steps  into the lobby, Charles, Billy and Jonah walked up to them, "   they okay?   Georgia is so want  to go  back to New york, said. Charles, " you from New york what you do Charles, asked.   Lance, "  the queen of hearts  want to go back to Denver, i about to call a cab to take us. you got a queen yourself  black hair and  icy blue eyes that a queen, "  cool  yeah,  she runs a  dance hall and i am a world class weight lifter tenth time champ,  said,  Charles, "  this whole thing blows i just might pack up tonight and call a cab in the morning, i not taking   Jetta on anymore tours, the queen of Diamonds  had enough,  cool,   my bro is a  wrestler tenth time title holder , i am is  boxer a tenth  time title holder, and my other bro is  kick boxer tenth time title holder,  you got a queen to,   Almond  hair, and  green eyes is a queen, said,  Tony.  "  sweet,   same her Heather  really want to go back  to  Wisconsin, i am a bodybuilder tenth time champ.  Heather  runs a  fashion studio,  what is that girl deal? asked. Billy,  "  the queen of  Spades said she a wannabe, she can't have this stud,  you got want to  black hair and  stone-grey eyes  is a queen,  only queens leave home, start their own business, and steal  hearts, Hanna want to leave to, i about to do the same, and only queens  get dinner, they walked up to the table, "  all six  kings found  there queens, what can i get you all,  he asked. "  my queen was wondering could you fix us a streak dinner with everything, asked.  Lance, we writes it down, "  my queen was hoping for a lobster dinner with everything, said.  Tony,  he took it down, "  mines was wondering  for shrimp dinner with everything, said. Christopher,  " what do you reccomend?asked. Charles,  he told them   what  we recommend and all three ordered it, "  six dinners is coming up,  they went to get their wives something to drink,