chapter xiv

So few days, it is time for the trip, and Henry pulled up in the best, all six came, Viktor and Kari with their son Venice, Tony and Jetta with their daughter Isabella. And Chris and Hanna with their son Naruto, " hey bros and sis! They hugged each other, " is that my niece and nephew, hey Isabella and Venice,  you hear what mom said? Asked, Hanna." Come or don't come she comes near my husband and son I getting her tail, Kari put her shades on, " mom we are a one-woman man, size she is not my type Bony pil black hair is not my type of girl we prefer blonde hair, blue eyes and with a figure. " really so if I didn't have blonde hair blue eyes and a body you won't be interested? Asked. Kari, "I do not answer that right, she tried to trick us, son, go with mom I got to get our stuff, love you, said. Viktor, she takes him, " you didn't answer your wife's question. " Babe it doesn't matter what you look like, you still be wearing all of my rings, said. Viktor, " so I had Brown hair  Hazel eyes, and fat you still be interested? He stop and they laughed, " that is a very good question, Tony would you? Asked. Jetta, " go with mommy I have to get our bags, muffin you are perfect the way you are why mess it up? "What you say, Chris? Asked. Hanna, he gives Naruto to her, "I say I need to unpack the car babycakes, said. Chris, " Viktor Reno Nevada, you give me an answer? Madison, I know what you mean, and yes because, the true beauty is within, not skin deep,  so yes I would still marry you, you will always be the woman I fall in love with, so all my heart you will always be my type. Said, Viktor. She strokes his face, they kissed each other. "  Tony James  Blazes so you are not going to answer me? Asked. Jetta, if you have red hair or blue hair with brown eyes, Karen, nothing wasn't going to stop me from marrying you and making you my wife, you are my whole heart woman, I never love anyone the way I love you, said. Tony, she kissed him, and he kissed her back. " Chris Henry Blair, what is your answer? Asked. Hanna, " when I saw you, I knew that we are the package deal, so if you want Pink hair and brown eyes and fat I do not care what you look like, I will love you and only you, Tracy you are it for me. They kissed each other, Sara, Henry, " is those my grandbabies give me, said. Henry, " how about a hi first!? Said. Kari," or Kari Viktor, Jetta Tony and Hanna and Chris thanks for coming! Said. Jetta,  " what are we chopped liver!? Asked. Hanna, " we come all the way here all we get is hand over the grandchildren!? Said, Viktor. " like we are freaking invisible here, said. Tony, "Fighting the Seattle traffic is not easy at all, a little welcome would be nice here, said. Chris. " relax, that you for coming, boys get your stuff, girls on the bus, and give us our grandchildren will you, said. Sara, they hand them to their parents and got on the bus. Viktor, Tony, and Chris went to get their bags and cradles, Beth walked up to them, " your girlfriends couldn't make it?" I happily married with a son, she stated come near me and she going to kick your butt, I love my wife, I love my son, and I do go for black hair women, I prefer blondes. Said, Viktor. He got on the bus, "same here, I'm happy in my marriage I have no plans to leave my wife and daughter for you, size I do not go for black hair women like you, he got the car seat and their bags and got on the bus, " what was that? Asked. Kari, " you who I love, you who I want to be married to, I love you babe like I said I never want to disappoint you or our son. She kissed him, and he kissed her back and pulled her to him. " you always know what to say mr. Nevada to win my heart and convenient me you are a genuine guy said, Kari. " will I be that guy, I will never stop loving you and our son, so Viktor Reno, Nevada is mr. Genuine guy. Said, Viktor. " that's why I love you so much, they kissed each other. * Dah Gah, call out Venice. " come on son let's get you in your seat, Dad did you strap it in? Asked. Kari takes him from her mother. " yeah mom, oh look at that guy, he pure Nevada. Said, Viktor. Kari put him in his car seat and they sat down, Tony walked on the bus. " did you tell her if she doesn't keep her distance that she going to get her pale, bony bad skin black hair kick bad? Asked. Jetta, " darn that's what I forgot to add, you know that you are my world Jetta, I love my wife and daughter to the stars, only your love can send me there, said. Tony, they kissed each other,  * Dah, Dah. Called Isabella, he takes her from Henry and kissed her, " we got daddy wrapped around our fingers, she giggle. He put her in the baby seat, and Chris got on the bus, "I don't know she keeps coming after us bros, we didn't even push up on her,  you who I love and want Hanna, she can't even hold a candle to you. They kissed each other, " she does not want jerks so stay away from my girlfriend! Chase told him, " then keep her in her place away from our husbands, no this is not going to work out, I told you to want long as they are not going its find, Viktor. " guys lets get a room and have fun here,  said. Viktor, " eat something to give them a bottle take them to the zoo,  said. Tony, " then catch a movie can be fun the eight of us having fun here, said. Jetta, " go to the park, spend the hold day lost in the city I am baby cake what do you think? Asked. Chris, " this sounds better than going on a trip, let's do it guys. Said, Hanna. " it's good mom they want to go fine, but we are staying this is better for our kids because they do not have to worry about it, so have fun, Beth you got a boyfriend so act like you have one, stay the heck away from my son and husband period, Viktor picks up everything why she gets their son, they got off the bus. " stay away from my daughter and Husband he not into you he never will pick someone like you! Tony got their bags and Jetta got their daughter and walked off the bus. " definitely stay the h*ll away from my family Beth, no one wants someone to like you!  They got their son and bags and got off the bus,