chapter xv

They got an apartment in the city for a few days, while the family went on the trip, "  he was about to get punched, why can she gets through her dumb head that I belong to you and only you, I didn't bust my butt for nothing, said. Viktor, " for our son sake I glad you hold it back Mr. Viktor Reno Nevada, coming down here is no easy trip. And if she not trying to act like their daughter, if she can not join us she tried to still what she can not have, especially when you won't take no for an answer. Said, Kari. " will she need to get the heck out of my face before she gets smack, Venice laughed, and Kari raised her eyebrow at him, " that is not funny,  great we teaching him to hit women now, instead of wrestling. " no Mrs. Kari Madison Nevada, he going to be like me right? Asked. Viktor, "I never said he wasn't Reno, he our son so when he old enough teach him how to wrestle, she said. And Tony and Jetta's room. " I didn't show the b*tch I was interested in her what is she plain dumb or flat out stupid!? Asked, Tony. Isabella laughs at her dad, " maybe both, both dad, we are going to have fun with Venice Aunt Kari, Uncle Viktor, Naruto,  Aunt Hanna, and Uncle Chris.  Said, Jetta.  " we need no bus ride, for the future boxing queen. Ain, 't that right, said. Tony, Hanna, and Chris's room, " what is her deal right dad got the woman he wants and he got the son he wants, and he very happy and lucky, said. Chris, " she wishes for a life that is not hers,  I tell you, she about to get her butt beat from all three of us. Said, Hanna. After they unpacked they went into the city. On the bus, "you are not apart of this family you shouldn't even be on the bus, Viktor, Tony, and Chris is apart of the family because they are married to Kari, Jetta, and Hanna, said. Sally, " for once why can you stop going after them, this trip was for the grandkids and nephews and nieces, you are too old,  I dare you to ruin this for the little ones, especially Venice, Isabella, and Naruto! Snapped, Tom. " wait a freaking minutes dad, their daughters are not your only grandchildren Beth his your granddaughter too! Jean went on the defensive, " why you two here you do not have any grandchildren, so all four of you could stay home! Jean, I saw for the great nieces who have kids, great-nephews who have kids grandchildren who have kids, all are here, great-nieces with their husbands and kids, great-nephews with their wives and children, my girls were here, your *ss have to push yourself on their husbands, you will never be my boy's type that is not into someone like you, said. Tom, " leave Viktor, Tony, and Chris alone Beth if I have to tell you one more time you not going to like it, you two are the reason why she wishes Henry and Sara were parents because you don't show her understanding, love, and support, you act like she a burden to you, that you both don't want to be bothered with her, if that the case Jean your tail shouldn't have her, said. Sally, " Ii call them, I hope you two are happy with yourself the four of you not ruin our grandchildren's first trip, also the time that we were hoping to spend with them! Cried, Sara. " do us favorite when there is a trip do not come! Do your own thing, Beth stop trying to steal my son-in-law from my daughters you hear! Viktor and Kari, Tony and Jetta, and Chris and Hanna are in love with each other, they have kids, they are not going to leave the queen of their hearts for you, do not touch them, do not look at them, and do not speak to them ever, you are p*ssing Kari Jetta and Hanna off, I too old to hold them back, and pulled them off you, if you have a brain you stop throwing yourself at the man who is happily married and who have no interest in you what so ever do I make myself clear to you!? Tears came down her face. The girls answer the screen, " (hi mom,)-("please tell me you not going home yet, I want to spend time with my daughters and sons-in-law and grandchildren.) Said, Sara. " baby what do you think? Asked. Kari, " we are on vacation mom, plus my boss knows that I want to help out with our baby. They kissed each other, "(we be here for a few days, I got my laptop so I can work from anywhere.) said, Kari, " (so you be by tomorrow then, what about you Tony and Jetta?) " what you say baby? Asked. Jetta, we brought the laptop so we can run the restaurant from anywhere and my trainer gives me days off to be there. So we are on vacation here mom, said. Tony, " we still will be her mom. Said. Jetta, "(great! Hanna and Chris you staying too?) Asked, Sara. " we on vacation right my stud muffin? Asked. " yeah baby cakes we will still be here when you get back home mom, said. Chris, "(that makes me happy now, see you tomorrow,)-(maybe this family can do something without those three, what the six of you think?) Asked. Henry, " what do you have in mind dad? Asked. Kari, *Dah, Dah. Called, Venice. "(Put my grandkids on the screen, I heard Venice.)  Said, Sara. They put them on the screen, " (hi, Venice, Isabella, and Naruto, what mommy and daddys have planned today?) Asked, Henry. ( zoo,  seeing the city after grandpa.) Said, Viktor. " (then lunch after, all depends on what the day has planned. ) Said, Tony. "( then back to the hotel to rest,) said. Chris, " (sound like a fun day with mom and dad today,) said. Tom, "their first trip trying to make it a rememberable one.) Said, Kari. "(stress-free,) said. Jetta, " ( without drama, every time you plan you invite them who bring drama. Why mom because their family, try telling that.) Said, Hanna, "(