chapter xvi

After the trip they are back in Detroit, Michigan, spending time with their grandchildren and kids. "  thank you for waiting, all we want is to take them on a trip and spent time with them, said. Henry, " you did granddad we went to the zoo and saw elephants, said. Viktor, " and rhinos, said. Tony, " and water Buffalo's, said. Chris, "  will we have to go back to the zoo tomorrow with grandma and grandpa, let our parents relax, said, Sara. " we are relaxed mom, said. Kari, " guys they are telling us to beat it tomorrow, said. Jetta, " mom, we understand that you want to spend time with them, you spend time with all of us, said. Hanna,  " boys do you have something romantic planned for your wives tomorrow? Asked. Henry, " not dad. Said, " really boys you have gorgeous wives that married you and give you kids. You don't have anything planned especially for them, " that is a hint to plan something, no offense when was the last time you take care of a baby? Asked. Tony, " not brain surgery Tony, yes Kari, Jetta, and Hanna we telling the six of you to get lost tomorrow said. Sara, "  you just going to take our kids just like that mom and dad? Said. Kari, " grandma and grandpa didn't kidnap us from you when they're aged, said. Jetta, " that hurts mom, you cut deep. Said, Hanna. " we not saying it is, do you even know how to change a diaper still? Asked. Chris, " we still know how to take care of a baby, so what do you three got plan? Asked. Henry, " we could go out to dinner, said. Viktor,  " then hit the club to dance later. Said, Tony. " catch a movie after, said. Chris, " that does sound nice, said. Kari, " all day out that is sweet, said. Jetta, " yeah. Said, Hanna." You boys can use the phone to make your plans, said. Henry, " wait now, why do you try to get rid of us? Asked. Viktor, " yeah, I thought you want to spend time with us? Asked. Tony, " we are all here at the house dad, said. Chris, " we still know how to take care of a baby, so what do you three get a plan? Asked. Henry, " we could go out to dinner, said. Viktor,  " then hit the club to dance later. Said, Tony. " catch a movie after, said. Chris, " that does sound nice, said. Kari, " all day out that be sweet, said. Jetta, " yeah. Said, Hanna." you girls got dresses and make bags. Asked, Sara. " mom back at the hotel, we are not that type of girl remember, why are you trying to get rid of us? Asked. Kari, Venice laughing, * will mom you and your husband were supposed to come on the trip today, instead, you got off the bus. Said, Sara. " with our only grandchildren, said. Henry, " cheez mom will if you didn't invite those three we wouldnt, wait for your grandchildren yes, but our children said. Jetta, " you know how we feel about the boyfriend theft! And we are the only ones that pushed them out and it hurt! Said. Hanna, " yeah, you took our son from us when we can all go to the zoo and take our wives out. Said, Viktor, " all of us can treat Grandma and moms out, size dad when was the last time you take mom out? Asked. Tony, " it be a family night out, would you rather for us to get them off the bus before they jumped her or let them jumped her? Asked. Chris,  " good point I rather for that not to happen, and it's been a while, said. Henry, " see mom don't you want to go out and spent time with the grandkids and us? Asked. Viktor, "  we go out and have a good time too, said. Kari, " what do you say, dad and mom? We can hit the zoo again, and you spend time with us? Said. Tony, "  go out for lunch and ice cream, then go to the park feed the ducks, and see the fishes. Said,  Jetta. " then take a walk in the park and get ready for tonight what you both said. Asked. Chris, " the best of both worlds Grandma and Grandpa, said. Hanna,  Beth, and her boyfriend pull up at the house, "are you sure about this? Said. Ben, " no, I need to apologize for today. Will you come in with me? He kissed her, and they got out of the car and knocked on the door, Henry opened the door. Beth, can I come in, I need to apologize for today, asked. Beth, " we will see you, tomorrow dad, babe you ready to go? Asked. Viktor, " yeah it's his feeding time and I am getting hungry, see you in the morning, Grandma and Grandpa, they take him from his mother, " by Venice, see you tomorrow. Said, Sara. " sleep tight grandson number one we love you. Said, Henry. Viktor takes his son, and they walked out of the house and got in the car, and left, " Sweet thing let's roll, see you later Grandma and Grandpa we can not wait for tomorrow. Said, Tony. " bye Isabella see you tomorrow granddaughter number one, they kiss her bye. They walked out of the house and got in the van and left the house, "  we can't wait for either grandma and grandpa, it is going to be a great time, said. Hanna, " see you, tomorrow grandson number two, we can not wait either, they kissed him bye, they walked out of the house and got in the truck and left, he let them into the house. " I'm sorry about today uncle Henry and Aunt Savannah, I would like to know my cousins and cousins' in-laws, said. Beth, " will that going to be a while, but let me talk to our girls or boys to see if they can talk their wives into speaking to you,  knowing Kari, Jetta, and Hanna they are going to say no. But if their loves ask them it's a whole another story, said. Savannah,  " oh man they are sexy as h*ll, blondes with blues eyes, " cut mm* one has blonde hair and blue eyes that is grandson number one mother, our granddaughter mother has Burnett's hair and green eyes, and grandson number two mother has honey wheat hair and icy blue eyes, yes our girls are gorgeous women, and they are happily married with kids, said. Henry, " so they moved back home?" No i wish,  the Nevada lives in Denver, Colorado Springs, and the Blades live in Miami, Florida Beach, and the Christophers live in Seattle, WA,  answered. Savannah, " they all have babies, " yes they are all mothers, I see that you are coming around, this little guy is Kari and Viktor's son Venice Reno Nevada, he got a partner in his world,  this sweet girl is  Jetta and Tony daughter Isabella Jetta Blazes, I can see Daddy is going to train her how to box, and this stud is Hanna and Chris son Naruto Gabriel Christopher,  he going to lift wood with Daddy," Kari runs a fit studio, Viktor is a wrestler, Jetta runs a restaurant and Tony is a boxer, and Hanna runs an ice cream parlor, and Chris runs a lumber company. To get in your cousin's grease ask how their business going, and get to know them. Said, Henry,