chapter xvii

It is four months now, and Venice, Isabella, and Naruto are two years old they are learning how to walk and talk, and in Denver, Colorado Springs, Viktor has a match, so he has his family with him, " we be routing for you dad. They kiss each other. "  this is going to be your future son so pay attention, he picks him up kisses him, Venice, start to cry. " hey you are a Nevada son, protect mom. " see you out there, he smacks her on her butt, and he put him in his stroller, she walked out and into the stadium arena, she picks him up and folded his stroller and walked down the steps to the second round, and sat him down, and put his bag and stroller down. And Miami Beach, FL Tony has a boxing match today,  so he has his family with him, they walk into the crowd, "  here where I leave my best girls, said. Tony," go get him, dad. Said, Jetta. They kissed each other, he kissed his daughter on the head, and he went to get ready.  And in Seattle, WA Chris got his son at the lumber yard. " one day you be running this son. Said, Chris. Naruto laughs at his father,  at Detroit, in the Christmas house, Savannah is calling her daughters. " (yes mom!!!) Answered, Kari, Jetta, and Hanna. " ( there is there gorgeous mothers of my grandchildren, ) said, Savannah. " (in you saying that because?) Asked. Kari, crossed her legs, and the first match started, " daddy mommy? Asked. Venice, " no son Daddy is not up yet, but he wants you to pay attention to it. Said, Kari, "( what you want mom, you usually try to butter us up when you want something,) said. Jetta, " [in this corner weight 25 pounds and the heavyweight champion of the world, give it  for iron fist Tony Blades!]  As they walked out of the locker room the crowd went nuts, Jetta pick up Isabella, " yeah dad go get him. Said, Jetta, " Daddy! Called out Isabella, " ( or need

Something we know what it is.) Welcome to Christopher ice cream polar, can I interest you in our new flavor? Asked. Hanna, "( you do girls?) Asked. Savannah. " ( where you at I hear noises,) " (your daughters weren't born yesterday mom, she lying if she said she wanted to be close to us, I know what you think, he is on my side and he not going to do it. We are here at dad works learning how to wrestle.) Said, Kari. "( all that thing ever want is our husbands because she is not happy with the man she picks, Beth Tony Roger Blades is my man and the father to my daughter, keep your eyes off, I not buying your bull-like mom is. We are at the stadium getting ready to see dad win,) said. Jetta, " ( the same goes for Chris  John Christopher, he is my man and my husband and the father of my son. It is bull crap mom when you going to learn the stuff she said is just crap!) Said. Hanna, " ( for crying out loud Kari Ashley Nevada, Jetta Renee Blades, and Hanna Susan Christopher, Beth is your cousin, when you are going to let the pass go, why you think Viktor, Tony, and Chris won't do what I ask?) Asked. Savannah, " ( little thing like I am his wife as the woman that gives him my heart, soul, and a kid if I say no he will drop it. I am the queen of his heart, Viktor Reno Nevada, am my husband and the father of my son.) Said, Kari. "(Same here, they chase after us until we say yes to them, who side you think they going to be on?) Asked. Jetta, " (mom shame on you to think you can get our husbands to do what you want. You do not have power over them we do. Maybe we need to stop answering your calls or block you until you get the picture by,) they hang up on her and block her, " Beth if you act like a cousin to them may be they want you around, now it  is too late for it, said. Henry, " Henry! I got one ace up my sleeve, she called her son-in-laws Viktor, Tony, and Chris. Tony couldnt answer it went to voicemail, "( what can we do for you mom?) Asked. Viktor and Chris, " ( your wives is being difficult so i need you to talk to them and ask them to give,)-(" wo, sorry to cut you off,  but i staying out this, she shares my bed and keep me warm at night, i like to keep the peace and no take size, top she married me and give me a son, sorry i don't like the bony slut,  she goes on to me again, she going to get her feelings hurt, ) said. Viktor, "( you asking us to take your side against our wives, we love you but I not ruin. My marriage or losing Hanna over this,  she needs to kicks rocks there is no way that our wives want her around them, you do realize i have to tell her about this right?) Said. Chris, " (you know how long it took me to convince her to go out with me, it took Tony and Lee to get to say yes. I love her, i need her in my life, i not messing up my marriage and losing Kari, sorry i can not help you with this one. Yeah i have to let her know to, ) said. Viktor, " (tell them to unblock me now and call me, and I am not trying to put you against them Viktor and Chris, this whatever it is nee to stop, they are cousins for crying out loud!) Said. Savannah, "( let us talk, work around it mom, nothing guarantee, ) said, Viktor. " ( crap I may be on the couch tonight, after this. Let us talk it over with them. Vik I going to be cold tonight,) said. "( me to man, have mercy on us let our wives, not get mad with us, ) Viktor hang up and walked out of the locker room, they pick up their son and stuff and walked out of the stadium, " i love you babe i am totally on your side, i can not stand her either. What is her deal does she has to have every man you got, Venice laugh. " huh-huh mom call you didn't she? Asked. Kari, " i on your side, i don't want to be on the couch tonight, i don't want to be cold. Said, Viktor. " your father, one this is not time to be bringing drama up, your match is up next and you need to get your mind in the game Viktor, two when do I never kick you out of our bed? Three you never cold go finish getting ready, they kissed each other he walked back into the locker room and she sat back down in their Seattle, WA, Chris called Hanna, "(