chapter xviii

Viktor has won his wrestling match, and gain an title match, today Venice is just thrn two, so Kari is in the kitchen cooking breakfast of his choice and Viktor is making him a breakfast drink, today he started his first day of preschool, and jr wrestling school, " i stand i do not want her in our lives, the Nevadas is just fine without the drama problem in our lives, said. Viktor, " good tell mom that or i will. She help their plates, we need to get back on point we have a family and studio in Denver, Colorado, not Detroit, Denver, CO is home and where we are going to stay. Said, Kari.  "  i agree, i call her after breakfast, size i can not focus around those people, I need to focus on training and Venice, not your family, i married you not your family. Said, Viktor, they sat down at the table and eat. In Miami Beach, FL Tony just won his boxing match and got a title shot, Isabella also turn two, at the Blades house, Jetta is fixing her a birthday breakfast, and Tony is making her a birthday milk shake, " i glad i was in a match, i do not want to be put in this,  you know how i already felt about her, what her deal anyway? Asked. Tony, " she wants what we have, if we get on a sports team she wants on, said. Jetta, " can she play sports that are the question? Asked. Tony,  " she is not active at all, and she is out of shape. If we get a boyfriend she wants our boyfriend, she has always been that way, we get married, and she wants our husbands. Said, Jetta. " she keeps on inferring in our I going to give her a right hook,  Tony Hawk Blades got his wife and he is not letting her go. Said, Tony.  And Seattle, WA at their house, Naruto is two years ago too. Hanna is fixing him a birthday breakfast and Chris is making him a splash out of cherries and grapes, " somehow she thinks she can get the three of you to do her bidding,  the woman is confused you are her son's not husband, the only one who can do that is your wife, not a mother in law, And Beth should know it is a little late for to act like a cousin now. Said, Hanna. " we do not want the mothers of our kids and wives around her or in our lives at all, they kissed each other. " after breakfast I handle it, if she want to be around and see her grandkids grow she needs to tell the trash to get lost, said. Chris,  they sat down at the table in eat, back in Denver, Colorado in the Nevada Palace, they are finished eating,  they got done cleaning up,  they put on a movie and relaxed in the living room. Viktor call his mother in law back, "(i do not want it around my family at all, we talk about and i agree with her, it is a bit to late for that now. Sorry but our answer is a no, she needs to stay away from me, my wife and son.) Said, Viktor. " (she not in a rivalry with babe just want to do her be a amazing with and mother to our son, how can she if you always badgering her about her? She the pass and i am the future, there is no place in our lives as a sick , deprived, jealousy pain in the *ss women, that i do not love, do not want to spend my life with, and do not give a d*mn about! You have a choice of to make you can be in her life and lose us never see your grandson again, or she can tell her she need to go bug her own patients and that she is not and never will be your daughter, and keep us in your life, see your grandson grow up, think hard and call us in let us know your thoughts. Bye,) he hang up on her, " we got an second chance with Kari, Jetta, and Hanna Savannah, we are new grandparents Beth needs to stop coming here we are not her parents she needs to go cry to hers, Venice, Isabella, and Naruto comes first, we plan to go to Denver, CO, Miami, FL, and Seattle, WA to celebrate their birthday, we have three gorgeous, girls Kari, Jetta, and Hanna, , we got three handsome, talented new sons-in-laws Viktor, Tony, and Chris, the nine of them we can live without Beth, we can not live without them, Beth they want nothing to do with you, and we are your uncle and Aunt, not your parents, so go bug your parents, said. Henry, " Henry!"  I pick our kids and Grandkids and me  and mom and dad is leaving now  to head up to Denver, CO to spend time with Venice on his birthday,  then the same evening heading to Miami to spend time with Isabella and then  Seattle, WA to spent time with Naruto. You can stay act like you her mother or you can co.e  with us to see our daughters, son in laws and grandchildren, your choice, he walked out and they loud the van, Henry called them.,"(evening, dad,) they all said. "(Evening my daimonds we be coming to spend the evening, day, and night with you, if that okay?) Asked. Henry, " (yeah dad, do you three need a room to stay?) Asked, Kari. "(No we get a room for a night,) said. Henry, " ( we can your hotel stay or we  set up our guest rooms for you. ) said, Jetta. " (girls we do not want you to fuse over us.) Said, Henry. " (dad its okay we got you and mom and grandpa and Grandma.) Said, Hanna.