chapter xx

After they spend time with Venice on his birthday, and stayed a night, at Kari and Viktor's house, they fix them a wonderful dinner and breakfast, they say goodbye and left Denver, CO, and head down to Miami Beach, FL to spend time with, Isabella. Henry called Jetta and Tony.  "(hey how's my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew?) Asked. Jetta, " ( great, we be down Miami Beach, FL soon, ) said. Henry, " (we meet you at the butter shack its a restaurant, look for a black truck,) said. Tony, "(got it, see you soon.) They hang up, Tony and Jetta put their daughter in her car seat, and head for the butter shack, Grandma and Grandpa and grammy and Pappy is coming to have fun with us, said. Tony, " we need to get to Your cousins and uncles and Aunts down here. Said, Jetta. " an old fashion cookout? Said. Tony. They pull up at the restaurant, " hey Isabella happy birthday, come to grandpa sweet pea, said. Henry, he takes her from Tony, " his mom, dad, Grandma, and grandpa how Denver, CO? Asked, Jetta. " good my girls got cooking skills in the kitchen, said. Sara, " you taught us will let's go eat. Said, Jetta. They walked into the restaurant, And they order food, as Jetta starts to feed Isabella her food. The waiter brings them their drinks, and they thank him. " I sure did, I make sure all three know their way around the kitchen and house. Mommy is going to show you the way around the house, said. Sara, " we have rooms at the house for you, said. Tony, " it's better than wasting money on a hotel, and you get free meals and a warm house, said. Jetta, " first Kari and Viktor, now you and Tony. Jetta said. Tom, " we do not mind staying in the hotel for one night. Said, Sally. " we got extra rooms and you are not putting us out grandpa and grandma, that our sister and brother, said. Tony,  the waiter brings out their food, and they thank him again. " they are doing good Tony, your cousin Venice is the same age as you are Isabella, that is because mommy, Aunt Kari, and Aunt Hanna were carrying you three at the same time, said. Sara, they start to eat their lunch, "yeh,  Grandma,  we thinking about having a cookout, bring the family together, said. Tony, " but not both, mom she is lost cause, she is no help for, the raise why she wants it because she is after Tony, Viktor, and Chris. Said, Jetta. " why can she get a man of her own I am happily married with a baby, said. Tony, "  That is the million dollar question we have all been asking Tony, said. Jetta, after they got done eating and pay for their food. They head down to the house, Isabella is asleep in her car seat, " time to go in and take a nap after we spent time with grandma and grandpa, papa and mama. They got in the cars leaving the restaurant, they pulled up at the house. " welcome to hotel Blazes, where you feel just like home. said, Tony. " okay you sound like your brother - in law Tony, said. Sara, " great minds think alike. Said, Tony, they take them to their rooms, " can we give you something to drink, asked. Jetta, " no you can give me thst baby girl, said. Sally , Tony hand Isabella, they down on the couch taking and watching tv, Isabella yawn out and start to cry. " we fighting sleep, you are like mon. She fight sleep to, said. Sara. After they eat and played with Isabella, they up to bed, they going to need their rest for the road, they are heading to Seattle, WA to send time with their grandson Naruto,  it is  5:00am they are still asleep, Isabella wakes up crying she need a daiper change, Jetta walked into her room to change her, " what we doing up at this hour little one, we need our engercy for tomorrow morning to see them off, said. Jetta, she smiled at her mother, Isabella went back to sleep, she got back in the bed, for a few more hours it was morning, they got dressed and ate breakfast, they kissed Isabella bye as they got in the car , they way by to them. They are heading down to Seattle, WA to spend time with Naruto, Henry call them. "(We on our way, so we probably get this evening,) said. Henry, " (meet us at crab snapper, just look for me in a black truck, we see you soon.) Said, Chris.

Back in Denver, Colorado Viktor has a triple threat match, and Kari is setting up the studio. He is in the locker room, "(how is Venice?) Asked. Viktor, " ( he is in the pin fast sleep,) she turn up the music, ( lets get fit everyone, lets have a great day and have fun getting fit.) -(" who you up against Reno,) asked. Kari, back in Miami, Florida they are getting ready to go. Tony got to hit the gym and train. " see you, girls, later on,  they got in their cars and went to work. They arrived Miami Florida and pulled at the crab snapper, Naruto like Venice and Isabella is getting excited, " yeah Grandma and Grandpa! Said. Chris, they walked up to them, " morning, hey birthday boy we heard that you turn two years few days ago, said. Henry, " how was drive down mom and dad. Said, Hanna. " how the family doing? Asked. Chris, " they are doing good. Said, Sara. They walked into the restaurant. Back in Denver, Colorado at the arena,  the first match is over, they getting ready to play Viktor theme song. "(Babe i love you and my son, see you in a bit.)-(" okay when it for us Daddy,) said. Kari,  they hang up, he walked out of the locker room, " come on son lets go walked the room, she pick him up and walked out of the floor. " mommy mommy, called. Venice, " yes my son. " i want to walk, she put him down and they walked up to the desk. "