chapter xxi

" hey, Venice are we walking? Asked. Anna, " yes, I am a big boy now, how are we doing up here, asked. kari, " we get them in Kari, you ordering lunch today? Asked. Anna, " yes around ten. Keep them coming them coming Anna, come on, he walked in front of her as they head down the hallway, and Miami Beach, FL at the restaurant, Jetta and Isabella are  in the kitchen, " order up,  this is going to be your one day Isabella, said. Jetts, " Aunt Kari, and Aunt Hanna and uncle Viktor and uncle Chris will come right? Asked. Isabella, "  tell you what we can call in invited them down as our VIPs, you know what that stands for? She shake her head no, " Very Important people,  she told her,  and at Seattle, WA at the lumber yard, " one day son you be running this, said. Chris, " me Daddy? Said. Naruto, "  yes,  i going to teach you how to be a great lumber jack. Said, Chris, in Detroit, Michigan at the Borders house, Jean and  Thomas pulled up at the house, " we  going to have a little wrestler, little boxer, and little lumberjack. Said, Tom. They walked into the house,  " how were the trips? Asked. Thomas, " great it was great to see the girls and boys and the grandkids,  said. Sara, " they have kids now? Asked. Thomas, " yes, Kari and Viktor as a son the gorgeous baby boy Venice, Jetta and Tony has a gorgeous baby girl Isabella, and Hanna and Chris has a gorgeous baby boy Naruto, they were all born on the same day, as their mothers where pregnant at the same time, said. Sally, back in Denver, Colorado at the ring Viktor is winning his match, at the studio.they walked up to the door, Kari knocked on the door. Alyssa open the door, " oh my god are you walking!? " oh yeah, i given my parents a run for their money, how you doing? Asked. Kari," we are doing real good K. How old we are? He hide behind his mother leg. " two i turn two few weeks ago. Said, Kari. And Miami Beach, FL at the gym, " you doing good Tony keep it up, come on. His coach said,  they are ready busy at the restaurant, it 8:00 am its already pack full. And Seattle, WA at the lumber mill, " this is how you lift son with your back, and we take it to get it process into building wood, he laughed as his dad show him the ropes to process trees into wood, " come Naruto come along. They head down to the processor, back in Detroit, Michigan at the Christmas household. " we need another trip, a big trip somewhere spent the night for a few days, said. Henry, " like a beach or musement park," we got new family members in the family now, neices, nephews, grandbabies, and great grandbabies, we can pack food and drink, said. Sara, " be wonderful to see all the little ones running around, said. Sally,  Viktor won his match and heading over to the studio,  he pulls up  and walked in the door," Daddy. Call Venice running around the corner,  he picked him up, and kissed him. " looked at you running, who told you to grow up? He wrapped his arms around his neck, Kari walked up, "  i told you to stay with me Reno Jr.  Hey how it went? They kissed each other. " with you and mom i will never lose another match again, said. Viktor, " K its your parents. Said, Anna, " transfer it to my office Anna thank you, they walked into the gate in the office, he closed the door, she pushed the talk button, Viktor sat down in a chair, "(,evening mom, what can we do for you?) Asked, kari. " (what are you doing next week? Where is my grandson?) Asked. Henry, " next huh baby what are we doing next week? On his father lap, Venice say hi to Grandpa and Grandma. Said, Kari. " hi, he said. Viktor kissed him, "  huh nothing but working i believe, whats up dad? Answered. Viktor, "( we planned an big over night trip somewhere this time, we want you three to come, size it be great for him to meet his other cousins. ) said, Tom. " okay three things one is it coming? Two when you going, and three what time you leaving, àked. Kari, " Daddy im hungry. Said, Venice. She picked up his bag and pulled out his lunch and hand it to him, he sat him at the table so he can eat his food, "( She is family, don't you dare say  you cant make Kari and Viktor.) Said, Sara. " we have to see mom, you need to give us date and time, said. Viktor, " (we will call you tomorrow and let you know the details, Venice you be good baby, thank you both for your time Kari and Viktor,) " you are welcome dad and mom,  they hang up the line, " what do you think babe,  he never actually had a trip like that, said. Viktor, " if you can get a werk off, i can closed the studio for a week, it be great for him and us. Said, Kari. And in Miami Beach, FL Tonys finished his training and pulled up at the restaurant, and walked into the door. " daddy, Daddy. Called out Isabella, he picked her, " had fun cooking with mommy? Asked. Tony, " mm-mm. Jetta walked up to them, they kissed each other, " how was training dad? Asked. Jetta, " what a workout, i am ready for  a title shot. Said, Tony. " Jetta telephone, said. Carol, " Transfer them to my office please its mom. They walked into the office, Tony close the door behind them and sat down. Jetta cut the speaker on, " (evening mom and dad, how can I help you today?) Asked. Jetta, "( evening  where is our granddaughter?) Asked. Sara, " (really is that why you call mom? She right here, Bella say hi to grandpa and grandma, said. Jetta, " hi grandma and Grandpa, said. Isabella,  "( hey baby what you do today?) Asked, Sara. " (what you all doing next week?) " working taken care of Isabella, why whats up? Answered. Tony, " mommy i am hungry. Said,  Isabella. She got her bowl and fork  our, and hand it to Tony, he sat her at the desk so she can eat, "( we are planning another trip and we like for you to come,) said. Henry, " ( i know what you are going to asking, Kari  she is  family , please say that you are coming,) said. Henry, " it would be good for to get some fresh air, what you say babycakes? Asked. Tony, " yeah and to get out of Miami Beach, FL, we need a date and time dad, said. Jetta, " (we will get back to you two.) Said, Henry. And in Seattle, WA,