At Kumo's main entrance, a limp body was lying on the cold ground. His breathing was irregularly fast, and his pulse quick, but he showed no other signs of being alive.

"Ginjo Sama", The guard yelled and rushed towards the dead body. He looked back over his shoulder as the others closed in behind him.

"His heart rate is abnormally fast. We need to get him to a doctor", The guard yelled out.

One of the men started pulling on one arm and another pulled on the other as they tried to drag the corpse along.

Kumogakure's medical team arrived soon after. They ran over to examine the body, using hand-held scanners to check for wounds or internal injuries. Before taking him inside the hospital...

"His heartbeat is too fast", the medic said as they wheeled the body inside the building. "We have to calm him down, otherwise he will have a heart attack..."

They pushed a button, causing the lights in the room to slowly brighten as it turned into the recovery chamber.

"Look at his chest, what is this mark", The medic asked and pointed to something on the man's chest.

A strange cut was drawn on the skin between his chest.

"It looks like someone opened his chest..." the doctor mumbled. The mark suddenly lit up, it glowed, before the exploding tag inside Ginjo's body detonated, leaving an explosion that sent shards of glass and metal in all directions.

A loud boom rang out as the shockwave shook the hospital walls. The medic that was next to Ginjo was blown off his feet, sending him flying into the wall.

He hit the ground hard but supported himself in a sitting position using the wall behind him. The sound of the blast must have deafened him. He couldn't hear anything around him, his ears were ringing from the explosion.

His head felt like it was on fire as the pain filled his mind. As if trying to drive him mad, he was aware of every little movement in his body. Every twitch, every breath, even the very slight tremble in his fingers. He had never been so aware of his body before.

Suddenly he heard some muffled voices, "Snow...?! No! That's detonation tags..! RUN..."

He could not figure out what is going on outside as an earthquake made the building collapse; large stones fall over. The medic closed his eyes and lowered his head, letting eternal sleep take its hold while getting buried inside the rubble.


12-year-old rookie Shishui Uchiha stands in wait along with his companions while hiding in the dark outside the village. Watching the big mushroom cloud, the leader of the group nodded, looking around. "That's the signal. Their sensors are dead. Everyone Ready?"

"Yes!" came the voices of everyone, he took a deep breath, "Good luck"


A large group of fast-moving teams appeared in front of the hospital. The first team is split up into two parts. One goes right, the other left, while the remaining team stays in front.

The number was extremely large, not only did Raikage and Jinchiruki arrive, but the shinobis on duty also came...

"Raikage sama"

"Find out who did this. I am going to kill those bastards", Fourth Raikage yelled in anger and disdain.

"Look up", The Cloud Shinobi yelled as everyone looked up to see "snow" rising from the sky.

"Snow...?! No! That's detonation tags..! RUN..."

The tags exploded all around them, covering their surroundings in a thick layer of smoke and ash. Blowing away the nearby buildings to pieces..! Killing anyone caught in its path.

They ran for their lives. The earth shook violently. They all ran but there were too many people, too many tags!

"DAMN IT..!", Raikage roared as he was covered in blue electric sparks all over his body, escaping the surprise attack with Lightning release: Armor activating in the nick of time.

In the sky, a giant eagle gradually lowered its height. A group of shinobis jumped down one by one, landing gracefully as they each draw out their chakra and fire elemental attacks...

Many eagles followed closely carrying many more shinobis.

"That's... Konoha?", Fourth Raikage looked startled

In his opinion, Konoha's resistance should not be there, According to his intel, Hokage and his council is made of greedy elders who would happily hand Hyuga over instead of fighting back.

Unexpectedly, Konoha's ninja has already arrived with the giant eagle. But how did so many people move and they didn't get notified? And they also managed to arrive inside the village...?! What are those useless sensors doing?

Of course, who could it be if not Ghost? His sensory prowess is so terrifying that it's frightening. No spy or an infiltration expert stands a chance against him, moving such a large number in secret is not really a big deal for Ghost.

But Raikage didn't know about it, he just kept looking over his head as Konoha shinobis continue to fall, A few of them has the scarlet eyes of the Uchiha clan. A few with Byakugan. Suddenly, greed for these divine eyes came into his heart. For him, everything that is useful should belong to them! Be it Byakugan or Sharingan!

Not only Fourth Raikage. Even his father the Third Raikage was the same, he tried to kidnap Uzumaki Kushina, who was still a child.

"Hold A and B till the leader arrives", The leader of the unit said. Shisui nodded and glared at his opponent, as they continue to fall.

Although the second in command of the assassination unit was very reluctant to admit it, Shisui was indeed a young man whose talents and strength is above him. How could he compare to this little monster who is looking more and more like the leader himself?

He is still the second in command of the team but that's just a title given to him for his leadership skills and his loyalty, not for his strength... The only difference between these two monsters is that Ghost is born with an unusual mutant physique thus being immune to nearly anything while carrying an endless amount of chakra, and on the other hand, Shishui is born as an Uchiha.

Both were born as cheat codes. God knows if they are watching another Ghost in the making.

Soon they were on the ground and 300 Konoha shinobis charged at Kumo shinobis in a preemptive strike that destroyed the entire area.


Meanwhile, Bloody Nii Yugito was running or rather limping through the sewers as she turned around in fear, her long and blonde hair was dyed in her own blood; a layer of blood covered her entire body...

She breathed out a bit, as a flying sword rushed forward, coming toward her at such a great speed that it nearly scared her to death, she could not dodge or run enough distance before she was pierced in her guts. Once done with its work, the sword flies back to its owner.

She coughed blood, as she lay injured on the wet surface. She heard the footsteps of the one that was after her.

"You sure... sure got some moves...", She said with a bloody chuckle.

The attacker didn't say anything but approached Yugito from the darkness of the tunnel.

She held her gut and wobbled as she try to stand up, "To think the guy I fell for is so talented... and dangerous"

"Seducing comes easy to me", The attacker said and came out of the shadow, wearing a skeleton mask in a black hooded cape.

Yugito grit her teeth and clenched her gut, "So, mind tell me what's the point of all of this..?! You could have directly killed me"

He kept moving forward towards her without any intention to stop, "That's the thing, I am not here to kill you. Just keep you distracted long enough, pity though, you managed to figure things out midway and ran away, otherwise, this wouldn't have been so messy..."

Yugito merely smirked, "Well. If you aren't planning to kill me then I guess this is gonna be easy enough", She made a series of hand signs and the entire sewer exploded, trapping the two of them inside the sewers.

"It won't work...!", He said without any emotions

She grins as she spits a scorching fireball in front of her.


The white smoke covered the entire sewer and she turn to leave. Only to find him standing there, with a sword in her abdomen. Blood flows through her mouth onto her chin as it drops down, mixing in the wet surface.

"I told you it won't work", He said as he jerk back his hand forcing her to stumble back while vomiting blood. She fell to the ground as her body started to twitch.

Big stones on the walls suddenly shattered and started falling right above them...


By the time she opened her eyes, she found herself tied to a huge tree, badly wounded yet still alive. She was shocked at first, but then a simple look at her body made her figure out that he did emergency surgery on her, she was so weak from the shock that she was unable to do anything as she closed her eyes yet again.


Compared to the Ghost battle, Shisui's side is much more difficult. With his Mangekyō Sharingan dynamic vision, he was able to see Fourth Raikage's high-speed movements clearly.


His speed was unable to keep up at all. Although, Shisui was training under Ghost and especially developing in terms of speed. He was still barely keeping up with the Fourth Raikage.

"To be able to keep up with me... You should be proud of yourself"

Shisui keeps glaring at fourth Raikage with a dead calm expression under his mask, "Not really. Leader is far superior to you in nearly every art"

Fourth Raikage grit his teeth and his anger boiled, the lightning release: Armor sparked more and more. In all fairness, he admires Shisui very much. It would be great if such talents were from Cloud Shinobi. Why do all good things come from Konoha? But there is one thing that irked him even more... the very name of Ghost itself.

He never liked second place. Such was the mentality his father bored in him. But no matter how hard he tried, Fourth Hokage Minato surpassed him, Ghost surpassed him as well. To a guy who always wanted to be first and never get it, the existence of the name Ghost itself is a forbidden word. And the fact that he killed thousands of Cloud shinobis does not help in soothing that anger.

"I will kill you and that Ghost with my own hands", Fourth Raikage's expression shrank, no more mercy.

"Lightning Style! Lateral Bolt of Pain!"

The Lightning Chakra gathered on his palm, and Fourth Raikage chopped directly at Shisui's neck!

It did nothing though. Fourth Raikage's eyes narrowed. Susanoo, in the shape of a green bone, blocked his serious blow.

"What is this?", Fourth Raikage took a step back, surprised.

Next to him, Killer Bee, who hadn't intervened in the battle till now, stare at this strange Ninjutsu.

"It's called Susanoo", Gyūki reminded him just now, saying to be careful of this Susanoo.


Fourth Raikage's eyes were serious. Is this a newly developed Ninjutsu?

"B! Don't watch from the side, Help our forces", Fourth Raikage said in a deep voice.

When Shisui heard this, his expression changed, his task is to keep these two occupied till the leader arrived. And he is not here yet. His eyes revolved. Susanoo's second form began to take form.

The green half-length giant holding a spiral sword appeared above the ground out of thin air!

"What the hell is this...", Fourth Raikage exclaimed.

Shisui ignored Fourth Raikage's surprise. The green Susanoo's chest armor opened, and the dense arrows whizzed towards the Cloud Shinobis!

"Damn it!"

Fourth Raikage yelled as he saw his men getting destroyed one after another.

"B, stop playing! Help me"

"I am gonna make you weep, you creep. Yo"

"B", Raikage yelled angrily, why the hell is he still raping in such a situation.

Killer B who was still raping in an unscrupulous tone, opened the tail beast mode.

Several octopus-like tentacles stretched out trying to entangle Shisui's Susanoo tightly!


The corner of Shisui's mouth moved slightly!

Suddenly! The huge green Susanoo disappeared instantly!

Next second! The green giant, holding a high-speed rotating spiral sword, slammed at the Killer Bee, who had initially become a beast!

"B", Fourth Raikage yelled!


When the dust cloud settled, the octopus was alright.

"Failed?", Shisui was a little disappointed as he watched the high-speed spiral sword being gradually blocked. This was a body flicker technique he learned from Ghost personally.

Shisui trained so hard in this sole technique since the moment he entered the assassination Unit but it's still not good enough as its original creator. But that didn't put Shisui down.

This is the reason Ghost personally trained him because Shisui showed him something that actually won his appreciation. Hard work with talent. Under his guidance, Shisui is getting better and better every day. This speed of improvement was enough to scare even the so-called geniuses.

Shisui is always praised as the next Ghost, but he knew just how wide the difference is between the two, Ghost skills are so overwhelming that it makes him feel suffocated, it's to the point of bringing despair to him.

However, Shisui kept training in hopes to match Ghost one day, even if it was in just one of the skills. True enough, his hard work bore fruit, and Shisui never missed a target in his entire career. But today... he fought an opponent far above his level, a kage, and sure enough, his skills weren't enough to hit one of the strongest people in the world.

"Just now, was it Flying Thunder God Technique?", Fourth Raikage said in a surprised tone.

He was sure that what happened just now was not achieved through physical speed. Such sudden disappearance, and appearance out of thin air, reminded him of Konoha's Fourth Hokage!

"No. It's impossible", Fourth Raikage gave a serious thought, then shook his head again.

What does Konoha feed its people? Why do such geniuses keep popping out of Konoha?

"Oi. Wanna defect, and Join my village...?!", Raike seriously said in admiration.

Shisui didn't say anything but take a few steps back, and get into stance again.

"Your Konoha's Third Hokage will only toss you guys for his own greed and aim. It's not worth being loyal to such a damn village.

Shisui did not speak, and pupil power continued to infuse Susanoo wildly!


The green Susanoo's height skyrocketed again, even surpassing the height of Eight-Tails Gyūki!

Susanoo is in its third form!

"What?", Fourth Raikage was shocked.

If Susanoo's appearance before was just a general surprise to him. Now that Susanoo has exceeded the height of the tail beast, he couldn't help but raise his vigilance to the highest level!

Killer Bee was pushed back harshly, it was rare that he didn't say anything more. He now understands why Gyūki wants him to be careful of Uchiha's Susanoo!

This power is really not something humans can have!

A drop of blood and tears left Shisui's eyes, and he felt that his pupil power was rapidly consuming, and a sharp pain filled his eyes.


Standing in Susanoo in the third form, Shisui roared throwing eight-foot jade gou jade in one hand, and stabbing a high-speed rotating spiral sword in the other hand, as he fought the AB combination.

Shisui can feel that Susanoo's current state will not last long! At this rate, he might not last long. In front of Susanoo which is as tall as a mountain, Fourth Raikage, who has turned on Lightning Style Chakra Mode can only avoid it!

No matter what he does, his attacks are not hurting this Susanoo. The tentacles of Eight-Tails Gyūki can only hold the spiral sword desperately!

"Uh", Shisui covered his eyes in pain. Susanoo, who wrapped his body, also slowly disintegrated and disappeared.

"Is there any time limit for Susanoo?", Fourth Raikage's face was full of lingering fears.

The power of Susanoo in the third form is just too much pressure! But this is more reasonable. This kind of power can be called a god-level, how can there be no restrictions?

Fourth Raikage slowly moved towards Uchiha Shisui.

The Lightning Style Chakra Mode of the whole body is always on. After seeing Shisui covering his eyes in pain, Fourth Raikage barely breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, there must be a price to using this God-level technique.

"Damn you. You sure are a jerk", Shisui said as he nearly lost consciousness.

Raike didn't stop moving towards Shisui, "Did you lose your mind just now? What are you babbling about?"

Shisui couldn't say anything else as his shadow morphed, and a hand shot out from beneath him, grabs him, and drags the weakened Shishui into the shadow with him.

"What... just happened", Raikage was not just confused but even alert to maximum. Even Killer Bee was very alert, because, behind them, a figure emerged from the shadows.

A skeleton mask, a black sheathed sword, and a black hooded robe. Ghost joined the battlefield.