Ghost's figure morphed from the shadows on the ground as he rise up to take his form behind Raikage and the eight tail Jinchiruki, Shisui coughed and huffed while kneeling on the ground beside him, "You alright...?!", Ghost asked glancing at him.

The young masked Anbu stood slowly to his feet, staring and glaring at Raikage and Killer B, "Leader. Let me deal with the eight tails", Shisui said standing tall and straight.

"You shouldn't be fighting in your state but...", Ghost began, "They aren't exactly the threats, to begin with", Ghost paused, staring at the growling and angry Raikage with a smirk, "So go for it...!"

Shisui nodded and dashed forward towards the killer B. Susanoo began to cover him with a veil of green chakra before confronting the behemoth known as the tail beast. The shockwaves from the clash of two titans made the ground shake and shiver the surrounding shinobis who were fighting for their life. Susanoo's aura was not only lethal, but it was also terrifying. And the eight-tail beast was no doubt an unstoppable force that could topple buildings in its rampage...

The eight tail beast managed to block most of Susanoo's attacks but was still reeling from the impact, "I feel this pain inside my stomach like when I ate too much curry", the gigantic octopus complained in between deep breaths and the occasional grumble from the pain in its gut.

"B", Raikage yelled watching his brother getting pushed back in this godly battle.

"You should not be focusing on them", Ghost calmly walked toward Raikage, "You easily get distracted that's why you are still so weak..."

Raikage looked at Ghost in anger as his fists clenched forcefully, "Ghost of Konoha. It's good that you came here personally. This time I will make sure to tear open that mask to avenge my fallen comrades..."

Ghost shrugged, "For someone so weak you sure have quite the ego", he chuckled in a mocking tone...

Fourth Raikage didn't answer back but instead cover himself in thunder elemental armor as he yelled "Lariat", before shooting forth with impressive speed as he charged forward towards his opponent at once. A successful strike here means death for Ghost...

However, with a light tap of his plain shoe, Ghost's figure suddenly vanished in thin air and appeared directly in front of the Fourth Raikage punching him with a backhand swing, sending the man flying back before crashing on the wall and breaking it to pieces...

A thud followed by a loud roar of the eight-tail beast made the surrounding shinobi gulp with fear and stand to attention as they watched their Kage collapse onto his rear and slide along the ground, rolling and breaking through the building walls.

Ghost chuckled, "Is that all...?!"

With a huge explosion the fourth Raikage came out of the smoke and dust with lighting release armor on, he stood up slowly and stared at his attacker with something beyond hatred.

"Raikage A. Are you sure you want to fight me...?! With what you have shown just now. You won't even last five seconds against my attacks!" Ghost mocked in amusement as he approached Raikage casually.

"SHUT UP!!!", The fourth Raikage yelled, "B! Leave him alone. Help me to deal with Ghost!"

"Crow let him go", Ghost also said to Shisui...

Fourth Raikage looked warily towards the masked man before Killer B exited the tail beast form and joined his brother in the fight...

"Go and help others. Leave these two clowns to me...!", Ghost said, not even trying to move from his position.

"Yes", Shisui nodded without hesitation, and then rushed towards the battlefield of the large group.

"Damn it!", Fourth Raikage didn't care about Shisui when he left. But as soon as he saw Shisui turning into Susanoo once again, his face burned with anger.

The emerald green giant Susanoo slammed directly into the Cloud Shinobi team. Facing the second form of Susanoo's Yasaka no Goyu, none of the Cloud Shinobi have any kind of counterattack! Right now, only the tailed beast is capable of fighting such a godly thing.

But how could their Jinchuriki save them, he was standing in front of the world's most notorious and dangerous killer. Someone, whose name itself is feared by the people.

Fourth Raikage glared at Ghost, "I will make sure to destroy you and Konoha for what it did today"

Ghost laughed out loud, "You sure are delusional aren't you...?!"

Raikage snarled angrily... Then with a thunderous roar, the lighting release armor on his body glowed brightly with blue chakra. His aura was even more terrifying than when he faced Shisui earlier...


The three, Killer B! Raikage and Ghost stood in a face-off without moving an inch. Fourth Raikage took a quick glance at the side. Unchecked Susanoo is wreaking pure havoc among Kumo troops...!

If that giant thing is left on its own, today their village might be wiped out of existence!

"B! Don't hold back. Our village's existence is on the line", The blue lightning spark on the Fourth Raikage's body skyrocketed even further beyond...!

"Guillotine Drop!", Like a thunderbolt, he charged toward Ghost.

Ghost did not even bother to dodge an attack of this pitiful level as he simply stood still, unmoving and watching the enraged Raikage approach.

Raikage growled loudly as he reached his full power, his body blazing with lightning.

But as soon as the last lariat strike came towards his masked opponent, the man vanished into thin air.

"You do know that I can phase through solid attacks, right?", He appeared right above the charging Raikage...

"Wha...?!", Raikage yelled out in shock, he could only see a foot coming his way. With just a simple tap of Ghost's toe on his head, the lightning release armor was shredded to pieces and the Raikage slammed down hard onto the ground creating a small crater in the process with his face down..!

Ghost sneered watching Killer B cover his body with a red-tailed beast's Chakra coat before putting his elbow on his side and slamming onto Ghost's neck! Only for his body to phase through Ghost...

Ghost raised his foot and kicked Killer B in the back, the red chakra coat disappeared with a snap as B flew sideways while having some backbones break.

"Damn you", Fourth Raikage roared as he shot up from the ground. Ghost backflipped to dodge the attack, "Don't underestimate us..!" He yelled noticing how from the start of the fight till now, Ghost has yet to unsheathe the sword in his hand. It's like he is saying that the moment he takes out his sword, they will die.

He is simply being arrogant, thus infuriating the Fourth Raikage even further.

"What the hell were they thinking when they made you a kage...!", Ghost uttered with a sigh.

Fourth Raikage looked at the gradually undisguised disappointment in Ghost's eyes, his anger reached a new level. The Lightning Style of the whole body was turned on to the strongest level..!! Killer B on the other side also stood up again.

"B! Use that trick!" [T/N: What weird names. I mean seriously]

With a shout, Fourth Raikage and Killer B rushed towards Ghost from two directions very tacitly! If he dodges one attack, the other will surely hit him. If he phases through one attack the other will hit him...

"Double Lariat!"

The two screamed at the same time and rushed towards Ghost in the middle!

Double-Lariat, the strongest move passed down in the Cloud Shinobi Village's AB group.

"Let's see how you dodge it", Fourth Raikage looked at Ghost standing in the middle, and said with a grin!

No matter what he does, no matter how fast he is, it is impossible to dodge this attack. If one dodges or phases through the first attack, the second will always hit. If he dodges or phases through the second attack, the first attack will return almost instantly and will hit.

"Attacking head-on will get you nowhere", He raised his arms, and grabbed the arms of the two with bare palms...!

Both Killer B and Raikage gasped at the sudden twist of events.

"Impossible!", Fourth Raikage uttered in absolute shock

"This. This strength..."

"This is over for you", Ghost said rotating his body once, and with a single motion, he twisted both his wrists back and forth in opposite directions before throwing them directly at the building. A heavy impact followed, sending the two men flying through the air until they crashed into the ground hard, smashing several buildings in the process and breaking some windows...!

Ghost looked at the side where the battle is almost over. Konoha's army is pressing forward, while Shisui's Susanoo just wreaking havoc. Reducing the pressure on his comrades by a lot.

He blurred and vanished out of sight.


~~Deep in the city~~

Fourth Raikage panted heavily and limped out slowly. Killer B was barely able to stand up. Both of his arms held large debris of stones for support as he too panted hard.

They both looked at the figure of Ghost standing still and unmoving with his arms crossed over his chest in a calm manner, watching them struggle...

"DAMMIT!", Raikage let out his anger at the fact that they did not even manage to put a single scratch on this guy...! They felt like they were so weak in front of this masked man...! It was the case in the third shinobi war, its the case today

"Weren't you high and mighty when you were trying to kidnap a two-year-old kid..?!", Ghost said looking at Fourth Raikage, "So your highness. How does it feel to be forced on your knees by me? Perhaps I should add a new category, the fourth Raikage is now officially my slave... Mmmm. I wonder, should I just turn you into a pig and a breeding machine..?! Make several people ra..ppe you day and night... After all this is what you envisioned for that little girl... it would be a fitting punishment don't you think..?!"

The two Cloud Shinobis are left speechless with such audacity.

"You bastard", Fourth Raikage was so angry that the blue thunder and lightning light all over his body skyrocketed again.

"Lightning Style, Lateral Bolt of Pain: Chop"

"You are so weak that I even consider showing mercy to you", Ghost smirked and grabbed the attack with a single hand as the lightning release armor snapped and vanished in the blink of an eye...!

"...!" Fourth Raikage was too stunned to even cry out as he was punched back forcefully, sending him flying through the air and crashing into rubble yet again. The impact on his head made his whole body convulse with pain. But even then, his anger still didn't calm down...

"Damn you", Fourth Raikage gritted his teeth, and rose up once more...!"

With a roar, Fourth Raikage rushed towards Ghost once more only to be struck back by a powerful counterattack yet again.

However, this time he was blindsided, and out of nowhere, the octopus tentacles swept Ghost from the sides, wrapping his entire body!

"You looked down on us, you deserve to be punished here, Yo!"

"Good job, B", Fourth Raikage was overjoyed when he saw Ghost tied up. Waves of electricity danced all over Fourth Raikage's body! It felt as though he was being electrocuted as he rushed towards Ghost at his fastest speed, Raikage was almost sure that Ghost will use that phasing technique. He will attack at that time, attacking in the one-tenth of a second where that technique would run out.

"Did you guys forget about my sensory powers", Ghost said as he simply grabbed a tentacle wrapped around him:

"What?", Killer B suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Suddenly Killer B found himself unable to control his body as Ghost rotate him through the tentacles and slammed the two brothers into each other!



Fourth Raikage vomited blood and weakly pushed Killer B away from him. The lightning-release armor on his body was utterly useless in this fight. It would blast with Ghost's slight touch.

"...This guy...", Fourth Raikage spat blood from his mouth. The pain was unbearable. He could barely move his body. His face was swollen; he felt like he had lost at least five liters of blood...

The sudden twist of events was so fast, he did not even have time to catch his breath!

"B! Do something or we might truly cease to exist", Raikage said as he support B to his feet while he too stumbled. He was not even able to stand straight after this attack.

Ghost looked at the two who were struggling with each other, and just chuckled in disdain...

"OK, leave it to me, invincible Killer B, kill the stinky kid, Oye!", While singing a strange rap, octopus tentacles emerged from his body one after another.

And soon, the fully integrated Eight-Tails Gyūki appears again! Ghost stood there calmly looking at the huge monster that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Even when Killer B started to use his most powerful move. Tailed Beast Bomb!

With the ratio of Yin and Yang Chakra 2:8, the ultimate high-density Chakra sphere is compressed in the mouth of the tail beast!

"Something is wrong", Eight-Tails Gyūki warned but fired the tailed beast bomb regardless.

Ghost just rolled his eyes as the gigantic bomb blasted his being in a massive blast. Destroying all the homes and buildings nearby and sending the Raikage flying...!

Getting out of the rubble the weakened fourth Raikage looked ahead with a grin that slowly turn into shock and horror.

"...", Fourth Raikage looked at the sight in front of him, he could not believe it. "What in the world..", he said.

The tail beast bomb that exploded began to break down and morph into its base component: raw chakra before getting absorbed into his body without harming him a bit...!

"Such massive chakra...", Ghost muttered as the entirety of chakra assimilated into his being.


Boom boom boom boom!

Crazy explosions sounded one after another! The village hidden in the cloud has been razed to the ground by the frenzied battle!

The battle was over, and Konoha won... None of the cloud shinobi that dared to take part in this battle managed to survive this devastating attack...

A certain Hyuga looked to the side to see a miserable eight-tail best could hardly keep its form intact. Fourth Raikage was wrapped in the tentacles of Eight-Tails, and only then, did he manage to escape the catastrophe attack.

After seeing the destroyed village, the fourth Raikage shed tears. The Cloud village is gone; their village is destroyed. Even in the third Ninja War, Cloud did not suffer such a big loss in any battle!

"My village", Fourth Raikage muttered with red eyes.

Killer B was also breathing heavily and didn't speak anymore.

"Retreat", Ghost ordered using the communication tag, and all the Konoha shinobis blurred...


Ghost vanished and landed on the back of a big eagle along with the rest of his men who were damaged, covered in blood, and beaten out of their souls, some were killed but they still managed to retain almost 70% of their numbers.

All the bodies were counted, including those that died in this battle.

Since the entire village was destroyed, many civilians and innocents were dead as well, leaving hundreds of orphans.

Ghost didn't show any mercy nor did he care as he raised his fingers up to his chest and made a single-hand sign when a sealing tag he left at Kage tower earlier lit on its own.

"That bastard..."

Fourth Raikage looked at the thunder and lightning that wandered through the clouds and said in surprise.

"Raise the barrier", Fourth Raikage yelled, and an invisible barrier covered the entire village from outside threats.

The thunder beast, attracted by the seal dared peek out of the rumbling cloud and stared at the Raikage building below.


Accompanied by a roar that resounded across the sky, the ferocious Thunder Beast directly blasted the enchantment above the village and slammed into the Kage tower below!

"Damn it, get away!"

Fourth Raikage's expression changed as he took the lead and jump out of the way...

The Kage tower, built on a high mountain, collapsed suddenly under the mighty impact of the fierce thunder beast!

"Kumogakure no Sato", Ghost roared, "Heed my warning and don't call Konoha to war ever again or there will be consequences dire than this", Ghost yelled as the eagle retreated. His mission was not to destroy the village itself. He was here just for a warning, now that he did warn them, it's time to go back.

Even though many Kumo shinobis died in this war. But the Village itself survived, they can regroup from it, the new blood will eventually show up, and the two Jinchurikis survived as well; some might even get stronger from this, but after what happened today, It's unlikely that they will dare to attack Konoha anymore.