Air covered in mist kissed the face of Ghost as he stepped onto the island following Mei's chakra.

The surrounding air was thick with the white blanket, and not just from the steam rising from the pools of water around them. The mist felt alive, a living thing that sought to wrap itself around his body.

It was heaven on earth where one can get lost in thought or time or both at once. If only not for the smell of blood that overwhelms the beauty of the place.

Ghost, however, only lay his thoughts on what was ahead, what he had to do next. He looked over his shoulder and disappear within the fog.


The white mist grew denser and denser as he approached his destination. The scent of blood drew him closer and closer to her until finally, his extremely sensitive senses tingled a bit...

"What is this feeling..?!", Feeling something strange, he stopped for a moment, a few miles ahead is the location where he could feel Mei's chakra. But there was something else as well...

He smirked, there is only one being in this world whose chakra he could not feel but can only sense its emotions. It's that white-skinned being.

He immediately understood that it was a trap to call him in. Now that he knew about it, if he leaves, there is absolutely no one capable of stopping him on this island, his emotions, however, stopped him from leaving so easily...

Does he love Mei..?! He doesn't really know the answer, but still, that girl had given him memories worth remembering in such a short time. If there is a choice between her life and his life, his first instinct would always be to save her.

For some reason or another, he found himself drawn to her time and time again, as if she is an itch that had to be scratched.

His mind was made up. He moved forward with purpose, pushing aside all other thoughts as he continued to advance, to seek the source of her chakra.

He didn't need to concentrate to sense her diminishing presence any further because as soon as he came near enough, a strong smell of blood pervaded his nose and in a blur, he reached the dead-end inside the dense forest.

"Hm...", Ghost uttered as he looked at the cave entrance in the middle of the forest, it was somewhat hidden away.

Once inside, his senses tingled again, seemingly telling him of the strange being inside, and alerting him of the trap that is sure to follow after...

And then, he saw her- Her naked body was covered in so much blood that it has already soaked into the ground beneath her back.

She looked almost lifeless. It was clear that she was in pain, her chest rose and fell rapidly as she gasped for air, only to exhale her last few breaths, leaving a single trail of blood as it flowed down from her lips.

However, Ghost didn't move from his position, he turned his head slightly, looking out of the cave to see the shadow of the masked man standing at the entrance of the cave was blocked in an instant...

Turning his head he saw the white-skinned Zetsu coming out of Mei's body with a grin, "...

Zetsu wanted to say something before the ground below Ghost cracked into a deep fissure, as he blinked right in front of the white Zetsu; grabbing his neck and twisting it with a loud crunch, the White Zetsu clone died instantly with a sickening sound without being able to even open its mouth...

Ghost didn't care about the strange being and looked at the badly hurt Mei once more, "You are such a trouble; Princess...", He said to Mei who was merely lying without moving a bit...

Her breathing was so slow that anyone might believe that she is dead, if not for Ghost's instincts, and the incredible knowledge of the medical arts, he acquired from one of his teachers, Tsunade Senju.

He sighed, knowing his chakra is getting blocked in this cave, there is no way he can use any of his jutsu

He sighed and slowly he picked Mei up, looking around for somewhere she could lie down... Soon, he found the right spot where he laid Mei on the floor of the cave...

He stood and punched the stone blocking the entrance with his titanic physical strength, the cave trembled, shaking the ground beneath, however, the stone did not show any kind of crack at all...

There is no way a simple stone is unaffected after taking the full power of his punch...

This means that there is a seal placed outside the cave to trap him inside.

Placing his hand on the large stone he closed his eyes and tried to suck the chakra off the seal outside, but there was no result. Seeing that nothing is working, he instantly activated his phasing ability. Even then, nothing happened...

He scoffed in disdain, do these people think that they are seal master toad sage Jiraiya or something...

He could get out of the island, but it was obviously impossible to break through that rock in a short time. And without any other options left, he could only sit on the floor in front of Mei and heal her.

Since Chakra can not work here, he could use his newly acquired skills of using natural energy. Even though he is not proficient enough in using it nor is he capable of reaching the sage mode. But healing wounds like these should be easy enough...

Outside, Obito stares at the blocked cave with a disgusted look. "Guess even someone like him is not beyond such foolish emotions...", He mumbled to himself and felt a bit proud of his accomplishment, but still worried that he will break through the rock somehow...

After all, this guy has created miracles after miracles time and time again.

White Zetsu on his skin grinned, "Indeed, this guy is a fool to be brought down by mere women", Today, it felt a sense of rejuvenation. The guy who held him on death row is now captured forever.

Obito smirked, feeling much more powerful than before, "You sure he would not be able to break through it, right..?!"

Zetsu grinned again, "Worry not Tobi chan, I have already thought of the ways he could try to escape from it, and I have covered every single one of them."

"Good", Obito spiraled out in a black dot as he vanished in thin air.


After an unknown period of time, Mei opened her eyes to see her in the embrace of a man whose upper body was entirely barren of clothes.

'where am I?', Her eyes dropped down since they were so heavy to lift up...

But soon she saw herself covered in the overgrown cloak of a man. As the man's hand glow green and her wound was covered in Herbal Leaves.

'He is healing me? who is it? Ao..?! No... who... who is it', She tied to lift her head only to drop it back, she found herself unable to do anything right now. Her entire body was so weak, she can't even move a muscle...

Her eyes went down to see him erect like hell.

'All men are the same...', She thought with a frown, 'I am so tired. I want to sleep'

She lost consciousness.

The slow hum of green Chakra resounded in her ear, or maybe it was the blood rushing to her head— if she had any left.

Sometimes after she barely opened her eyes again.

She was still in the same position. With the same clothes, and in the embrace of the same person doing the same thing... His hand was still hovering with a green glow, and medical leaves on her Chest.

'Did I wake up so soon..?!', She lowered her eyes to see his hard-on is no more.

'Did he ra..pe...d me, No, I don't feel that kind of pain. So, did he just stay like that and it went down..?!'

She could tell this man has not shifted her and his position in all this time, it was obvious he was healing her all this time.

'Oh..! He is quite a decent person I guess...'

Her eyes looked outside, 'What time is it...?!'

She closed her eyes yet again...

The next time she opened her eyes, she could feel a tongue sucking her nipples...

'what... no'

She could feel that his manhood was growing and soon he reached its peak...

He left her breasts alone though. It was reluctant, she could feel it.

"This... torture", She couldn't tell apart his voice... Everything just echoed inside her head...

She watched the whole process and found her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"Mei, Mei open your eyes... MEI"

She opened her eyes only to see Raizel standing in front of her under the orange glow of the sunset. His eyes stare at her...

"I love you", He said those words were so strong that she felt it in her soul; she smiled.

"OPEN YOUR EYES..!", The words were as forceful as thunder; she was brought back to reality.

Her eyes slowly opened, and saw his blurred face, before closing them once again.

That night, she opened her eyes once more. This time, he was not healing her. Instead, he was playing some kind of melodious music, and the things floating around him... are they spirits..?!

The next time she opened her eyes, she found herself sleeping in his embrace, with his hand still stroking her hair, her head lying on his chest.

Why is her head on his chest? She looked down, her legs were intertwined with his and there was a weird thing poking into her thigh.

It took her an instant to recognize it as such. She tried to move but her body completely failed to do so.

She sighed tiredly and slept again. It was probably the best sleep that she had ever experienced in her life.

'Who is this man...', She thought as during this entire time she failed to see his face clearly...

But even though she couldn't see his face, she could somehow sense something familiar about him. As if the aura he emits has an unusual feeling for some reason. She drifted off into slumber once again...

The next morning when she woke up, she found herself alone inside the cave. There was no sign of any person.

Looking down, even the overgrown cloak on her is gone, she is entirely naked.

'Was I dreaming...?'

She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead... 'It's not possible.., right?'

Her head fell back against the wall, "How long have I been sleeping for?"


Ghost stood out on a cliff top overlooking the forest, watching the sun rising on the horizon, the light of the sun was bleak because of the thick mist surrounding the area.

Yet, the forest, the mountains, and the valley in front of him give this place a surreal feeling as if he is standing at the edge of the world, and will be engulfed by the endless ocean below.

'Those idiots, my summons are literal ghosts...', he mumbled to himself with an amused smile...

In their attempt to trap him down, they came in too close and their chakra was marked once again...

He vanished like a mirage within the mist. This game of cat and mouse had become very amusing to him, someone is actually able to escape and even has the guts to try and trap him.

He felt pleased, for years things have always been one-sided; now the game of cat and mouse has become even more amusing to him than ever before...


In a canyon deep within the heart of the abandoned mountains where there was no light or sound, Obito was planning his next move when suddenly white Zetsu got startled...

Zetsu wanted to yell but it happened too fast...

Obito could not fathom what was going on when a barrier etched around the mountains as Ghost suddenly appeared on a cliff in a flash, his eyes glaring at Obito...