Surrounded by the thick suffocating fog, a lone shadow stood on the cliff with his arms crossed. He watched the masked Obito with a slight interest in his eyes, but it wasn't anything he couldn't take care of if necessary...

"How..?!", Obito asked getting into fighting stance, "Did you escape from there..?"

The man shrugged lightly. "Don't you know? No one can bind Ghost, no matter what they do." The man said with an amused smirk as he simply jumped down the cliff, "I am curious, who are you?"

Obito stared at him blankly for a moment before answering, "Do you think you can handle my name?"

Ghost chuckled briefly, "It's funny to hear that I would be scared of someone like you", He vanished and blurred next to Obito in an instant, "You really are ignornant aren't you?", he grabbed Obito's neck and lifted him up

Obito could only whimper behind his mask as Ghost tightened his grip around him.

"You know. I would really like to see the face behind this mask of yours," He chuckled evilly and tightened the hold around Obito's neck, "And then, I'd show you a thing or two about pain..!"

Ghost stretched his other arm to take the spiral mask off Obito's face, but just before he got his hand on it, a white arm came out of Obito's skin...

Ghost let go of Obito and took a step back with disdained expression on his face. "You think you can get away with something like that, think again...!" He said as he seemed to teleport away from the said area, although in reality he simply leaped forward and appeared in front of Obito in an ungodly speed.

He brought his fist to Obito's midsection and punched him with his titanic strength before Obito could even react...

He found himself hurtling to the back of the area, continuing to go back until he hit the solid wall, which cracked and shattered under his impact.

Obito felt the blood flow to his head as he tried to get back up, he couldn't even scream from the pain in his ribs and spine. The air around him was morphing into some sort of eeire energy, making it hard for him to breathe and move around.

And suddenly, an earth-shattering even took place in front of him, he felt as if the sky is increasing to grow increasingly dim as if unearthly entities entered this plane.

The sounds of sorrowful groans and rumbling could be easily heard from the darkness around the cliff...

There is no doubt about it, the hugnry ghosts, Ghost's unearthly summons have entered the battlefield as the true representatives of spiritual hunger...

Evil laughter resounded in Obito's ears, the atmosphere around him turned eerily dark.

Ghost stared at the spiral masked man while standing on the cliff as he took out his flute, this time there will be no saving Obito...

"This ends now...", he whispered to himself as he blew on his instrument. The spirits began to take shape. The hungry ghosts began to laugh more and more loudly. They were waiting for just one thing: Obito's soul, and then, they will devour Obito and every trace of his existence.

Obito struggled as much as he could, trying to get back to his feet. He felt as if all his limbs and body are paralyzed, but the pain is still very present, as if someone was using a scythe to chop his guts in two. And the pain only increased as these unearthly beings came closer and closer to each other.

Just when the evil spirits were about to devour Obito, a strange black being came out of the earth below him and managed to take him away...

Ghost laughed and continued to play the flute, the hungry ghosts got madder and madder, "Too weak...!"


Some distance away Obito was thrown into the ground and landed face down, the blood trickling out of his mouth as he coughed painfully, he found it hard to breathe and move around.

He could barely hear the distant sound of the spirits' laughing from the depths of the earth...

"Those things are coming here, his chakra has been marked... we are geting hunted", The voice echoed in the air around him and he tried to open his eyes, it was black Zetsu who said it...

White Zetsu cursed, "The bastard did it again...! How did he even manage to escape the cave?!"

Black Zetsu sighed and shook his head. "What do we do..?!"

"Imitate his chakra", White Zetsu called out, "That bastard is chasing after Obito chan's chakra, as long as I hid it using my body, and with you leading them away I will have enough time to take care of it..."

Black Zetsu nodded and then looked at the white one in front of him, "You really want me to use my body as the bait..?! That man could sense the truth just by looking at us!"

Evil laughter of hungry ghosts was heard in the air, but both of them ignored it and turned to look for a safe place to hide, "Go now", White Zetsu yelled...

Black Zetsu nodded in agreement and took the mask off Obito, his figure morphed into that of Obito's and he left in an attempt to confuse Ghost. White Zetsu used the old mask to cover Obito's face, black Zetsu was right, he would sense the truth just by looking at them..."

The spirits followed black Zetsu soon after; they knew something was wrong, but didn't care, they just want to devour a soul in an attempt to satisfy their hunger.

Black Zetsu landed on top of some rocks and turned back to look at them, he watched as the spirits converged upon his position. But the problem is how to defeat them... it thought to itself, as far as it seems the beings are capable of phasing through the solid attacks as well as things, and could eat nearly everything, no matter what...


White Zetsu could hear Obito's coughing sound as he struggled to get himself back to his feet.

"Tobi chan...,", White Zetsu whispered, "Are you alright?"

At first, there was no response at all, then Obito opened his eyes and gave the white one a small nod.

"Oh, It's the first time someone ever say that they are fine after taking my full powered punch head on", Both Obito and White Zetsu looked back to see Ghost slowly walking towards them...!

"what the... How did you..."

"What? Is this some sort of trick you play to diverge my attention..?!...", He said to them in a mocking tone, "There is a fine line between being smart and being stupid..!"

"Can you cast Kamui...", White Zetsu asked...

Obito shook his head, "Not until we are far away from him..."

Ghost laughed and keep walking towards them with an evil grin, "You really are pathetic, aren't you..?", he said before making a show of raising his hand and putting the flute onto his lips.

A melediatic melody came from the flute as it seemed to bring about a calm and quietness.