Minor Conflict

"Ready?" Jason said over a hushed tone.

The group all gave a nod. They were hiding above the branches of the trees, with streaks of harsh sunlight peeking through the leaves- glinting against their sweating skin. 

Saira, Kai, and Kristine conjured their own motes, setting it afloat on their hands and readied their magic. Saira called out Marsh, while Kai conjured three white fireballs. Kristine's eyes glowed a golden tint as she knocked an arrow to her bow.


Black blobs splattered down like rain onto the band of kobolds below. With the humanoid wolves immobilized by the blobs, Kai and Kristine let loose, setting fireballs and arrows onto the kobolds that brought about a dust cloud.

From within the cloud, three silhouettes immediately dropped to the ground- dead, while the rest were sent flying and tumbling by the explosion from Kai's fireballs.

They set up a successful ambush, with only the remaining three kobolds left to fight. Jason and Nico immediately sprang and jumped from the trees, diving like eagles about to take out their prey.

With a swing of Jason's hammer and a slash from Nico's greenwood claws, only one kobold remained in front of them. 

The kobold's eyes were frightened, letting out a whimper as it slowly backed away from Nico and Jason. It held its pickaxe with shaky paws as it then steeled itself for one last attempt at escaping, running on all fours towards the woods until an arrow pierced its chest.

. . .


5 Kobold Fangs (F-) [Material]

Common loot from the kobolds. Used as an ingredient mainly for charms and accessories.


4 Goblin Ears (F-) [Material]

Common loot from the goblins. Used as an ingredient mainly for potions and elixirs.


6 Slime Gels (F-) [Material]

Common loot from slimes. Used for fuel.


4 Monster Essences (F-) [Consumable]

Can be consumed to increase the strength, mind, and spirit stats of the user.


"I'm sure glad we hid our smell beforehand." Jason said, staring at an empty potion bottle in his hand. "The kobolds would've picked up on our ambush without this."

"That was brutal." Nico said, covering his face with his hands as he gave off a loud sigh.

It was their second day, with the band of kobolds they just fought being the third monster encounter they had since morning. They were in the same spot they had gathered yesterday, a rocky bank by a flowing creek with green lights like fireflies wandering the woods.

"I know what you feel, but It's kill or be killed." Kai said, crouching on the pool of loot and inspecting them. "You don't expect us to just give up and starve don't you?"

Nico didn't respond, instead looked over to Hena. "I thought you said that the monsters were crazy? That didn't look crazy to me."

"They are- but it's in phases, gradually worsening over time the more they stay here in the tower. That kobold may still have had its mind intact now, but after a few days it would've turned rabid and killed anyone in sight."

"So we have no choice." Nico said, his face sullen. "How many times do we have to rely on that excuse?"

"As many times as we want to live." Kai said with a tint of annoyance in his tone. "If you want to starve, go ahead. But let me tell you; It's no different on Earth either. The meat we eat at McDonald's doesn't just grow on trees, you know- we're not living in a fairytale Nico."

"Cut it out." Jason said.

"Alright." Kai said, throwing up his arms.

. . .

"What's the beef between them?" Saira said, looking down at the clothes soaking in the water bucket.

"Kai and Nico?" Kristine said.


They were inside the inn washing their clothes: underwear, a tank top, and shorts. They only had one spare of each, and so it was now a daily routine to wash their clothes every night after dinner- now that they're without fairies to bring them a fresh set of clothing every day. 

"I know right?" Kristine said. "Just until yesterday they were acting pretty normal."

They were inside a damp wooden room along with a rusty metal pump and three buckets- one for each of the girls. A dim red orb shone on the ceiling, just enough to make out the surroundings.

"Kai must be frustrated because of the money problems." Hena said, washing her brown robe in the bucket.

"And maybe because of the whole 'getting transported to another world' thing." Saira added.

"And also maybe because he doesn't see eye to eye with Nico anymore." Kristine said, nagging her hand.

"What do you mean?" Saira said.

"Their personalities really compliment each other- almost to the point of being annoying. But, Kai's goal is to eventually return home, while Nico wants to stay here. I'm just guessing here but Kai may have felt betrayed by Nico. He doesn't understand why Nico wants to stay, and he's using that as an excuse for taking out his anger issues on him."

"It just seems pretty awkward now that they're not talking anymore."

"Oh yeah, and it had to be Nico and Kai- the loudest ones of the group. The silence becomes pretty jarring."

"Should we help them?" Hena asked.

"Not a good idea, we might just end up making things worse. The best thing to do here would just be to let them settle it on their own- boys are pretty good at that. Anyways, that's enough boy talk for tonight." 

Kristine then turned to Hena. "Hena, if it's alright, can I ask you something?"

Hena nodded. "I think I know what you're about to say, but sure."

"Why are you with us?"

A silence took over the room, with only the sound of droplets drip dropping.

"I mean, we're not complaining- we're very happy to have a bronze ranker going adventuring with us- but don't tell me you're not having a hard time. We barely have enough food, and we're struggling every day. Don't you find it annoying?"

"No, definitely not. This is actually my first time going out adventuring- being only fed Monster Essences and having no actual combat experience my entire life. I'm having fun. The main reason why I'm going with you guys though is that I wanted to get away from Kalista."

"You're ex?"

Saira elbowed Kristine's side, causing her to fall over and groan in pain.

"It wasn't because of Nico dragging you into it?" Saira said.

"Why would Nico drag me into it?"

"He seemed like he was interested in you joining the team and in you in general."

"Nico?" Hena pointed to herself as she then let out a laugh. "God no. I think Nico and I would both agree that we only see each other as pretty good friends."

"Just friends." Saira reconfirmed.

"Just friends." Hena smirked.

"You're being pretty obvious right now." Kristine said, nudging Saira's side. "I thought we were done with boy talk."

"Shut up." Saira said, staring daggers at Kristine.

"So is Nico your rebound now that you broke things off with Andrei?"

"I don't have leftover feelings for Andrei." Saira pushed Kristine as if she was trying to make a point. "And that would be a total dick move. So no, I'm not using Nico as a rebound."

"So you admit that you're genuinely crushing on Nico."

Saira paused. "Maybe- I don't know. My feelings are all over the place. I don't particularly like Nico like that, but I do like his company. He makes me feel good."

"He makes you feel good." Kristine said flatly. "Do you know how weird that sounds?"

Saira gave her a frisky pounding as the three continued on their idle chatting. As soon as they finished washing their clothes and hanging them up to dry near the warm red orb, they started heading for their bedroom.

"Hey Saira. Kristine." Hena paused in the dimly lit hallway. "I have something to tell you."