Two Boys, One Dog

The pump had broken down, with Kai and Nico sent to fetch water from a nearby river. They went into the woods in the dead of night with a pair of buckets on each hand, with the dim glow of blue flowers and moonlight peeking from the canopy lighting their way.

They walked through the forest in complete silence, the tension between them tightening. The leaves and branches above swayed back and forth, brought about by the passing night breeze that grazed their timid faces.

The two didn't make idle chatter, instead wandering their gazes from left to right- actively trying to avoid a conversation. They stayed that way during the entire walk, with only the sound of swaying leaves keeping the woods from complete silence.

"We're here." Nico said, his voice washed by the sound of flowing water nearby. They walked out of the woods and into a clearing beside the river, with the night sky above them shimmering with thousands of stars. They trudged through the tall and damp patches of grass then stopped by the river's edge, crouching and filling the empty buckets with water.

"Kai listen-"


They blurted out at the same time, catching them both off-guard.

"You first." Nico said, gritting his teeth in embarrassment as he stared blankly at the reflection of stars on the river.

"The way I was acting- yesterday and before that, that was my bad." Kai said, head hung as he stared at the night sky. "I acted like a total douche, not considering your own feelings in all this."

"No, it's okay."

A silence festered between them again.

"Don't you have something to say to me too?"

"Oh right." Nico stood up. "I was gonna tell you how much of an ass you were being, but since you just gave your apology, I forgive you."

Kai gave Nico a deadpan look as he then splashed cold water on Nico's face. "You know, this is why Saira's not into you."

"Sod off, you don't know that." Nico said, wiping the water off his face. "Plus- my muscles are coming along. I've gained some weight in the one month we've been here."

"Bro, you just gained some muscles. You still look like a scrawny child who's deep into smoking and alcohol and weed- all that weird stuff. The tattoos and earrings are not helping. Also, get a haircut."

"Is it that bad?" Nico said, pulling a tuft of hair down on his face and staring at it. "Do they even have barbers in this world?"

"I'm sure they have. I mean, who else do the fairies go to for hair grooming?"

Nico and Kai caught faint sounds of footsteps in the woods, causing them to pause. Now that they're in Iron rank, their hearing has improved greatly, only being a step below that of a dog's ears.

Kai and Nico looked to each other and gave a nod, conjuring their motes and setting them afloat on their hand.

"Bless me with living armor."

Greenwood armor replaced Nico's crumbling skin, while Kai conjured three white fireballs around him. Nico then gestured with his hands, counting from three to one then turned, pouncing at what was behind the thicket of woods.

"Nico, wait!"

A fireball smashed into Nico's chest, stopping his sprint and sending him tumbling onto the damp grass.

"What the hell man!?" Nico said, spitting out grass as he eyed the hole on his chest- now being repaired by glowing green roots and vines along with the life essence from his Well of Life skill.

"I didn't hit you that hard." Kai said, gesturing for Nico to be quiet as he fixed his eyes to the woods.

The hole on Nico's chest had now disappeared almost completely but at the cost of expending the regenerative ability of his entire greenwood armor and life essences, turning his skin back to its normal pale color.

"So, why did you shoot me?"

"Look at this." Nico said, crouching and calling the thing in the woods with a whistle.

Out from thickets came a scrawny dog, its body frail and thin however very active and excited- wagging its tail as it ran towards Kai with a welcoming bark.

"Good boy." Kai stroked its head as it sat in front of him.

"A husky?" Nico said, heading towards Kai and the dog. He gave the dog a pat on the head as soon as he arrived. "Why's there a husky out here?"

The dog was pretty out of shape, its skin caving in on its stomach and ribs like it hadn't had food in days. Its body was layered in dirt and wounds that covered many spots of its fur.

"Let's get him back to Hena." Nico said, staring at the dog's innocent face. "Maybe she can help."

. . .

"There." Hena said as a white orb descended from above the dog and dissolved into its body. They were in the hallway of their inn, in front of the doors to their bedrooms with a dim red orb flickering on the wooden ceiling.

The dog shot up with excitement and licked Hena's face, prompting a giggle from her.

"I've healed up his wounds but I can't do the same for any diseases." Hena frowned, stroking the dog's head. "We could go to a healer specializing in cleansing afflictions but it's gonna cost us- a lot. I don't even think I have the money for it."

Kai crouched beside the dog. "We're gonna work hard, so don't worry about anything. Just focus on healing up."

"What's going on?" Saira popped her head out a door, her eyes following Nico's gaze until it fell to the dog. She then immediately sprinted towards it.

"Oh my god, a dog!" She cuddled it around her arms. "It's so cute!"

The dog gave out a woff, its tail wagging along. 

"What's his name?"

"I don't know, we haven't thought of one yet." Nico said, gently stroking its head. "But I'm thinking of one along the lines of Champ."

"To be honest, Nico rings the ear a bit better." Kai said.

"That's my name."

"It fits him." Kai ignored Nico. "He's a very thin dog so it's only natural for his name to be Nico, right?"

"Sounds good. He does look like Nico." Saira followed while Hena let out a laugh.

"Can't people have some sleep here?" Kristine yawned, coming out from the room Saira came from with weary eyes until her gaze fell on the dog.

"Oh my god, a dog!" Her eyes went wide- backing off slowly from the dog.

"What's going on?" Jason came from another door, following Kristine's gaze until he saw what she was staring at. He then turned to Kristine. "You okay? You seem like you've seen a ghost."

"Worse, I've seen a dog."