Finding The Goldilocks Spot

As they walked away to deliver the last of the plates they had Maelyn shared with Kathy, "The Queen said she would use building the power plant I have in mind to help train me on using my magic. Did you want to join me and we could learn that part together too?"

 "I will only be able to do that if it is done late at night." Kathy reluctantly replied, "Because like when we get back to the Bakery here soon I will have to assist in cleaning all of the dishes that were dirtied and whomever had the task of dishwasher during the supper rush and the free food line couldn't get to as well as helping to clean the kitchen and getting it prepared for tomorrow."

 "Well, I was going to pick the spot and start on getting it ready tonight," Maelyn shared, "so you are more than welcome to come find me near the cauldron and learn with me."