An Early Lunch

With their mission complete they decided as a group to stop at the bakery for an early lunch instead of traveling back to the palace grounds and waiting for Kathy to bring it to them. Surprised to see them coming in for a meal, Kathy gladly found them all a table to share and asked, "So what brings all eight candidates to the Bakery so early today? Is our Congress still making you wait to tell you what they have decided for today?"

  "No. They actually sped through that fairly quickly first thing this morning." Abjul informed her then offered his opinion with a smile, "And I think the reason it got done so quickly is because none of us put up a fight or tried arguing over their selections. And, I'm sure Bree and Maelyn having Nasir announce that they were giving members of congress the deeds to their properties so they could vote fairly and without pressure and then me telling him to add the ones I owned to the list as well helped."