Busy Work

As they began to finish their lunches Allison asked, "So, I know Maj, Anani, and Carita are going up to the Trench with Maelyn, do any of you want to help me out using our magic to replace the old water pipes with the new ones I came up with? That way when they get ready to turn it on it'll already be able to provide both services to at least most of the kingdom."

  "I would gladly accompany you." Fahim volunteered as he confided, "I enjoyed working with you so much when removing the basalt that I am looking forward to working with you again."

  "Sure!" Ria agreed, "I love learning new ways to use our magic!"

  "Don't forget how you also love walking around flirting with everyone!" Abjul teased then told Allison, "And I would gladly help out on one condition. I will need to catch up with you later because I feel I should check in with my secretaries and help them with any issues they have not been able to resolve in my absence these last few days."