Iman's Apology

After hearing Ria's explanation and seeing proof that at least some of the rumors going around about the store had been false, Yazid regrettably asked everyone, "Should we now pull the bill? Or vote it down? Cause it looks like we were wrong about what goes on in that store."

  When a number of them started to agree on withdrawing the bill, Ria objected, "Wait! No! I think we should just change the wording so that it won't interfere with services all businesses offer to the public. Cause I WANT this bill to pass. If for no other reason than to assure people hearing these rumors that if I DID try to sell sex in any way, shape, or form my business would be shut down and I would get thrown in jail in a heartbeat."

  "But why?" Congressman Hakim wondered in shock, "If we drop this bill you wouldn't have to worry about people trying to use this law against you just to shut you down over some RUMORS!"