Fahim's Test (Part 1)

The next morning Fahim quietly showed up for his Congressional session right as they were all preparing for their session. As he came up to his place beside Nasir he apologized, "Sorry for not getting here sooner. Unloading the delivery took longer than I anticipated this morning."

  "Well I am glad that you made it just in time." Speaker Nasir told him, "Cause if you hadn't been here by the time I brought us to session it would have majorly counted against you!"

  "Well, to be honest," Fahim shared, "I'm not expecting to do well today. I am nowhere NEAR as good as Maelyn and Ria at talking to people."

  "Don't sell yourself short Fahim." Abjul encouraged him, "you do better at it than I do and they keep electing me as Third Minister in spite of it. So I am sure that you would do just as well as the ladies if you were selected to be king."