Abjul's Day Of Testing (Part 1)

  Arriving at the Congressional building, Abjul greeted Bree with a grin from Maelyn's kiss the night before still on his face. Seeing it along with the differing mood he had conveyed when greeting her, Bree curiously asked, "So what's gotten into your step this morning? Cause Hearing all your muttering about today during the other tests this week makes me pretty much certain that you have been far from looking forward to them testing you today."

  "Umm...." Abjul pondered as he debated on whether he should share the reason or wait until it became more widely known. Deciding he could trust Bree not to needlessly spread the news, He shared, "Well, I'm pretty sure you saw how I went up to the palace to distract myself by checking on their progress and all-"

  "More like check up on Miss Khadim." Bree teasingly interrupted.