
Another Day As Alexander Dowry

Technology is everywhere, the times of public transportation and traffic that lasts for hours are over and New York City is a completely sustainable city. The City of Lights shines even brighter than it did a century ago. People scurrying about to get to work are still common place here. Phones made out of a small sliver of glass that are completely concealed in one's pocket are used by everyone. Cars are now fully automated and drive themselves, accidents occur only from people running in front of the cars now. New York has become, according to the rest of the world, the most advanced city on earth. Robots taking orders for food, Roombas that once cleaned floors are now on steroids, and able to clean your whole house, even the windows.

Alexander, a high school student who was not only wealthy, and well built and lean, awoke from his pent house at the top of Stratus industries. The world's leading producer of Slivr, a phone company that has revolutionized storage and battery life in the mobile device market. As for his mother, a well known model on the cover of Magistrate magazine. Coming from a smaller town in Indiana, she found his father after a vacation to the Bahamas and fell in love. Their bond has incredible strength, since Alexander does so well in school and has helped his parents in the past. Furthermore, the Dowry family could not get anymore public attention, his father was on the news years back for opening his new Stratum Tower to signify his successes in front of thousands. Soon after he came out with the new phone design, city folk are seen using the device all across New York. All of Alexanders life, he was determined to do even better than his fathers' astounding legacy. On the contrary, he could never figure out what this world needed that he could provide. He's come up with several ideals, like individual transportation pods that could further increase the public transportation market, but that was already filled with excessive competition.

Alexander was starting his second semester in High School, his morning routine normally consisted of 3 scrambled eggs, several pieces of bacon and orange juice. The one who made it for him was his personal butler, Chandler. Chandler has been able to take care of Alexander while his parents are out working. All throughout Alexander's life, his parents haven't been ones to take their parenting seriously. The couple is always away, on trips, or attending important meetings. Rarely do they spend time with Alex, but he was used to it. Chandler had always handled Alex with the upmost respect, and which is why Alex was fine with it. Chandler at times was more close with Alex than he was with his own parents. Sipping on his morning OJ, Alexander asked, "What's the itinerary for today Chandler?" Chandler walked towards Alex and spoke, "Today, you have school of course, from 8:30 A.M. to 3:45 P.M. and after that, you are free to do as you please. No other activities are planned today surprisingly. Might be a good opportunity to go on one of those dates with Katherine!" Alex was blushing, "Chandler please don't be like that." Chandler let out a small chuckle. "It's quite alright Alex. I'm just happy for you." Alex let out a long sigh, it's not like Chandler was wrong, he was in a relationship. He had just begun dating Katherine about two weeks before and they haven't had a proper date yet. Chandler was right in this situation, he tended to be when it came to stuff like this too.

Alex decided to call Katherine, and see if she wanted to go into central park for a walk and possible picnic after school. Katherine excitedly agreed, and said she would bring something to eat while Alexander would bring the mat to sit on. Unfortunately though, school came first. Not like it was a big deal to Alex, it was just incredibly long and boring. There were some better aspects that he enjoyed, learning about some of the latest discoveries from the other planets humans have been able to inhabit is always a unique topic to learn about. For example, on Mercury they just discovered underground tunnels that were said to have been used for thousands of years by some unknown creature or creatures. Yes, humans are not the only things out there. The human race was able to discover that after our first trip to Mars. Luckily no harm came to the people who found the new race. In fact they helped benefit humanity and learned our language and made a peace treaty in the past. This other race is what humans call the Gregorians, they aren't similar to a normal human at all. Blue skin like surface, and short. Their bodies are wide, and have large orifices' for mouths, but are agreeable in the aid of humans. Although they were helpful in colonization, the Gregorians were not an advanced technological society. Which made travelling to other planets difficult. Until one man, Mike Durbin, an explorer of Mars, unlocked something that altered the course of human history forever.

Mike Durbin set off to Mars with a Crew of twenty astronauts to set up the first ever planetary base for mankind. He was the leader of his crew and had to make sure the landing went smoothly. While entering Mars' atmosphere Durbin was able to safely land the craft onto the surface of Mars. It was a group of 50 cadets who were are specialized in their own fields. Botanists for agriculture, medics for any incidents, and one sergeant from the military for protection. For weeks they were building and operating machinery to build this new base together. Lots of hard work and effort went into it and occasionally a large dust storm would slow their progress. Once finished though, everyone in Durbin's crew could finally relax. Keeping in touch with his commander back on Earth the crew was able to complete their mission and return. Durbin earned several global medals. One was the Lance Armstrong award, which was created after the first man on the moon. Even though things were well for the global scale. What would be uncovered years to come would bring massive changes to the whole solar system.

The Discovery of "The CORED"

After several hundred years and the rapid urbanization takeover on Mars, interplanetary travel was able to expand beyond any human thought possible. It created several booms in new industries, new currencies and technology. With increasing resources found underground on planets like Mars and Venus as well as Mercury, humanity expanded it's grasp upon it's vast solar system for the first time. It had it's downsides though, a New race of peoples were discovered and with that was war and lots of it. Not all of the battles were hostile, much like how the Americans took over Indian land the same happened on our own solar system as if history was bound to repeat itself. One major battle that shook the planets at it's core, was quite literally the discovery of The Cored. These singular individuals were found originally on Mercury when one tribal race was able to conquer almost the entire planet through the aid of one man, his name was Marx, his physical prowess was said to be ten times greater than any human, and had the accuracy to kill anyone within almost a thousand miles away with a single shot from a gun. This man, Marx became known as one of The Cored. Turns out, every planet is capable of producing one singular Core and once it's chosen a champion to withhold the power, their powers become godlike. There have only been very few CORED in our solar system and has lead to many years of peace after several agreements were made between Earth and surrounding planetary forces. No one has seen or heard of these individuals as of late, this is due to their lack of usefulness and fear from society. Seen as murderers, crooks or devils, even. Although having powers like this seems incredulous, many fear of Armageddon due to this uncovered superpower.

Mars was inhabited for centuries before a Core arose, and this core brought about the deaths of actual billions of innocent lives. Her powers were instant regeneration, telekinetic take over enabling to hide as objects whenever she pleased. Her most devastating power was her ability to control the dust storms of Mars, not only could she never be found, she was able to put Mars inhabitants to the brink of extinction. Her nickname is Tut's Daughter, with her ability to control all the dust and kill off anyone she pleased. Her dusty kingdom was the perfect place to rule. These powers were one of many to be discovered and were not to be taken for granted. Similarly, they are incredibly effective when used at full potential. These powers were like a God playing toddlers, one little breathe and all would perish.

The Cored have become a small force, interplanetary defense squad or IDS, after years of war and genocide. Which has put humanity and other races at ease for now...