
High School and Pretty ladies

It's the first day of high school, and I already have a date with the most gorgeous and selfless woman I've ever met. Katherine, man-oh-man does she make me melt on the inside. If only I was less awkward and could actually tell her how much she inspires me. "Oh Katherine! I would cook and clean for you every day! I would die for you! I would cry for you! If you come to my home and sleep with me of course." Fair trade right? Not like I'll ever have the balls to do that though, oh well. I started preparing to head out for the day, first day of Senior year and I got a date. Should go smoothly, and if it doesn't then that would be just my luck. New York City is so colorful, minus the natural colors from trees. Those have all been long gone, but with all the tech advancements there's no more worry about what we need to do to find water or fresh air. It's all provided from other planets or created here locally on Earth. With the tech boom, we have also been able to become even less civilized as a society! Just when you thought New York City couldn't get any worse, crimes happen so often that one section of the city is practically taken over by a glorified gang. The Have-Nots. Fitting the title given to themselves they are the poor folk who can't seem to find any better way than to rob, mug and start fights. Drugs are also rampant with the latest mushrooms found on Venus. Imported illegally, might I add.

I always make sure to carry my phone on me just to be safe in case I need to be helped out. A special feature of my dad's new phone line up is that with a simple voice recognitional phrase made by the owner can dial the NYPD instantly with your location pinged on a computer. It's revolutionary and has actually saved a lot of innocent women coming home safely after any kidnappings, or even attempted sexual assaults'. Although, that doesn't mean everyone is safe. I do tend to be a cautious guy, hence why I don't flat out say to the love of my life Katherine, "Hey. Sleep with me!" I may think it, but definitely too anxious for that. Even so, I have a picnic, and I didn't ask for it first! My mind is going to go crazy when I'm in last block of class today.

Walking to school is a feasible task, not too long and the temperature outside today was a decent seventy degrees and partially cloudy. I ended up taking my normal route and happened to get to school on time, thank God. I would say that I'm a good student not just academically but also attendance wise, but that is certainly not the case. I am late, a lot. Being late grants me in school suspension from time to time. Fortunately though, I get good grades and my teachers know that. Which means I'm able to get a bypass here and there. At lunch I go to sit with my friends and chat things up and in the past take peeks at some of the hotties that are in the surrounding area. My buddies would always be chatting it up about some girl who went to their place and did some very pleasant "activities," with them. Then there's me, the virgin, the awkward yet smart, virgin. Jealousy isn't my cup of tea but every time they bring it up I can't seem to help it. One time it got to me so bad after I let it build up for too long until I blew off every bit of steam I could at my friend Jared. I had some pretty serious glances from everyone around me. Then I went into the bathroom until school was over. As for today though! It was my time to shine, and my last block finally ended with a large ring from the school bell. Time to put on the moves with Katherine, and fingers crossed not ruin any future relationship between the two of us.

I was told to meet her at a spot in town for our picnic, I originally thought that meant Central Park but once I met up with Katherine plans had a sudden change.

"Hey Katherine! Thanks for inviting me to eat with you!"

"Oh please, It's my treat!"

Her voice was so soft, she's alert and takes of herself and anyone can tell that's true. I wanted to see what she had to eat, not like I'm a picky eater anyways.

"So what did you make? Something good, no doubt."

" I prepared just a couple of turkey and cheese sandwhiches. Nothing crazy I know but then again it is just a picnic."

I almost interrupted her when she finished. Damn all my awkwardness.

"H- Hey that's no problem! I'm just glad you're willing to share some."

She smiled.

"Anytime, Alex."

If there was a better time for butterflies, I don't think I could find one. What the heck, is this love? It was kind of making me dizzy and a bit light headed. Girls are dangerous if they can do this just by talking. Even though we met each other at Central Park, we decided to actual eat somewhere else. We walked to a park bench on a hill and the view of the city from that bench was unreal.

"I had no idea you could enjoy the city from a measly park bench like this. Good pick Katherine."

"I love this spot, at times I would come here to either read or I would come here to help mourn after the loss of my father. Matter of fact, this was where he would bring me while growing up and we'd always have good conversations with each other. I may miss him but while I'm here I gain just a tiny piece of what we had shared, and that's enough for me."

I couldn't help but feel sad for Katherine after she said that. During Katherine's childhood, her father was killed in a domestic terrorism bombing. What's even crazier was that he was reported by eyewitnesses to be the only one who confronted the instigator and attempted to stop him from blowing up. I think that Katherine knowing that detail helped her some. Knowing her father was the only to confront an enemy when no one else had the courage, had aided her mourning in more ways than simply time passing could.

"Katherine, I know growing up wasn't easy for you. I respect how you've been able to keep up mentally after all the adversity you've gone through."

She tilted her gaze towards the grass in front of us.

"It's not only that, but you've also helped me a lot too. Aiding others even when you're struggling. That's selfless and I appreciate it."

She looked up. Then at me.

"Of course Alex. Going about this world alone is never something anyone should have to face. Thank you."

After that we had some more small talk about stuff that's not as depressing. Told her that I was three points of acing my math placement test. Then she immediately one-upped me and said she aced the test. We laughed. It was a great breathe of fresh air and after about an hour. I walked her home and went back to my pent house. Chandler was doing his normal dusting routine around the living room. I told him how my date went and what we talked about. Had a glass of milk then went upstairs to finish homework. Senior year of high school and I'm already dead. Maybe I'm getting old or something.