
Day Dreams and Basketball

After last night with Katherine, I was not able to sleep well at all. Matter of fact, the last couple of weeks I haven't been able to sleep throughout the night. It was weird, I've never had this sort of problem before and was unable to come up with a solution to fix it. My lack of sleep has caused my grades to drop just a bit due to this and I actually got my first B on a test in years. Not a good sign, either I need to get a good nights sleep or my GPA will be ruined.

On the plus side, things between Katherine and I have started getting much closer. I've told her about my recent sleeping issues while we FacePlaced on the phone. She told me it's probably due to stress and maybe hanging out with my friends might be able to help. I decided to take her advice and went to go play a round of basketball with my friends. There is a recreation center not too far from my pent house that I took a light stroll too. People there are incredibly competitive and that wasn't for me. I wasn't bad per say, I just didn't like how competitive people get over something so trivial.

Jared was there too. Even though we are completely polar opposites personality-wise Jared and I have been good friends since we were young. video games were our main activity, playing basketball was rare though. One time we pranked out teacher and threw toilet paper rolls all over an entire classroom. No one ever knew who did it and that is the biggest secret him and I have that we still laugh about to this day. Jared is laid back. I'm much more stubborn than anyone I know and when he needs advice about something I give it to him. It always helps when you have someone to tell your problems too. Ride-or-die friendships are incomprehensible to any normal friendship.

The day was going by slowly, I was at the recreational center with Jared and we were just playing a game of horse. I usually beat Jared at it, but he insisted we play. I agreed already knowing that I was going to win. I was feeling well, body felt good and my mentality was clear. Overall, not a bad way to end the day. Leave it to Katherine to be right, I chuckled thinking of that while dribbling to take my next shot.

Jared noticed and asked,

"What's got you all hyped up today?"

"I'm just in a good mood Jared. Things seem to be going well for me today."

Jared watched me drain a three pointer and he was on his last letter.

"Man this is BS!"

I smiled and laughed at him

"Hey man, I'm just like that."

After we finished up the match I went to the bench off to the side and started untying my sneakers. The smell, not great, I was definitely showering after I got back home. I have a hobby, it's showering. Warm water on my body just makes my problems drift away and I can stay in a hot shower until I almost pass out from heat sickness. One time, I actually did and woke up face down on the side of the tub. That was not a fun day, i managed to get a large welt on the side of my face and people at school were thinking I fought someone and lost. I hate rumors.

Jared and I walked back as far as we could before splitting off. I don't know what it is about him, but he just helps. I have had a lot on my mind especially with this whole new relationship I've gotten into. He's told me that I need to find ways to stop overthinking everything that I do with her. I remember telling him a few days ago I made a list in front of her about what sort of activates we could do for the day and he immediately told me that I was dumb. From that, he actually gave me good advice, don't make it a multiple choice test for her, she does that enough at school already. Go with the flow. If something happens either you or Katherine will know when its a good time to do something. He always been a smooth talker when it comes to deeper conversations. Something I really admired about Jared, but he hasn't had the perfect life either. He brings in girls and sleeps with them on a regular basis but never actually dates anyone. I read from time to time about random stuff and in one piece, I found that it's incredibly destructive to one's mentality and chances for finding love if all you do is have sex with women. I've tried explaining that too him and he actually has started slowing down with that. In a way I'm proud of him because at least he's trying.

We walked for about fifteen minutes through downtown New York, It's at the corner of Front Street and Culver Boulevard that Jared and I part ways to go home separately. I gave him a peace sign as I said, "See ya at school." He nodded, put his hands in his pockets and walked off. Now, it's shower time. I started sprinting, food and a warm shower were calling my name. Feet flying across the pavement and crossing the street, cars honking at me while doing so I ran inside Slivr tower. Smashing the elevator button while next to a woman who looked dead tired walking out. My dad needs to let his employees get some rest. I would hate working here, honestly. Which is exactly why I am trying to get into college and take classes that are nothing related to computers or phones at all. Wiping off the sweat from my forehead I unlocked my door and said hi to Chandler, he seemed to be having a good day himself. Today seemed too perfect, made me a little anxious because I have a firm belief things can't be too perfect otherwise it comes back to ruin you. I spoke with him about how I beat Jared in our game of horse and how he was pissed about it, had a laugh and immediately ran up to my bedroom. Clothes flung off my body like I was born for this moment. Flipped the shower handle on, maximum heat as always. Flipped on some music on my Bluetooth speaker. Lights off and I was riding a vibe like no other. Rap music and warm water, nothing better than that. While in the shower I quickly texted Katherine and thanked her for the advice, life was good and even better when you had something to wake up for. I couldn't wait to see her the next day at school in the cafeteria. We will talk and laugh and make plans for the week.